Description and wonders of the Ostrog Monastery in Montenegro

Монастырь Острог

Montenegro, or, as its name sounds in English, Montenegro , is a completely small star on the Balkan Peninsula, and the Ostrog monastery complex in Montenegro and its wonders is the main and most famous attraction. Every year this monastery is visited by thousands of wanderers from all over the world.

About the monastery

The Monastery of the Sinless Basil of Ostrozhsky is a functioning Orthodox church complex, which is located at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level. Its construction began around the middle of the 7th century. At the moment, the monastic community of the Lavra includes 12 members.

Монастырь Острог

The monastic source of holy water, sacred relics, magnificent landscapes that open from the height on which the monastery is located, a winding road that fascinates travelers – all this is interesting for tourists and pilgrims. In Ostrog, a monastery in Montenegro, miracles are known not only in the country, but also abroad.


The area where the monastery is now located was inhabited by monks who were hermits. They began to build the first buildings, dug caves. Agriculture developed, sacred books were translated.

Ostrog includes the following structures:

  • Lower complex;
  • Upper Temple Buildings.

The lower one appeared in the 19th century. The upper one is more ancient, here tourists can see the shrine, where they have the opportunity to bow to the relics of the monk Vasily, who founded this monastery. Vasily passed away on April 29 (May 9, according to the new style), 1671. The upper complex is located in the rock. Montenegro is known for this religious building among representatives of various faiths. Ostrogo, a monastery in Montenegro is a miracle that every pilgrim should see.

The upper temple ensemble has two levels:

  1. Vvedenskaya Church, which was founded in the XVIII century.
  2. Holy Cross Church, founded in 1665.

The Vvedenskaya church is quite small, it is here that the Saint, whose image is carved on a cliff, spent 15 years of his life, this church stores his relics. The unification of the Lower temple complex is the cells of the monks of the Church of the Holy Trinity.

Фрески монастыря Острог

The relics of a 12-year-old boy, whose name was Stanko, are located in the church. Stanko is a holy new martyr who turned out to change his faith, who did not abandon his Orthodox cross. For this he was punished by the Turks, who cut off his hands. The relics of a boy in Ostrog, a monastery in Montenegro, are a miracle included in the excursion program.

Birth of laurel

Vasily Ostrozhsky, a saint whose birth name is Stoyan , was born into a family of believing parents, was born on December 28 in 1610, at a fairly early age he went to the monastery. Vasily, a former Stoyan , quickly earned the respect of fellow believers and at the age of 28 became a bishop. Soon the clergyman reunited the eastern and western metropolises of Herzegovina.

The oppression of representatives of Catholic beliefs and the Turks forced the metropolitan and other Orthodox to settle in Ostrog. the educator was engaged in dogma, fed the hungry, provided housing for the persecuted, provided them with assistance, especially at a time when Orthodoxy was going through severe trials and believers were subjected to a violent change of faith.

Мощи святого в Остроге

Vasily Ostrozhsky is considered a miracle worker. People of absolutely different faiths visit Ostrog in order to venerate the relics of the saint. It is believed that he heals not only bodily diseases, but also mental ones, and the recorded facts of miracles are the reason for the pilgrimage here.

Opponents of the faith often burned and robbed the monastery, but the relics were always saved in some unusual way. This feature in Ostrog, a monastery in Montenegro, miracles do not end there. Local ministers have many interesting and amazing stories to tell.

Attractions of the shrine

In the monastery, in an incomprehensible miraculous way, a vine sprouted (grapes grow at an altitude of up to 600 meters above sea level under normal conditions), now it is fenced. Tourists are often frightened by the road to the monastery, because it is a real test for drivers. Until recently, it was not fenced, now very low posts protect against falling cars.

But, despite this, so far not a single traffic accident has happened here. Another phenomenon happened during the war of 1939: a grenade that flew into the territory of Ostrog did not explode, but only split in half.

Паломники в монастыре Острог

The acquisition of the relics of St. Basil has its own, no less extraordinary story. Vasily appeared several times in a dream to the monk, he asked to find and get his remains from the earth. His request was fulfilled and they were incredibly surprised by what they saw. In Ostroh, a book of prayers and ancient candlesticks are also kept, which is considered a miracle in Montenegro.

Sacred Ostrog, a monastery in Montenegro, miracles and sights will be of interest to inveterate atheists and believers. And the road that leads to the monastery is a very spectacular and unforgettable journey.