Sights of the city of Eger, Hungary: historical and natural

Эгер, Венгрия

In Hungary, every year is unique, cultural and historical heritage left imprints on the architecture and life of local residents. This makes the country attractive for recreation. Eger has the greatest contrast in Hungary – sights, parks and museums can keep tourists and independent travelers busy for many days.

Information about the city, location, how to get there

Eger is located in the northern part of Hungary, 130 km from Budapest. To get to it, you need to move in a northeasterly direction. The population of the resort is 54,500 people. The city is the administrative center of the county Heves . Thermal springs are located here, the most famous attraction is the northern Turkish minaret.

Эгер, Венгрия

Interesting facts about Eger :

  • It produces a popular brand of Hungarian wine – ” Eger Bull’s Blood”.
  • Most of the population are Catholics. But there are Protestants, Jews, Orthodox.
  • The beginning of winemaking is the era of the reign of Matthias Corvinus (15th century). At this time, large vineyards and distilleries appear.
  • During the Second World War, the city suffered little. Therefore, there are many well-preserved historical buildings and monuments.

The advantages of being located in Hungary Eger – sights can be seen while traveling around the country. The Budapest- Miskolc railway line leads to the city from the capital . There are regular bus services from the bus station in Budapest. Travel time by bus is 2 hours, by car the journey will take up to 1.5 hours.


This is one of the largest temples in Hungary. Its construction lasted 5 years – 1831-1836 was chosen popular at that time architectural style – neoclassicism. The author of the project is the famous architect Jozsef Hild . He also developed a plan for the expansion of the Esztergom Basilica. Now Hungary, Eger attraction occupies a key place in the excursion routes around the city.

Эгер базилика

At the main entrance there are statues of the country’s kings and Catholic saints. The church was consecrated in honor of the popular saints in Hungary – the Apostle Janos and the Archangel Michael. The interior decoration of the shrine took more time than the construction of the building. Therefore, visitors can not only take unique photos against the backdrop of the basilica, but also explore the interior.

Entrance to the temple is free, but Catholic services are periodically held here. Therefore, tourists and independent travelers must comply with the dress code. This is followed by employees of the temple, the main attraction of Eger .

Eger fortress

This fortification was built in the 13th century. The Hungarian name for the fortress is Egri Var . The main buildings are located on a hill, which is convenient for defense. During the Hungarian-Turkish war, the landmark of Hungary in Eger was besieged. In 1552, 80,000 Turkish conquerors tried to take it, but they failed. This event became significant for the Hungarian liberation movement.

Крепость Эгер

What tourists need to know about the fortress – Egri Var :

  • The Turkish army managed to take the city in 1596.
  • The fortress and the church were rebuilt during the Turkish rule.
  • The expulsion of the conquerors in 1687 and the coming to power of the Habsburgs became a renaissance for the cultural complex. There were many additions and new buildings.

Until the 50s of the 19th century, the actual power in the city belonged to the episcopate. During this period, many new architectural monuments appear in Hungary, Eger – sights in the form of churches, monasteries.

Valley of the Beauties

For tasting local wines, it is recommended to visit the old district of the city – the Valley of Beauties. This is a small area with urban development, in which winemaking is traditionally developed. There are many restaurants, cafes, wine shops offering to try products. Tasting tours around the sights of Eger are popular with tourists.

Долина красавиц

The history of the origin of the area’s name is unknown. Locals claim that it is dedicated to the goddess Venus. Allegedly, the most beautiful girls of the city have always lived here. Now the area is famous for samples of classic Hungarian cuisine, wine tours. Maybe that’s why the women here are especially beautiful.

During holidays and weekends, musicians perform modern compositions and Hungarian folk classical music on the square. Sometimes culinary festivals, art exhibitions are held.

Monument to István Dobo

In the 16th century in Hungary there was a great commander and national hero – Istvan Dobo . He made a great contribution to the liberation of the country from the Turkish yoke. For this, the inhabitants of the city made a monument to him, located on the main square of the resort. It has become a landmark of Eger and Hungary. Benches are installed around it, there are several cafes with open areas.

Памятник Иштвану Добо

The main achievement of the commander – under his command, the fortress of Eger withstood the assault of the invaders. The garrison held back the siege for 40 days, and its number was 5 times less than the number of attackers.

Facts about the monument to István Dobo :

  • The commander stands with a naked saber, showing the steadfastness of the spirit of the Hungarian people.
  • To give greater solemnity, the monument is set on a high marble base.
  • Now it is a traditional meeting place for lovers.

The city center is the best place for evening and daytime walks. Here you can try dishes of national Hungarian cuisine, buy souvenirs from street vendors or in specialized shops and stores.


The advantage of a holiday in Eger is sights, excursions and the possibility of treatment in local thermal and mineral springs. For the latter, you can choose the village Ergesaloklocated 6 km from the city. It is located at the foot of the Matra and Bükk mountains . Here is the famous thermal spring of Hungary, where you can improve your health, restore the nervous system.


For this, a large hydropathic and wellness bath was built. The complex is located south of the village. The peculiarity of the stoker is that water is extracted from a depth of 410 m, and the temperature on the surface is +68°C. In the spa you can order massages, mineral and mud baths. Spa work. For treatment, it is recommended to come in late autumn or early spring. Then the prices for services are lower than in summer.

Eger Lyceum

Hungarians have always paid attention to educational institutions. An example of this is the old lyceum of Eger , which was built in 1785. It is located opposite the local basilica and has become one of the main attractions of Eger . The building has a classical late baroque style, its architecture has undergone minimal changes during this time.


The lyceum houses a large city library; it still performs educational functions. Tourists are not allowed inside so as not to disrupt the educational process. The interior of classrooms and study rooms is luxurious.