Delicious traditional Montenegrin cuisine


The national cuisine of any country is a reflection of the mentality and characteristics of a particular people. It directly affects the tourist attraction. One of the factors in the popularity of holidays on the Adriatic coast was the traditional dishes of Montenegro, their taste and volume.

Soups as the basis of the kitchen

Liquid meals are not common in Montenegro. They are more like porridges than soups in texture. In cafes and restaurants, they can offer chorba, which looks like goulash. The composition includes fish or meat components, a lot of greens, vegetables. The sharpness is average, tourists may not worry about an overly sharp taste.


Three varieties of fish are used for cooking – sockeye salmon, pike perch and haddock. Additionally, you will need onions and leeks, carrots, bell peppers, tomatoes, olive oil and flour. The order of preparation of this traditional Montenegrin dish:

  • We make broth – fish and onions. After cooking, a bay leaf will be obtained.
  • Peppers, carrots and onions are stewed in a separate cauldron and a little wine. Simmering time – up to 25 minutes.
  • Strain the fish broth, add the vegetable stew.
  • Add olive oil, flour and paprika to the pan. Fry for about two minutes.
    We mix all the ingredients.

Serve chobra hot, but the dish needs to brew for 25 minutes. It goes well with white wines. The portion turns out to be satisfying, it is not recommended to use it in the morning or in the evening. To enhance the taste of the national dish of Montenegro, they serve unleavened cakes with cheese. The first is usually soft, creamy.

Meat dishes of Montenegro

Montenegrins have a special relationship with meat – they love and know how to cook it. The difference between the traditional dishes of Montenegro and the cuisine of other countries is the addition of cheese and national sauces. Pork is rarely used, mainly beef, lamb. Meat goes well with vegetables. The cuisine of the country is useful for tourists engaged in outdoor activities, they quickly recuperate.

What to try in Montenegro:

  • Negush steak. Its recipe was invented by the inhabitants of Negushi and is rightfully considered the main traditional dish of Montenegro. The basis is young beef, which is fried over low heat. To improve the taste, the meat is stuffed with prosciutto and kaimak. Prepare the sauce separately.
  • Chevapchichi. National sausages of Montenegro, based on finely chopped meat, many herbs and spices. The semi-finished product is smeared with olive oil and fried. As a side dish, it is recommended to choose potatoes, any salad.
  • Pleskavitsa. This is a cutlet consisting of minced meat. It is fried in front of tourists, creating an interactive effect of national cuisine. Traditional Montenegrin dishes are added to it – baked vegetables, greens. The sauce for the splash is a must.
  • Prshut. Dried pork has become the hallmark of Montenegro. Among the traditional dishes, it ranks first. The recipe is unknown to tourists and vacationers. Prshut is often taken with them as a souvenir of their stay in Montenegro.
  • Lamb from under the sacha. The meat is cooked in a cast-iron cauldron with a tightly closed lid. Hot coals are placed on it, as a result, a uniform thermal effect is achieved. This gives the dish softness, delicate taste. Tip – lamb should be eaten in nature to increase appetite.

Traditional meat dishes of Montenegro are characterized by a large amount of spices and herbs. But when ordering in a restaurant or cafe, you can make adjustments to the composition. You can order an aperitif, or an alternative drink. The abundance of meat products becomes a “trap” for many tourists. Overeating is the main enemy of rest. You should eat slowly, listening to the internal “brake”.

Cheese products

Montenegrins love to make and eat cheese. A popular variety is kaimak. By consistency, it is closer to sour cream, has a pronounced creamy tint. Milk is simmered in the oven for several hours and then cooled. Then the top layer is removed, the surface is salted and left there for several days. Kaimak is often added to traditional Montenegrin dishes, but can be eaten on its own.

Popular cheese products of the country:

  • Tsitsvara. The cheese must be finely chopped and then melted over low heat. Adding flour, mix the mass. Additionally, spices, finely chopped greens are used.
  • Negush cheese. This is a common name, as a variety of cheeses are prepared in Njegus. It is served in all restaurants and cafes of the resort, locals even use it with coffee.
  • Bureks, pita. Several varieties of cheese are wrapped in puff pastry, achieving a unique taste. It is recommended to eat this Montenegrin dish hot or warm. So you can feel the fullness of taste.

Montenegrins have a negative attitude towards foreign cheeses. They can only be found in supermarkets or specialized stores. Catering places try to use a local product.

Cheese contrasts well with Montenegrin meat dishes and can be used for making soups. Restaurants often offer unique recipes.

fish food

The location on the Adriatic coast has made adjustments to the traditional dishes of Montenegro. The use of seafood has become popular relatively recently. The reason is the lack of a full-scale fishing industry in the country. Tourists are often offered fish at piers and marinas. It is recommended to buy it in the morning when the products are still fresh.


Fish dishes of Montenegrin cuisine:

  • Ohrid. It is made in pots, only fillet is taken. Add onions, carrots, cream. The latter give an original taste, make the meat tender.
  • Carp with apples and prunes. This is a traditional treat on a tour of Skadar Lake. Fried carp is served in a frying pan, after filling it with sauce. As a result, the latter acquires the consistency of jelly.
  • Grilled sea fish cooked on coals. Included in the menu of restaurants on the coast.

Local white wine goes well with fish. It does not have an elevated degree, it can be consumed during the day.

Desserts and drinks

Sweet dishes of traditional Montenegro have Turkish roots. This is reflected in the method of preparation – puff pastry, natural sweets are often used. Tulumba are widespread – custard cakes, inside of which syrup is added, the basis of which is honey. For lovers of Slavic cuisine, there are palachinke – large pancakes with different fillings.


Popular drinks in Montenegro:

  • Vranac. It is served with traditional meat dishes and has a ruby hue.
  • Krstach. White low-alcohol wine, feature – soft aftertaste.
  • Rakia. A strong alcoholic drink based on herbal tincture. The maximum alcohol content is up to 60%.

Where is the best place to eat in Budva or another resort town in Montenegro, you can find out from the article about an independent trip to Montenegro. They take with them the standard of a traditional dish – prosciutto, as souvenirs.