Wine from Montenegro krstač: how it is made, taste, color, prices

Ассортимент вина крстач

Winemaking in Montenegro is a traditional cuisine of the country, the use of grapes of its own varieties for the production of alcoholic beverages. Vranac is considered to be a well-known brand, but Montenegrin krstač wine is no less popular. It has a characteristic hue, taste.

What is a grape drink made of?

Crstach grapes are used for making wine. It grows only on mountain slopes, near Podgorica. Berries on the vines are elongated, white. They grow in the shape of a cross, hence the name of the variety. Harvesting takes place in September, at the same time the grapes appear on the markets of the country’s resorts.

Вино крстач

The classic wine of Montenegro is made by the Crusaders using the following technology:

  • Grape harvesting and sorting.
  • Squeezing the juice, adding sugar, fermentation.
  • Infusion in barrels to give taste and aroma.
  • Bottling and sending for storage.

The wine stays in a dark and cool place. Basements or artificial caves are equipped for this purpose. They are easy to maintain the desired temperature and humidity. The bottles are turned over every month of storage, following the uniformity of color. This is needed to remove sediment. The composition is checked for compliance with the technology.

Taste of wine

Before wine tasting, the bottle is cooled to 14-15 ° C. Then you need to open the cork and give the drink to “breathe” to evaporate excess alcohol. Standard wine glasses are used for the sample. They will be filled by 1/3 of the volume. Montenegrin wine crucifix is ​​first evaluated by color, it should be golden with a slight yellow tinge.

Taste qualities:

  • dry white wine is characterized by a pleasant taste and long aftertaste;
  • the smell of Mediterranean herbs and flowers;
  • there are notes of pear, which is added during the manufacture;
  • no sediment.

The strength is 13%, which is the average for this brand. This alcoholic beverage is made in 120 wineries across the country. It should be tasted not in resorts, but in small continental towns and villages. For souvenirs from Montenegro, you can choose the company’s products 13 Jul. – lantaze.

Montenegrin dishes for this alcoholic beverage

Wine can be consumed at any time of the day. No more than one glass for breakfast, combining it with a light fish dish or salad. At lunch, locals can drink one bottle for two in 1.5-2 hours. Meat dishes such as burger, prosciutto and sausages are not served with Montenegrin wine. This alcoholic beverage is combined with soup.

Ассортимент вина крстач

Dishes of national Montenegrin cuisine combined with crucifix:

  • fish soup soup;
  • salads with the addition of olive oil and olives;
  • baked carp, which is served on excursions on Skadar Lake;
  • cheese dishes.

This list can be expanded with traditional dishes of European or Russian cuisine. The taste of food should be combined with the taste of this alcoholic beverage.

Prices in Montenegro and Russia

The cost of a crusader mine in Montenegro depends on the distance from the resort areas. In Podgorica or other non-resort cities of the country for a bottle you need to pay from 2 Euros. At the resorts, this price increases to 5 Euros. You can try homemade wine, but its taste and composition do not always meet the standards.

In Russia, a grape drink will cost from 300 rubles. per bottle. The price depends on the term of endurance and the manufacturer. It is bought in specialized wine supermarkets, excise and barcode on the bottle are checked.