About public transport in the Dubai resort, UAE: rules, tariffs, tips for tourists

Общественный транспорт Дубай

The United Arab Emirates has developed one of the most convenient public transport systems. This enables tourists and local residents to quickly move around cities and between regions of the country. Dubai transport is especially developed, in which independent travelers can choose the method of travel and payment.

Features of the transport system

There are no private transport companies in the city, the RTA – Roads and Transport Authority is responsible for the creation, expansion and regulation of the system. It is a public organization founded in 2005. It works according to a single standard, so that the cost of travel in Dubai transport and the conditions remain the same for all modes of travel. On the RTA official website, you can find useful information, complain about the service.

For ease of movement, the city is divided into 7 zones, each of which has special rates. The fare is affected by the number of zones a passenger passes through and the type of transport used in Dubai. Young tourists whose height does not exceed 90 cm and the age of 5 years can use the services for free.

Общественный транспорт Дубай

To pay for travel in Dubai, only special cards are used, which can be purchased at any bus station, metro or shopping centers. They are called Nol, there are several types:

  • Red. Designed for tourists who make several trips. The cost of a paper card is Nol 2 Dirhams. The minimum deposit amount is 4 AED. For daily unlimited travel you need to pay 20 dirhams. Important: using the card in extra-comfort carriages increases the cost of services by 2 times.
  • Silver. The Nol plastic silver card is valid for 5 years and costs AED 25. The maximum replenishment amount is up to 1000 AED. The fare for this card on public transport in Dubai within 1 zone is 3 AED. If you need to cross more than 2 zones, the fare will be 7.5 AED.
  • Golden. It is almost indistinguishable from the silver counterpart. An exception is the possibility of traveling in Gold Class carriages with increased comfort. If you need to drive only in one zone, 6 AED will be deducted from the golden Nol card. To travel in the 2nd zones, you need to have a balance of at least 10 dirhams. For other zones, the tariff is 15

All Nol cards are not registered and can be transferred to other tourists or independent travelers. However, the remaining funds cannot be returned. Therefore, you need to plan your trips on public transport in Dubai well so that the minimum amount remains on the balance sheet at the end of the holiday.

Interesting: for local residents there is a special, blue Nol travel card. It is not available to tourists, as it has preferential conditions, you can accumulate bonuses. This is a personalized card.

Write-off of the fare

RTA has developed a convenient system for writing off fares in Dubai transport, which occurs automatically. For this, special machines are installed at each stop, metro station. They are intended for check-in and check-out passengers. Tourists need to study the write-off system so as not to increase travel expenses during their holidays.

Start of the trip

Special readers have been installed at metro entrances, including at Dubai International Airport. Upon arrival, you need to immediately buy a Nol card for travel. In buses, the terminals are located at the driver. In other modes of transport in Dubai, they are located at the entrance to the salon. Travel is not possible without first registration.

check in в Dubai

How to check in in Dubai, step by step guide.

  1. Check the balance on the card. It must be at least 7 Dirhams.
  2. Go to the terminal and attach the card.
  3. Wait for the sound signal, which is duplicated by the blinking of the green LED.
  4. The fare is debited.

It is not recommended to remove the card from the reader. Otherwise, the transaction will not be completed to the end. The write-off system works remotely. In most cases, you do not need to get a travel card. But it is important to track the write-off of funds through visual and sound notifications of the terminal.

Completion of the trip, check out

To write off the actual fare after the trip, you need to check out. To do this, use the same terminals at stops and in the Dubai metro. Otherwise, the maximum amount will be deducted from the card. This is because after check-in, the Dubai public transport system deducts a maximum one-time cost of 7 AED. It is partially returned after re-swiping the Nol card.

It is important not to forget to read the information again. Refunds in this case will not be possible. According to the rules, you can change different modes of transport during one trip. The time interval should not exceed 30 minutes. however, there are restrictions on the travel time and the allowable number of transfers.

 Trip up to 3 km1 zone2 zones3 or more zones
Duration, min90180
Number of transfersone3
Important: the minimum card top-up amount is 5 AED. It must be a multiple of 5

Types of transport

A feature of the Dubai transport system is the ability to choose the mode of transportation, quick change. Mostly tourists and independent travelers use the metro or taxi. Less often, buses or trams are chosen because these systems are not highly developed. For some routes, water modes of transport are convenient. Each option needs to be studied in detail.

Dubai Metro

The metro system in Dubai was built relatively recently. It consists of 2 branches – the red line (UAE Exchange – Rashidiya) and the green line (Etisalat – Creek). Opening hours: from 5:30 to 00:00. On Friday, the metro opens only at 10:00. This is important for tourists planning a trip around the city on this day of the week.

Карта метро Дубая

The peculiarity of this transport in Dubai is in different wagons. In one train there can be cars only for women and children, Gold Class and general. In the latter, guests of the city most often move. It is important to take seats in accordance with the internal rules of the subway.

The features of Subway Dubai are as follows:

  • There is free Wi-Fi, you can connect smartphones, gadgets.
  • There is a mobile application to track the current position of the composition.
  • The platforms are not located in the center, but on different sides of the rail. It is important to choose the right direction, otherwise you will have to climb and pay the fare again.
  • In addition to the name of each metro station, a unique code is assigned.

Each station has signs in Arabic and English. Most of the metro stations are located in the center of the metropolis. For trips to the suburbs, you need to choose other types of public transport in Dubai, for example, buses.

