Old fortresses and castles in Montenegro: description and photo

Замок Форте Маре

Most tourists go to Montenegro for a beach holiday on the Adriatic coast. However, in addition to the sea, the country has many historical attractions. They are located on the territory of large resorts and at a distance from them. For an active and educational holiday, it is recommended to visit the amazing castles of Montenegro, which reflect the history of the country at various stages.

Fortress in Budva

The resort town of Budva has 2 historical sites that are recommended to visit. One is the Old Town, located on the waterfront. This is a relatively small fortress of Montenegro, protected by a high wall. Now there are small hotels, souvenir shops. There is a large venue for festivals and concerts. You can visit the castle on the territory of Budva on your own, it takes 25-30 minutes to inspect it. Beautiful views of the sea open from the walls, you can take a memorable photo.

Замок в Будве

The second castle, located in the suburbs of the resort, is Mogren Fortress. It was built in 1860 by order of the Austro-Hungarian government. The defensive complex is located on Spas hill. The original name of the attraction is Fort or Battery Yaz. Nearby there is a beach of the same name.

About Mogren Castle, description of the fortress:

  • in poor condition, developing tourist routes;
  • there is a large observation deck;
  • an access road has been made, you can get there by car;
  • There are many abandoned places on the territory, you need to go around them carefully.

You can get to the Morgen Fortress by car or by ordering a group (individual) tour. The cost of visiting the castle is from 15 Euro. But the program does not include meals. It is important to check if there will be an English-speaking guide on the tour. He will tell about the remains of an ancient civilization, part of which is well preserved, remained untouched.

Advice: on the observation deck of this castle in Montenegro, according to tourists, beautiful photos are taken at sunset or during dawn.

Construction Vrmac

One of the little-known places for tourists and independent travelers is Vrmac Castle. This fortress was built during the reign of Austria-Hungary. Its task is to protect the borders of Montenegro from attacks from the sea in the Bay of Kotor. Coastal batteries were installed here, a large garrison was located.

This is a dug-in type of fortress, which is built in a depression. This design made the assault more difficult, since it was necessary to overcome the shaft first, and then storm the walls. Thanks to the thick walls and the quality of construction, this ancient castle monument in Montenegro is well preserved.

Замок Врмац

Interesting facts about Vrmac Fortress:

  • the entrance to the territory is closed, you can see the fortification from the outside;
  • a good road leads to the sights, but bus routes do not go here;
  • you can sign up for a tour or plan an independent trip;
  • inside, in one of the caponiers, Christian saints are painted.

All modern achievements at that time worked in this building. Engineers conducted electricity, the elevator functioned. Many details remained inside, for example, the rotating mechanisms of guns. The fortress is well camouflaged, it is not visible from a medium distance, you can only see air ducts sticking out of the ground.

Important: do not try to explore the inside of the castle on your own. There is a complex system of moves here, you can get lost.

Old town in Kotor

The fortified city of Kotor was built in the south of the Bay of Kotor, near Dubrovnik (Croatia). The old name is St. John’s Castle. It was built during the Venetian Republic. The walls of the building are closely adjacent to the Adriatic Sea. Feature – the attraction is located on the territory of the city. At the top there is a large observation deck, you can take good photos. This is one of the largest protective objects in mountainous Europe.

You can enter the territory of the Kotor fortress through the main gate. But the cost of the passage is 8 Euro. There is a workaround. To do this, you need to climb the stone stairs to the top of the castle in Montenegro. However, you need to be careful, the steps are very narrow. This is not a palace, but the infrastructure and nature around it are well preserved.

Замок в Которе

About Kotor Castle, useful facts:

  • from the observation deck you can see the whole city and the Bay of Kotor;
  • another road leads to the fortress, which has a zigzag shape, but climbing along it is dangerous;
  • the mountain is high, climbing can take 30-50 minutes;
  • the height of the walls reaches 20 meters, and the length is 4.5 km;
  • the bastion of St. Roko (Sv. Roko) is located on the territory;
  • You can visit the Church of Our Lady.

There is a small cafe next to the castle. Here you can relax before lifting, try the dishes of the national Montenegrin cuisine. The buildings are well preserved, drawings and paintings on the bas-reliefs are visible. After the tour, it is recommended to visit the nearest park where olive trees grow.

Interesting: the remains of an old village are located nearby. Against their background, you can take a picture, but according to tourists, there is little interesting here.

Construction of Forte Mare, Herceg Novi

The original name translates as sea fortress. It is located in the Old Town of Herceg Novi. Built during the Ottoman conquest, it differs from similar castles in Montenegro in eastern architecture. After the construction, the Turks gave it the name “Yaka Kula”, which means a large, powerful fortress. After the country was annexed to the Austrian Empire, the defensive complex was reconstructed.

In the second half of the 20th century, after a slight alteration, the fortress of Forte Mare began to be used as a large cinema. Now performances, concerts and festivals are held here. For tourists and independent travelers, sightseeing tours have been developed.

Замок Форте Маре

Informative facts about Fort Mare:

  • the upper floors of the castle offer views of the sea and Herceg Novi;
  • you can go to the fortress from the city embankment;
  • there are souvenir shops, museums on the territory;
  • part of the complex is closed to the public, the reason is an emergency condition.

It is recommended that you plan your own tour of this attraction. You don’t need to go to it, the inspection plan can be made based on the reviews. The visit is planned for the morning or evening. In the afternoon, concerts and festival programs are often held here.

Interesting: entrance to the territory is free, but you need to pay to visit the museum. Also, for a detailed inspection of the castle, it is recommended to hire a Russian-speaking guide, find out the location on the map of Montenegro.

Mamula Fortress Island

The most recognizable landmark of Montenegro is the island-fortress of Mamula. It is located on the island, which used to be called “Swallow”. To protect the Bay of Kotor from the sea in 1853, the forces of the Austrian Empire built a large fortress and a castle inside the territory. Its main task is to protect against attacks from the sea.

After a long period of inactivity, the attraction is open to the public. However, it can only be reached by boat or boat. Group or individual excursions are organized here. The castle has not been restored, there are dangerous places for tourists. Therefore, it can only be viewed along the recommended routes.

Остров Мамула

About Mamula Fortress:

  • there are two entrances – central and auxiliary;
  • a well-preserved observation deck., from it the entire Boka-Kotor Bay is visible;
  • a large park is laid out nearby, where rare species of plants are collected;
  • the island has a small sandy beach.

The average time for a tour of the Mamula fortress is 25-40 minutes. This is enough to see all the sights. It is important to plan your visit correctly.