The best wines of Crete, Greece: an overview of varieties, where to taste

Критские вина

Crete and throughout Greece have developed a tradition of winemaking. All the conditions for this are created on the island – many slopes, good soil, a large number of sunny days a year. Therefore, tourists and independent travelers should try the wines of Crete, and some can be taken as souvenirs for relatives and friends. But for this you need to learn about the varieties of drinks, the traditions of their production and consumption.

Island winemaking features

The reasons for the development of wine production in Crete are good weather conditions, many well-lit slopes on the mountains, clay soils, almost always the sun shines brightly. The latter affect the quality and growth rate of grapes. Therefore, the first distillery tools found on the island date back to the 5th century BC. The production of low-alcohol drinks was put on stream in the ancient Minoan era. This is evidenced by numerous wine amphoras, tools and centuries-old vineyards.

Критские вина

Grapes on the island of local varieties. There are few French brands, but the locals do not consider them to be real Cretan wines. The most common types of wine include Vilana, Liatiko, Mandilari and Kotsifali. Each of them is made from grapes grown in a particular region of the island. Most of the vineyards are located in the central part; they are gradually disappearing in the resorts.

The main areas for the production of wine in Crete, description and location:

  • Peza. There are 16 large wineries located here. This region accounts for 70% of the wine produced. There are red and white varieties. The disadvantage is that they all go through the blending process, it is impossible to find a pure product.
  • Daphnes. The area specializes in the production of sweet wines, a popular brand is Liatico. Volumes are growing, and new varieties of drinks are also appearing. The latter include Malvasia Domine Lararakis.
  • Sitia. Place of traditional production of wine drinks. There are many vineyards here, there are white and red varieties. A feature of the region is tasting tours of local distilleries.
  • Archanes. Unlike other resorts on the island, Archanes has developed small cooperatives for the production of Cretan wines. Most are family businesses that sell their products in small local stores. Therefore, tourists have the opportunity to taste the unique varieties of wines of this area of the island.

You can buy Cretan wines in any supermarket. But it is better to go to alcohol stores. An alternative is a trip on an excursion to taste local alcoholic products. There you can also buy famous wine brands as a souvenir or for consumption. The cost of Crete wine is 4-15 Euro. Collectibles are more expensive, but their taste will justify the purchase.

Important: all bottles on official sale must be subject to local excise duty. It is not recommended to purchase alcohol in unofficial places of sale. The exception is the tasting of home-made wine products.

White wines of Greece

Acquaintance with the wine products of Crete is recommended to start with white varieties. They are not as strong as the red ones. But they have a peculiar and rich taste. Suitable for many dishes of the Cretan national cuisine. It is recommended to have a snack with cheeses, vegetable cuts, often served with seafood dishes.

Vilana (Βηλάνα)

Made from the Vilana grape variety of the same name. This drink has a minimum alcohol content, suitable for quenching thirst. It is often consumed with lunch. The advantage is a mild taste, a combination of grape shades and local herbs. The Pesa DOP appellation is often used for production.

Вилана (Βηλάνα)

About the qualities of the Cretan wine Vilana (Βηλάνα):

  • On the palate there are herbs (jasmine), orange, lemon and pear.
  • There are many varieties based on this composition. They are the basis for many blends from this region.
  • Usually it is consumed within three years from the date of production.

Part of the wines of Crete from the Vilana grape variety are aged in oak barrels. Branded products can be stored for 5 years. This creates a special aroma, a slightly sour taste. There are vineyards with this variety in Heraklion. But the production methods here are slightly different.

Vidiano (Βιδιανό)

This is a white grape variety, close in properties to the above-described species. Vidyano is used to make a popular brand of wine in Crete – Enstikto. This is a classic white drink with a mild aroma and taste. It is made according to traditional technology, usually a batch is sold in 2-3 years. An exception is vintage wine drinks aged for 4-5 years.

Видьяно (Βιδιανό)

The cost of Vidiano is 5-10 Euro. You can try it on local tasting tours, buy ordinary or souvenir bottles in stores. Part of the production is made in private distilleries. They are sold in small batches in local villages.

Daphne (Δαφνί)

Cretan wine Daphnee Graves is made using a special technology. Grapes are harvested only by hand, without the use of machinery. Then it is soaked, the skin is not removed. Soaking time – up to two days. For exposure, special containers made of stainless food steel are used. This allows you to keep the taste of grapes in the wine product. So, with a relatively short exposure, you can get a classic white wine of Crete.

Дафни (Δαφνί)

About Daphne (Δαφνί) Daphnee Graves, taste features, presentation:

  • This is a white, dry drink, a fortress – 13%.
  • Refers to the species Cabernet Sauvignon.
  • The taste is soft, only grapes predominate in shades. According to the technology, no other products are added to the drink.

Daphne wine is served slightly chilled. Temperature – up to + 18 ° С. It goes well with seafood, classic Cretan cheese dishes. But due to the relative strength, it is not recommended to use it in the morning.

Thrapsathiri (Θραψαθήρι)

The Trapsatiri cultivar grows on rocky and clay soil. It is resistant to changes in temperature and humidity. However, for the final maturation, attention is needed – to remove excess vines in a timely manner, to remove pests. Therefore, Trapsatiri wine is rare in Crete. The reason is the limited scope of production. Not all vineyards are suitable for its cultivation.

Трапсатири (Θραψαθήρι)

Trapsatiri flavor features:

  • The aroma has melon and peaches.
  • The taste is moderate but rich.
  • The color of the drink is pale, there are shades of green lemon.

The peculiarity of this wine of Crete is its versatility. It can be served with complex meat or fish dishes. It goes well with classic Greek salads. However, due to the strength, it is not consumed in the morning. Based on this drink in winter, locals make a national analogue of mulled wine.

Review of red wines of Crete

No less famous among tourists and locals are red wines in Crete. So, in 2012, the Mirabel brand took second place in its category in the ranking of the British wine critic Jancis Robinson (Jancis Mary Robinson). Historically, red grape varieties are more common. Tableware, fortified wine products are made from it.

Kotsifali (Κοτσιφάλι)

The Kocifali grape variety grows in the Clikada Islands and around Heraklion. It is the basis for the manufacture of relatively strong drinks. To obtain new flavors, it is mixed with Mandilaria and Syrah. This makes it possible to change the specific fruity taste of this brand of Cretan wine to enhance the grape flavor.

Коцифали (Κοτσιφάλι)

Information about the wines of Kotsifali:

  • High alcohol level, in some varieties it reaches 18%.
  • The acidity index is moderate, sometimes specific herbs are added to reduce it.
  • The main flavor is fruity.
  • Usually served with meat products.

The grape variety Kotsifali (Κοτσιφάλι) is technical. When compiling a future drink, it is often mixed with other ingredients. Therefore, it is impossible to find a pure wine product from this grape. The average cost of a bottle in shops and supermarkets of the island is 5-8 Euros.

Mandilari (Μανδηλάρι)

It grows throughout Crete. This variety of grapes belongs to late-ripening, harvesting usually takes place at the end of August. The peculiarity of the red wine of Crete from this variety is red, rich color, intense aroma. During the tasting, according to the reviews of tourists, tannins and a high content of acidity are felt in the taste.

Мандилари (Μανδηλάρι)

Features of Mandilari (Μανδηλάρι): many collection varieties, relatively high strength of the drink. It goes well with meat dishes, quenches thirst well. It can be stored for a long time, some varieties of Cretan red wine can be closed up to 30 years.