About the sea coast of Sharjah: beaches, diving, excursions

Морское побережье Шарджи

Most of the tourists who head to Sharjah are planning a seaside vacation. However, you need to take into account the specifics of the United Arab Emirates, not always the beach and weather conditions meet expectations. So, the sea in Sharjah depends on the location of the beach. This must be taken into account when booking a hotel or hotel complex. The comfort of stay is influenced by weather conditions, infrastructure and the attitude of local residents to vacationers. But first you need to find out the features of the location of the emirate of Sharjah on the map of the UAE.

Location of Sharjah, sea and bays

The emirate of Sharjah and the capital of the same name are located between Dubai and Ajman. Most of the coast is washed by the waters of the Persian Gulf. There is a small section of beaches that belong to the Arabian Sea, which is part of the Indian Ocean basin. There is a big difference between these regions. There are many hotels and inns in the first one, which allows you to choose a convenient accommodation option. In the east of Sharjah, the sea is better. But the infrastructure here is not yet so developed. When planning a family vacation, with children they prefer to stay in hotel complexes located near the capital. For diving, spearfishing and sea sports, it is recommended to book a hotel in the eastern part of the emirate.

Морское побережье Шарджи

What you need to know about the seaside:

  • The optimum water and air temperature is from November to March. At this time, the waters of the bay cool down to a comfortable temperature of + 20-22 degrees. The air temperature does not exceed +28 degrees.
  • Holidays in summer are limited by climatic conditions. During the day, high humidity and the degree of air heating – up to +50 degrees.
  • On most of the coast, the entry into the sea is gentle, it is convenient to relax here with children.
  • The rental of umbrellas and sun loungers is possible only on the beaches belonging to the hotels.

The tourist season at sea in Sharjah is clean. However, during the period of strong tides, natural debris often forms on the coast – the remains of algae, tree branches. The waves are small, most of the coastal zone is equipped with breakwaters. This is due to the fact that Sharjah is the third largest emirate in the UAE.

Tip: For a summer holiday in the UAE, you need to buy protective shoes for the beach. The sun heats the sand a lot, it will be uncomfortable to be on it without shoes.


Before traveling to the United Arab Emirates, it is important to choose the weather. The comfort of the rest, the time on the beach, the convenience of traveling on excursions and to the sights will depend on the weather conditions. The temperature of the water in the sea in Sharjah is affected by the degree of air heating. To a lesser extent, the currents of the Indian Ocean, the Oman and Persian Gulf. Experienced tourists recommend going on a beach holiday in the UAE from November to April. At this time, the ambient temperature allows you to freely be outside all day. You can also sunbathe without fear of getting a sunburn.

Погода в Шардже на море

What you need to know about weather conditions in Sharjah:

  • In addition to high air temperature increased humidity. On the street during the day it will not be possible to stay more than 30-40 minutes. But in all hotels, hotel complexes and public buildings there is an air conditioning system.
  • The water temperature in the Sharjah Sea depends on the depth. In the coastal zone, it is highest, but divers and spearfishers should take into account that as they dive, it will decrease.
  • Rain is extremely rare, in winter – 1-2 per month.
  • Unlike Dubai or Abu Dhabi, sandstorms from the desert side do not reach the emirate.

For a winter holiday at the sea, it is recommended to take warm clothes. The degree of air heating drops early in the morning or late in the evening. A cold breeze blows from the sea. Swimming in the Persian Gulf at night is not recommended. The reason is that at this time there are ebbs and flows.

Important: the weather forecast in Sharjah does not always correspond to reality. This is true in the off-season – in autumn and spring.

Relax on the beach

tourists and solo travelers often come from Dubai or Abu Dhabi for a relaxing holiday on the Sharjah Sea. The reason is that there is a relatively large coastal area, there are public and hotel beaches. The density of tourists on them is small, on any day you can find a comfortable place to sunbathe and swim. In some beach areas, conditions have been created for families with children – there are entertainment and playgrounds, water rides. Before going to the beach area, you need to prepare – take sunscreen, sun protection.

Пляжи Шарджи

Tips for organizing a sea holiday in Sharjah:

  • For those living in city hotels, you can visit the public beach of Al – Kornish . It is located next to the embankment of the same name, there is a large area for recreation. The disadvantage is that there are no umbrellas and sun loungers.
  • Water sports and extreme sports can be enjoyed by Al Khan. This beach is located near a small village, its length is 200 m. The peculiarity is that here you can rent a jet ski, order a paragliding flight. It turns out the rental of sun loungers and umbrellas. price – from 10 dirhams.
  • On certain days, most often on Tuesday, access in public places to the Sharjah Sea for men is limited. Only women and girls are allowed to visit.
  • Prices in cafes and shops located near the shore are high. Therefore, food and drinks must be taken with you.

The coastal strip is almost always clean, with the exception of the middle of the day in the public places of the city. The cleaning service simply does not have time to clean up after the tourists. Here you can take beautiful photos against the backdrop of the sea, reviews often write that the water is clean, without impurities.

Important: on the beach and other places of the emirate you cannot take pictures or make videos with the locals. To do this, you need to get their permission.

Diving and spearfishing

The advantages of a seaside holiday in Sharjah are the opportunity to go diving or spearfishing. This is a developed tourist area in the UAE, with several specialized clubs operating in the region. There are programs for beginners and experienced divers. Some clubs have representative offices at hotels and hotel complexes. Here you can also rent equipment, which is convenient for tourists. Diving in the UAE requires minimal training. The waters in the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman are calm, and there are several places for deep diving.

Дайвинг в Шардже

Diving in Sharjah has the following features:

  • Clubs. You can sign up for the famous Al Boom, its representative office is in Sharjah. Here they will select the optimal program, provide equipment and equipment. An alternative is the Divers Down diving center. It is located in the Korfakan area. Experienced instructors work here; equipment can be rented or bought.
  • dive sites. It is recommended to choose the waters of the Gulf of Oman. They are much more diverse than in Persian, corals live here, there are many fish.
  • Season. The advantage of diving in Sharjah is the ability to dive in summer and winter. The sea temperature is relatively low even in August.
  • Equipment. It can be rented or bought. In the latter case, go directly to Dubai, to one of the specialized stores.

There are many diving clubs and similar organizations in the Emirates. Before ordering the program, you need to check the availability of a license, read reviews from actual participants. Underwater photography requires special equipment – a camera or camera.

Important: the first dive in the Sharjah Sea, regardless of experience, should be done with an instructor.

Sea excursions

The sea in the United Ararat Emirate is an opportunity to book an exciting excursion, ride a boat, or dive into the waters of the Gulf of Oman of the Indian Ocean. To do this, you can apply for an excursion program or plan a trip yourself. The latter is only recommended for experienced hikers. Representative offices of tour agencies are located in large hotels in the emirate.

Морские экскурсии Шарджа

What excursions to the sea in Sharjah can be ordered:

  • Musandam. This region is located on the shores of the Gulf of Oman. There are very beautiful islands here, you can take good photos. a convenient place for diving enthusiasts.
  • Sailing in the Indian Ocean. During the tour you can swim, tourists will be provided with a hearty lunch. According to reviews, this is one of the most informative maritime programs in the UAE.
  • Night hunting for crabs. It takes place off the coast, each guest is given special equipment. You can keep the prey as a souvenir or give it to a local chef. He will cook a delicious meal out of it.

On your own, you can go to the sea in Ajman, where the beaches are not crowded, there are places for scuba diving.