Rest for free in Dubai, what tourists can visit without buying tickets

For free on UAE

Holidays in the United Arab Emirates are always associated with high prices, expensive services and luxury. However, the country’s tourism business offers affordable entertainment and visits to local attractions that will save money during your vacation. In this article, we will talk about the places that you can visit for free in Dubai – the unofficial capital of the UAE.

Skyscraper Burj Khalifa

This is the tallest skyscraper in the world, which is located in Downtown Dubai. Burj Khalifa is one of the most important and famous sights of the city. Its height is 828 meters, on 160 floors there are office representative offices of companies and residential apartments. On the first 15 levels is the Armani Hotel, entry to which is free. Residential floors can only be accessed with a special card that each tenant has.

Burj Khalifa

What you can see for free in Dubai at the Burj Khalifa:

  • Skyscraper walk. Here is a park and the famous fountains of the city. tourists often take photos against the backdrop of the building, which are posted in reviews of vacations in the UAE.
  • Foyer visit. In this room you can see the luxurious interior, study the detailed description of the attraction.
  • Walk in Dubai Moll through a special passage. This is an above-ground structure, most of which consists of glass.

For a detailed acquaintance, it will not be possible to learn about the Burj Khalifa for free in Dubai. To do this, you need to buy a ticket to one of the observation decks of the attraction. The cost of visiting depends on the location and can be 20-150 dollars. Wealthy tourists rent a room in a skyscraper, which gives them the opportunity to visit spa salons and use services for free.

Burj Arab Hotel

Burj Hotel Complex all Arrab is located on the coast of the Persian Gulf. This is one of the first attractions that you can see for free in Dubai. The hotel is located on an artificial island, 280 meters from the shore. The complex was opened in 1999 and at that time became the tallest building on the planet. Its height is 321 m. The peculiarity of the architecture lies in the large helipads that are built in the upper part of the structure.

Burj Arab Hotel

However, tourists will not be able to visit this attraction of Dubai on their own, only hotel guests are allowed to enter the territory of Burj Arab. But vacationers often take photos against the backdrop of this skyscraper, which is allowed for free in Dubai. These photos can often be found in the reviews of tourists, in the brochures of the UAE.

Features _ all Arrab, which you need to know about before visiting:

  • Previously, this beach area was called Jumeirah, but it was moved to another place in the city.
  • Tennis tournaments are often held on the helipad.
  • The hotel has a private beach.
  • Inside the complex are huge aquariums.

Guided tours are held periodically at the hotel. You can sign up for a group or individual visit. This is not a free service in Dubai, the cost of the program starts from 50 AED. Additionally, it is recommended to book a boat trip, during which you can see the hotel in its entirety.

Dubai Mall

The Dubai Mall, the largest shopping center in the UAE, is located in the Downtown CBD. This is one of the places in the city that you can visit for free. On the territory of more than 7600 m² there are shops, boutiques of world brands, commercial representative offices of companies. In addition to the trade infrastructure, entertainment facilities are located here – aquariums, children’s entertainment rooms, places for a relaxing holiday. So shopping in Dubai Mall becomes more comfortable.

Dubai Mall

What you can visit for free in Dubai in this shopping and entertainment center:

  • Children’s entertainment and educational center KidZania, which covers an area of more than 8 thousand m².
  • One of 22 cinemas where some films are shown in English.
  • An ice skating rink that meets international standards and is Olympic sized.
  • Aquarium of the Dubai mall is one of the largest aquariums in the world.

The location of the Dubai Mall on the city map is also convenient. One of the subway lines leads to it, it can be reached by other public transport. There are several car parks on the territory of the complex, including underground ones. The security and warning system works, if one of the children or friends is lost, they will always be helped to find him.

Dubai Markets

Despite the modern infrastructure, the United Arab Emirates remains a Middle Eastern country. There is a historically developed market culture here. Special equipment places in the city are reserved for them. In the markets of the resort, you can not only buy souvenirs, spices or gold, but also see for free in Dubai the real culture of the UAE, which has remained only in remote provinces.

