Classic Montenegrin wine Vranac: how to make, quality and price

Вино Черногории вранац

Traditional Montenegrin dishes are combined with local wines. To make them, they take local grapes, which undergo several stages of processing. The famous Montenegrin wine Vranac can be tasted at resorts in restaurants and cafes. It is available in Russian stores.

From what make vranats

Along with the Crusaders, this wine is the country’s calling card. A special grape variety grown only in Montenegro is used for cooking. Vranac is a dry red wine with a tart taste and a ruby ​​color. The basis of this alcoholic beverage is the Vranac variety. It is collected by hand, as the density of the vine is high.

Вино вранац

Classic Montenegrin Vranac wine is made according to the following recipe:

  • Grapes are harvested in July-August.
  • Juice squeezing on special machines.
  • The drink is brewed for 1.5-2 years.
  • Storage in a dark place, air temperature 10 ° C.

The peculiarity of the drink is fermentation. To do this, before bottling, it is insisted in special barrels. At all stages of production the structure is protected from direct influence of sunlight.

Taste qualities

Montenegrin wine Vranac is characterized by different flavors. They may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer. This is influenced by the time of harvest, the technology of production and methods of storage of the finished product. The private varieties have a great fortress drink, rich aroma. At factory fine taste, change of color insignificant.

Features of Vranac wine from Montenegro:

  • in taste cherry and plum shades;
  • there is a tartness that does not degrade the quality of the drink;
  • the smell of meadow grasses;
  • cinnamon and oak bark add flavor.

Alcohol content – 13%. Before serving, Montenegrin wine must be cooled to a temperature of + 16 ° C. Before use, the drink should “breathe”, opening the stopper for 15-20 minutes to evaporate excess of the disputed vapors. This will soften the taste.

Dishes for the morning

Chilled wine is poured into standard wine glasses, where you can see the color and make a tasting before drinking. You need to drink in small sips to understand the main taste and feel the aftertaste. The drink should not be in the glasses for more than one hour. It is better to pour out the rest and fill the container with a new portion.

Вино Черногории вранац

Classic Montenegrin Vranac wine is served with the following dishes:

  • Prosciutto. Slicing of smoked pork or beef.
  • Burger. Large flat cutlet.
  • The first dishes are soup.

Sweet snacks do not go well with this alcoholic beverage. They spoil the taste, do not make it clear the aroma of wine in the morning. It can be tried with local Negushi cheese or other cheese products.

Prices in Montenegro and Russia

In Montenegro, you can buy wine from local producers – Plantaze Montenegrin Wine Rose Semi-sweet, Plantaze Montenegrin Black Semi-sweet, 13-Jul – Lantaze. The cost of the bottle is 5-20 Euros. The price depends on the blend, age and manufacturer. In restaurants, cafes cost 30-40% more. Montenegrin wine is the national souvenir of the country.

In Russia, this alcoholic beverage is more expensive. Cost of alcoholic beverage in rubles:

  • Rose – 59.
  • Montenegrin Black Dry – 555.
  • Montenegrin Black Semi-sweet – 540.
  • Old Cellar Golden Harvest – 7420.

You need to buy this drink only in specialty stores. On the label, the barcode of the country of origin is 389. There must be no precipitation or impurities in the liquid.