Overview of salaries in the emirate of Dubai: tax system, labor legislation of the UAE

Трудовое законодательство ОАЭ

Tourists and independent travelers on vacation in the United Arab Emirates often see working foreigners. Among them are many citizens from the CIS countries. The reason is high salaries in Dubai and other regions of the UAE. And everyone has an idea – why not stay here to earn money, because this is one of the richest states in the world.

Features of labor legislation

Before analyzing the salary in Dubai, you need to study the labor legislation. The level of income directly depends on the type of employment. Foreigners who arrived on a tourist or transit visa cannot count on a job. This would be a violation of labor regulations. The basis for starting work is a contract concluded between the employer and the applicant. In addition to the conditions, it indicates the level of payment. In Dubai, it is 3000-10000 dirhams (DH), depending on qualifications.

Трудовое законодательство ОАЭ

Types of employment in the UAE:

  • Work under the Kafala Sponsorship System program. Labor legislation does not apply to workers – the working day is not standardized, living conditions are not observed. At the same time, salaries in Dubai for such personnel are the lowest.
  • home workers. An official visa is issued for them, a full-fledged labor contract is drawn up. It is possible to change the place of activity, but this is due to bureaucratic difficulties.
  • Contractors. Before traveling to the country, an employment contract is drawn up, the maximum period of validity is 2 years.

After the conclusion of the contract, a medical examination is mandatory. Its result will be the basis for the start of labor activity. State bodies periodically conduct document checks and identify illegal immigrants.

Important: the contract is drawn up in English and Arabic. Knowing the first to get good salaries in Dubai is a must.

Salary overview in Dubai

Minimum and maximum wages are not regulated by UAE labor law. The future employee and the employer discuss this individually. Therefore, it is recommended to study salaries in Dubai in various fields of activity – tourism, construction, computer. There is a great demand for teachers and doctors in the country.

lowest level

The minimum is received in the service sector and auxiliary workers in construction. This is due to the lack of specific requirements, a large influx of applicants from neighboring countries. The minimum requirements for employment in the service industry are English proficiency, good health, age restrictions. Inns or hotels do not take people over 40 years of age for junior positions. But there are exceptions for experienced personnel.

Зарплата продавца-консультанта в Дубае

The minimum level of salaries in Dubai by profession in dirhams and rubles:

  • Maid, waiter – 3000 (52 thousand).
  • Sales consultant – 3500 (61000).
  • Electrician – 4500 (78000).
  • Nanny – 6000 (104 thousand).
  • Lifeguard on the beach – 8000 (138000).

The salary in Dubai directly depends on the level of qualification. Additionally, its growth is influenced by recommendations from past UAE employers. Therefore, after the end of the contract, many are asked to write letters of recommendation. This will help in the future to find a job with a higher salary in Dubai or other emirates of the country.

Important: in the UAE there is a “black” list of employees who have violated the laws of the country or the internal rules of the company. It is difficult to exclude yourself from it; you will have to start activities from the bottom. These include the local population and visitors.

Average wages

Average salaries in Dubai start at AED 7,000. This is the minimum level that a specialist can count on. The basic conditions are the same – good knowledge of English, health, absence of violations. Additionally, the employer checks professional skills. The salary in Dubai for these specialties is influenced by the results of the interview, the number of applicants for the job.

Оклад IT специалиста в Дубае

Overview of average salaries in Dubai, in dirhams and rubles:

  • Taxi driver – 7000 (121000).
  • System administrator, accountant – 10,000 (172 thousand).
  • Mechanical engineer, realtor – 14 thousand (242,000).
  • IT specialist – 16000 (276 thousand).

The salary level depends on the managerial position. If an employee has several people or a department under his supervision, this increases his salary by 20-30%. But it is difficult to achieve such a career in the UAE, the staff turnover in the country is very low. The exception is low-paid specialties. There is always a small competition for them, you can get a job relatively quickly.

Advice: you need to write a resume in English. Trying to translate it into Arabic is better not to do it, this can lead to errors, and as a result, non-employment.

High paying professions

The maximum salary in Dubai for middle and senior managers. In addition to the official rate, there are bonuses and bonuses. They are awarded for achieving progress in their field. At the same time, control over the work is very strict. The leader must develop a development plan, monitor its implementation. This is a category of highly qualified personnel.

Зарплаты пилотов в Дубае

About high salaries per month, in DH and rubles:

  • Leading business development manager – 18000 (311 thousand).
  • Real estate appraiser, property – 20,000 (345,000).
  • Director of a construction organization – 30 thousand (518,000).
  • Architect-designer, aircraft pilot – 27,000 (467 thousand).

In practice, getting a position with such salaries in Dubai is possible only by agreement, patronage. The formation of the management team takes place according to the eastern principle – the recommendations of friends and relatives. Therefore, these vacancies are often filled by local indigenous people, it is difficult for a foreigner to get them.

Advice: in addition to the salary level, mandatory expenses must be taken into account – for housing, food, clothes and shoes. You will also need to pay taxes.

Taxes and obligatory payments

The United Arab Emirates has the most convenient tax system. When calculating salaries in Dubai, you do not need to take into account income tax or other types of deductions from individual earnings. They are not provided for by the labor legislation of the UAE. An exception is the issuance of a medical policy. It is done only through the employer, but at the initiative of the employee. The cost will be deducted from the salary in equal installments.

Налоговая система в ОАЭ

But the country has developed a system of official fees:

  • Real estate tax – 2-15%, depending on the area, location and emirate.
  • Housing rental fee – 5 percent of the annual cost.
  • In restaurants, cafes and places of general service – 10% of the check.
  • Sale, purchase of real estate – 2% of the total cost.

There are no taxes on income from deposits. But entrepreneurial activity should be carried out only after obtaining a license. Otherwise, a fine will be issued, and the outlet will be closed. Therefore, in addition to salaries in the city, you need to find out the actual status of the employer.

Important: salaries are indexed every year. Usually upwards.

Average spending level

After deducting all mandatory expenses, employees are left with 40-60% of their salary. In Dubai, most of the expenses are renting a house, buying clothes, shoes, and basic necessities. Therefore, many rent apartments, apartments in Sharjah, which is located next to Dubai. The travel time increases, but it does not exceed 20-30 minutes. Traffic jams often appear on the highway in the morning and evening. This also needs to be taken into account.

Расходы на проживание в Дубае

To buy food, electronics, and essentials, they choose supermarkets and shopping centers located far from tourist areas. Prices there are lower by 5-10%, but the choice of products is less. It is better to buy clothes and shoes at seasonal sales that take place in summer and winter. It’s cost effective.

Estimated cost of living in Dubai:

  • Rental housing – from 800 dirhams. Depends on living conditions, location. Additionally, you need to pay utilities – up to 500 dirhams.
  • Meals – 400-500 dirhams per person. You can save money by cooking at home.
  • Transport – 100-150 dirhams.

The biggest expenses and deductions from salaries in Dubai are medical treatment. Therefore, all employees are advised to take out a medical policy. This can be done at the employer, at your own request. Here you can earn a living, taking into account the formation of savings. The dirham exchange rate is almost stable against the dollar.

Important: in the UAE, local laws and traditions must be observed. The latter is reflected in the attitude of the employer to the employee. Keep in mind that Arabs do not like haste, and are not always punctual. But they demand fulfillment of their obligations from employees.