Dubai Markets

Which markets are recommended to visit during the holidays:

  • GoldSouk located on Sikkst streetalKhali, in the central part of the Deira region. Here you can buy unique jewelry made of gold and other precious metals. Be sure to ask for a certificate before purchasing.
  • What is the East without a set of spices and spices. In addition to them, tourists and independent travelers are offered dried fruits, herbs, tea, nuts. Remember to bargain, but without being aggressive.
  • Aromatic oils, perfumes from the best European and local brands and many fakes – this is the perfume market in Dubai, you can get one of the product samples for free.
  • It is rarely visited by vacationers, but the textile market in the UAE is popular with locals.

To plan a trip to one of the local markets, it is recommended to choose a time before lunch. There will be few tourists, but most of the goods have already been laid out on the shelves and are waiting for buyers. In addition, prices rise in the evening. Not all outlets allow you to bargain, keep this in mind when planning your budget.

Aquarium in Dubai Mall

Tourists and independent travelers should visit one of the most famous places in the city – Dubai Aquarium and underwater zoo. This grandiose complex is located on the territory of Dubai Mall. It consists of several large aquariums interconnected by a system of transparent pipes. Over 33 thousand marine animals and plants live here, ranging from small mollusks to giant sharks. Separately, you can visit the zoological part, which presents marine animals.

Aquarium in Dubai Mall

What you need to know about Dubai Aquarium and underwater Zoo before the trip:

  • Some of the exhibits can be viewed for free; in Dubai, an open part of the aquarium is reserved for this.
  • For a full view, it is recommended to buy tickets, the price of which varies from 30 to 88 dollars. The cost depends on the program.
  • You can choose one of 40 expositions prepared for vacationers.
  • Against the backdrop of the largest aquarium, according to tourists, the most beautiful photos are obtained.

Periodically, part of the underwater complex is closed for maintenance, care for the inhabitants. This was reported on the official website of Dubai. Aquarium and underwater zoo. There you can also buy tickets online, combine a pleasant excursion with shopping.

Singing fountains in Dubai

This is one of the main attractions of the UAE. Singing fountains are near Dubai Mall, at the address – Financial Center Rd – Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid boulevard. Nearby is the Burj Khalifa skyscraper. With the right organization in one day, you can visit these places in Dubai for free on your own. The musical fountains of the city start working from 18:00, but the program can be found in advance on the official website of the resort’s attractions.

Singing fountains in Dubai

Useful information about Singing Fountains Dubai for tourists:

  • Take the metro to Burj station Khalifa, this is the red line. City buses No. 27, 29 and F -13 go to the fountains. You can also get here by taxi.
  • The musical program starts at 18:00 and can continue until 23:00.
  • In addition to the standard free seats for spectators, tourists book visits to observation decks on the Burj Khalifa.
  • For a better view, it is recommended to take seats on the Sauk al Bahar bridge. One there is no seating – benches, comfortable parapets.

During the preparation of the musical program, national holidays of the United Arab Emirates, memorable world dates of other countries are taken into account. But be sure, before the start of the performance, the song Baba sounds Yetu, which only airs in the slave language. Visually show the national flags of the UAE, the coat of arms of the country and other symbols of the state.

Atlantis the Palm

Long time hotel complex Atlantis the Palm was the unofficial symbol of the UAE. The hotel was built in 2008, but in 2019 they made a big update of the interior of the central hall, rooms, slightly changed the details of the architecture. Now it is a cultural and entertainment complex with the possibility of booking rooms for accommodation. It is on the artificial Palm Islands. In Dubai, you can go to the lobby for free or take a photo against its background.

Atlantis the Palm

Interesting facts about Atlantis the Palm:

  • Tourists are provided with a full range of services, from table tennis to a helicopter tour over Dubai.
  • This is the first hotel to open on the man-made island of The
  • Against the backdrop of the hotel complex, you can take a photo or a memorable video in Dubai for free.
  • The only children’s entertainment center in the UAE with an underwater theater operates on the territory.

Disadvantage of the Atlantis Hotel The Palm – difficulties with public transport. You can get to it by taxi, from the nearest metro station it takes a relatively long walk. An alternative is to rent a car in Dubai for trips around the city, visiting local historical and natural attractions.