An interesting fact: there are no drivers in the Dubai Metro, the movement of trains is fully automated. Therefore, the first cars in the trains are Gold Class with a large panoramic window along the route.

Important: adult men and boys over 12 years of age cannot board carriages for children and women. Usually they are located at the beginning of the composition.

Bus routes

Intracity bus traffic in the city is poorly developed. Mainly compiled routes between the capitals of the emirates and to local attractions. The reason is the low capacity of urban roads. Therefore, local residents and tourists choose another type of public transport in Dubai – the metro.

Туристический автобус Dubai

Bus Facts:

  • Most of the flights depart from the central bus station. Which is located at the Al Ghuibaba metro station in the All Raffa area. Flights depart from here to other emirates – Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, Ras Al Khaimah.
  • Check-in terminals are located at the front doors. Through them you need to get on the bus.
  • Tickets for intercity flights are purchased at the box office of the bus station.
  • For your convenience, RTA has developed an itinerary planner that includes all modes of surface transport in Dubai.

In addition to RTA buses, some hotels have their own fleet of vehicles. They use transport for transfers to the international airport, to the beaches, to organize excursion programs. In addition to them, special double-decker sightseeing buses move around the city. They are designed for sightseeing tours of the metropolis.

Tip: Big Bus Tours, the largest transport company, offers sightseeing tours around the city on open-top double-decker buses.

Tram service

This is the shortest public transport line, its length is 10.5 km. The Dubai Tram service consists of one line with 11 stops. Features – powered by an underground network, a special cable is used for this. The carriages are equipped with secure platform doors that provide convenient entry and exit.

Трамвай в ОАЭ

About the tram in Dubai, interesting facts:

  • There is a free Wi-Fi network.
  • The line connects the monorail, metro station and passes through Jumeirah Beach Road.
  • The city’s trams are subject to the same rules as the Dubai Metro.
  • The trains have Gold Class cars.

While the tram service is undeveloped, it is not necessary to consider it as one of the modes of transport in Dubai. The same applies to the monorail that connects the center of the metropolis with the island of Palm Jumeirah.

Important: the fare on the monorail is the highest among other modes of transport in Dubai. The minimum price of 1 ticket is 10 Dirhams.

Water transport

The peculiarity of the town planning of the resort is a large number of water channels passing through 3 districts of the city. This made it possible to organize water transport in Dubai, which performs more excursion functions. To do this, the RTA department purchased several types of boats, including classic Arabic ones. The routes cover only the coastal zone and the embankment of the metropolis, but this does not make them less popular than classic excursions.

Водное такси в ОАЭ

About water transport in Dubai, description:

  • Taxi. These are small yellow boats with a capacity of up to 10 people. They run through the main channels. The cost of 1 place is up to 40 Dirhams.
  • Buses. Spacious boats that can carry up to 20 passengers. Convenient for fast movement along the waterways of the city. Price of 1 ticket – from 10
  • Abra. Outwardly, this is a classic Arab boat, but with all the amenities. Comfortable seats and viewing screens await passengers on board. Some models are adapted for organizing lunches or dinners. Convenient tour option.

In addition, there are small tourist boats for up to 5 people. They go through all the channels of the city, as they have a small draft. This is a popular water transport in Dubai for rent by tourists or solo travelers.

Interesting: 3 ferries run between the ports of the city. They go to other emirates of the UAE, which allows you to combine a boat trip and a trip to other regions of the country.

Taxi Services

Taxis are the most common mode of transport in Dubai. The reason is relatively low prices and a large fleet of vehicles. Most often you can find cars from DTC (Dubai Taxi Corporation). It is a subsidiary of the RTA and is regulated by the state. There are more than 5 thousand cars in the car park. They are subject to strict requirements for technical condition, professional level of drivers.

Такси в эмиратах

About taxi in Dubai, what tourists need to know:

  • Price. The price of 1 km will be 1.96 AED. However, you need to pay an additional landing fee of 5 Dirhams. When crossing the borders of the emirates, a customs fee is also paid.
  • How to order a taxi in Dubai. This can be done through a special application, at the porter in a hotel or in car parks.
  • Non-government services – Arabia Taxi, OneRoad Taxi and Cars Taxi.

You can book a private transfer from or to Dubai International Airport. There is a choice of cars from the middle class to the elite. This depends on the fare. All tariffs in the country are the same. If the driver is trying to demand more than it should be, you can always file a complaint on the official RTA website. But this rarely happens.

Interestingly, a special taxi service has been created for women, in which drivers are only female. This is a popular service with locals.

Rules and penalties

It is forbidden to appear in public places in a state of intoxication. The same applies to clothing, it should not be provocative, which applies more to women and girls. The state has developed rules for traveling in public transport in Dubai, for violation of which fines are provided. Most of the violations are detected automatically thanks to the control system. But employees of the transport company, policemen can do the same.

Полицейские ОАЭ

Types of violations and penalties, in AED:

  • stowaway attempt – 200;
  • using a fake travel card – 500;
  • damage to the elements of the car, noise, annoyance to other passengers – from 100;
  • travel with alcohol – 500;
  • activation of the emergency system without the need – 1000.

After issuing a fine, it can be paid at any metro station or bus station. In some cases, arrest by the police is possible. Then the violator faces a more severe punishment. Therefore, before traveling by public transport in Dubai, it is recommended to study all the rules.