International exhibitions in the emirate of Dubai, what to see for tourists

ЭКСПО в Дубае

To attract new customers, present products and services, large global companies attend exhibitions in Dubai. But they are interesting for tourists and independent travelers. Here you can see novelties from various fields – gadgets, computer technology, models of cars, aircraft.

Dubai Airshow airshow

The first air show in Dubai was opened in 1986. Then it was called Arab Air. The goal is to demonstrate novelties from the aerospace industry, civil and private aviation. To Dubai Airshow is attended by over 1000 companies from all over the world. In addition to the presentation of new models, demonstration performances of the best pilots are presented.

Выставка Dubai AirShow

This exhibition in Dubai is divided into several thematic pavilions, each of which allows guests to enter the event:

  • Airport Solutions. It presents solutions and new technologies for international and smaller regional airports. Manufacturers offer new tracking and control systems for arriving aircraft; contracts for equipment can be concluded. In addition, a conference, small discussions are held.
  • Space pavilion. The goal is to develop a space agency in the UAE. It has become a national program in the United Arab Emirates. On display in Dubai Dubai Airshow world companies present their technologies and products – Boeing, Orbital ATC. The goal is to create a full-fledged aerospace sector in the country, cooperation with related industries.
  • Cargo zone. The problems of international air cargo transportation are discussed. Companies present new options for supply chains, aircraft for solving such problems. At the exhibition in Dubai, this pavilion is also visited by military representatives from different countries.

For training pilots, compiling new advanced training programs, the Gate hall operates. The goal is to train new specialists in the region, using new training complexes and a theoretical base.

Advice: Tourists and guests of the UAE will be interested in seeing new models of aircraft and helicopters at the Dubai Aerospace Exhibition. Almost every day of the event there is a show program.

Expo, Dubai

EXPO Dubai International Exhibition takes place in Dubai Trade center. It will showcase the products and services of all major international companies, manufacturers and corporations. A feature of the pavilions is the use of the principle of “green” electricity. Wind farms and solar panels were installed to light and operate the exhibits. Exhibition halls can be visited by ordinary guests of the UAE. The Expo will take place in October this year.

ЭКСПО в Дубае

What to see at EXPO Dubai, important events:

  • They reveal the possibilities of an individual in society and the world. Development of mobile technologies, information transfer, communication. New gadgets, examples of neural networks, and other technologies for communication are presented here.
  • The pavilion at the exhibition in Dubai is dedicated to transport logistics, new models of freight and passenger transport. Additionally, they show control systems, automatic compilation of supply chains.
  • In the hall you can see examples of the use of “green” technologies. New models of alternative energy sources for the private sector and large, industrial scales. A separate area is obtaining fresh water, which is very important for African countries and all regions of the UAE.

Additionally, on the territory of restaurants, cafes, areas for negotiations. It will be interesting for tourists of the country to look at new models of equipment, machines from manufacturers. Before that, it is recommended to study the plan of the EXPO exhibition Dubai on the official website of the event.

Tip: the maximum number of visitors will be on the second and third days. Therefore, it is recommended to plan a trip to the exhibition earlier.

Art Dubai

This world exhibition in Dubai is dedicated to contemporary and classical art. During the event, there will be presentations of new works by contemporary artists and sculptors. Here you can learn about technologies and trends in contemporary art. Admission is free for everyone, in addition to exhibitions, seminars, conferences, and discussions are held.

Художественная выставка Art Dubai

Feature Art Dubai in the city – open art sales. They can be bought in special pavilions and makeshift stores. Auctions are held for valuable exhibits. Additionally, you can look at the historical finds of world culture – pottery, fragments of mosaics, paintings.

Important: the cost of paintings at the Contemporary Artists Fair at Art Dubai is high. But tourists cannot participate in the auction, and at the same time look at the paintings, new trends in art.

The Bride Show Dubai

At The Bride Show Dubai in Dubai, bridal and bridal products are presented. At the event, you can see new models of limousines and other ceremonial vehicles. International wedding organizers present their work – examples of holidays, weddings in the most exotic places on the planet.

Bride Show Dubai

What can be seen at The Bride Show in Dubai:

  • Examples of wedding dresses and suits for grooms.
  • Elements of registration of halls, places of marriages.
  • Honeymoon options.

In addition to these exhibitions, many other events are held in Dubai every year. Most of them are specialized and dedicated to medicine and construction. The emirate hosts scientific international conferences.