Attraction Dino Dubai

Zabil amusement park. It represents several dozen life-sized moving dinosaurs. Looking for an external resemblance to prehistoric animals, the developers took care of the corresponding sounds. Dinosaurs make characteristic growls and noises while moving. It is liked not only by young tourists, but also by adult visitors to the park. However, Sino Park Dubai is not among the free ones in Dubai, you need to pay from 50 Dirhams for entry.

Attraction Dino Dubai

The attraction is located in the city center, next to the Burj Khalifa. You can get to it by metro or bus. There is a large car park for visitors arriving by car. In addition to dinosaurs, there are restaurants, cafes on the territory, and there are places for a relaxing holiday.

During the visit, it is recommended to look at a copy of a large pterodactyl, a velociraptor and, of course, a tyrannosaurus rex. There are souvenir shops in the park where you can buy replicas of dinosaur teeth. Photo and video shooting is allowed, which can be attributed to free entertainment in Dubai for this holiday destination.

Flamingo Reserve

The unique Ras al-Khor swamp-water reserve was created in 1985 and is actually located within the city limits. It is located on the territory of Creek Bay, next to the coast of the Persian Gulf. Every year, thousands of birds come here for the winter. But pink flamingos, the symbol of the nature reserve, attract special attention. They can be viewed for free in Dubai, but only on certain tourist routes. Tour buses leave here every day, tourists come on their own in rented cars.

Flamingo Reserve

Interesting facts about the Flamingo Sanctuary in Ras el Khor:

  • The total area does not exceed 620 hectares. But various ecosystems are concentrated here – mangroves, salt marshes, reservoirs and islands overgrown with grass.
  • Feeding pink flamingos occurs 2 times a day – in the morning and in the evening. This must be taken into account when planning a trip.
  • Small houses were built for bird watching.
  • Entrance to the territory of the reserve is free, no additional permits are needed.

It is important to follow the rules of conduct. It is forbidden to feed birds, animals, you can not come close to them. These are monitored by the employees of the reserve. For minor violations, they will issue a verbal warning. Otherwise, the police will be called.

Dubai Venice

Madinat Jumeirah is one of the tourist areas of Dubai. It is located at the junction of the Persian Gulf and the city limits. The peculiarity is that many water channels have been built here, and tourist infrastructure has been developed. The architects managed to combine traditional Arabic architectural forms and innovative technologies. The result is an area for active and relaxing holidays, which can be visited for free in Dubai. But before that, it is recommended to study the features of this area of the city.

Dubai Venice

What you need to know about Madinat Jumeirah before the trip:

  • Nearby is the Burj Arab hotel, whose architectural sail is visible from any place.
  • Unlike other areas of the city, there is a lot of greenery here – trees, lawns, corners for a relaxing holiday.
  • The area was built for almost 15 years – from 2000 to 2015.
  • In addition to independent travel, you can book an excursion on a traditional Arab boat, eat national dishes in one of the restaurants or cafes.
  • There are many nightclubs and entertainment centers for children and adult tourists.

The total length of Jumeirah is 5 km. It can be walked on foot in 2-2.5 hours, devoting time to local architectural sights. During the water trip, you can see many turtles that are brought here for rehabilitation.

Area Dubai Marina

Dubai Marina is one of the smallest areas of the city. It is located in the west of the resort, it is distinguished by a high cost of recreation – accommodation, meals. However, relatively inexpensive hotels can be found here. Dubai Marina is located around a small artificial harbor, which makes it romantic and attractive for tourists. Most hotels are within walking distance of public beaches. They are free in Dubai, but you need to be aware of the so-called women’s days, when men are not allowed on the beach areas.

Dubai Marina

Due to expensive hotel complexes, the rest of the tourist infrastructure is more expensive here than in other areas. This applies to entertainment, food. The only thing is that the bus and taxi fares are fixed here. For shopping it is recommended to visit Dubai Marina Mall. This is a large shopping center, which, in addition to shops and boutiques, has entertainment organizations.

For a truly free holiday in Dubai, there are many opportunities – from visiting public beaches to contemplating the singing fountains of the city. It is important to properly organize your itinerary for each day.