For many, scientific activity is a cognitive, but somewhat boring process. However, if you delve into a certain area, you can find a lot of interesting information. For example, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the TOP scientific facts from human anatomy, cultural traditions, nature and new or already forgotten discoveries.
Interesting about humanity
In our culture, man has become the first object of study. New knowledge made it possible to build a civilization, develop communities, form interesting traditions.

About the body
Each of us is a whole world. The human body is made up of 35 billion cells. This is 4400 times more than people on the planet. At the same time, each person glows, but this radiation can only be seen with the help of special devices. Our muscles are much stronger, but the brain, due to the danger of damage, limits us.
Scientific facts about physiology:
- strong sneezing can provoke a fracture of the ribs;
- the load on the spine when laughing and coughing is much greater than when walking;
- some memories are directly related to smells, and not just sound or visual images;
- we cannot breathe and swallow at the same time.
Despite common misconceptions, a person falls asleep on average in 7 minutes. But while your eyes are open, their resolution is 576 megapixels. But be careful, eyeballs can get sunburned.
How we think
While we are thinking about how the thought processes are going, the speed of transmission of nerve impulses in our brain is 322 km/h. About 70 thousand thoughts are formed daily, most of them are forgotten after 24 hours. The memory capacity of our brain is so large that it can hold 3 million hours of video footage. At the same time, the information processing speed is 3000 GHz.
But do not flatter yourself, only 40% of new information will be remembered. These are scientific facts that the brain is not able to fully perform 3 tasks at the same time. We can do 2 different processes with high quality, but connecting a third one provokes errors.
Culture and traditions
The life of each people or nation has been formed over hundreds of years. Even in the age of globalization and unification, many countries still have unique traditions and unspoken rules. They can shock, or just surprise. Therefore, you need to know about them in advance.
TOP interesting scientific facts about cultural traditions.
- Don’t give up your seat in Norway, it might offend the person. It is believed that he himself should ask for a favor or help.
- In China, you should not give fresh flowers, this is a direct hint of the lack of comfort in the house.
- In Kenya, after the wedding, the groom experiences the economic hardships of his young wife. He must do housework in a woman’s dress for 1 month.
- Never give Mexicans yellow roses, it’s a sign of mourning.
A bit of history: the ancient Romans and Greeks considered trousers to be barbarian clothing. However, this did not prevent the Persians from wearing these clothes in the 10th century BC. conquer Greece and Scythia.
TOP questions and answers
Question | Answer |
How much water does a person need daily? | There is no exact definition. 1.5 liters of water a day is a publicity stunt. Drink only when you are thirsty. |
How many taste zones does the tongue have? | There is no clear division, each part of the tongue can perceive salty, sour or sweet food. |
Is the male brain more efficient than the female? | Daphne Joel’s research disproved this. The structure of the brain is individual, in each case there are “male” and “female” features. |
Which product is good for the heart muscle? | Chocolate. The presence of a strong antioxidant in it generates energy in the body, stabilizes blood pressure. |
Why are Japanese and Chinese characters similar? | In China, writing appeared before our era. Later, in the 5th century AD. the Japanese adopted it and gradually changed it. |
What is the oldest human settlement? | It was found in the rock shelter of Finch-Khaber (Ethiopia). Artifacts are up to 45 thousand years old. |
How many languages are there in the world? | There are more than 7100 of them, but 2/3 of the world’s population communicates in the 40 most common. |
Natural science, TOP facts
Scientific research can produce interesting and unexpected results. They help to better understand the world around us, its features and principles of interaction between different systems.
There are about 400 billion stars in our galaxy, but this number pales in comparison to the number of trees on planet Earth. There are about 3 trillion of them, i.e. 9 times more than star systems. The formation of coal seams (300 million years ago) was made possible by the absence of bacteria that decompose trees. Without this, the development of the energy of mankind would not have been possible. The average growth of a tree trunk is 2.5 meters, but in Northern California (USA) the tallest tree grows – the Hyperion sequoia, 116 meters high.

TOP other interesting scientific facts about nature:
- the tiger has stripes not only on the coat, but also on the skin;
- bats kill field pests, saving US farmers up to $3.7 billion a year;
- initially, carrots were purple and bitter, but farmers from Holland in the 16th century bred an orange variety;
- out of 80 thousand edible plants, people eat only 20 species.
The total mass of all living organisms on Earth is 2420 billion tons. However, the contribution of humanity to this figure is small, up to 350 million tons. Most of all, the “green” weight of our planet is influenced by plants, about 93% of the total mass. Science indicates that this figure is constantly growing.
Astronomy, cosmology
The age of the planet Earth is 4.5 billion years. But compared to the Universe, we are still children; it was formed 13.5 billion years ago. The fuel reserves of the Sun will be enough for another 8 billion years, then there will be a thermonuclear reaction on the outer shells, rapid growth and transformation into a White dwarf. But even earlier, in 4 billion years, we will lose the only satellite – the Moon. It will leave the zone of influence of the Earth’s gravity.
A selection of interesting facts about the universe:
- all matter, including humanity, consists of the remnants of extinct stars;
- the probability of the Earth colliding with a medium-sized asteroid is 1 in 63,000;
- 96% of the universe is made up of dark matter, the existence of which is not exactly confirmed;
- The relic radiation formed after the “Big Bang” is still being recorded.
The average distance between asteroids is 2 million km. This scientific fact levels out the idea of cinematographers about the density of space bodies in outer space.
Inventions of mankind
Devices, mechanisms that make life easier and develop industry are the “engines” of our civilization. However, there are inventions in science that are far ahead of their time. It is known that the screw pump was invented by Archimedes, but its mass use began only in the 19th century. Despite the complexity of the design, the first mechanical clock was invented by the Chinese monk Ai Xing in 723 AD. A self-propelled, steam-powered cart in the form of a toy was introduced by Ferdinand Verbiest to the Chinese emperor in 1672.
Useful scientific discoveries that appeared by chance:
- the discovery of penicillin by Fleming, who forgot to wash his laboratory glassware;
- the microwave oven is a by-product of the development of radar technology;
- synthetic dyes appeared as a result of the search for a cure for malaria;
- the pacemaker was originally designed only to record the heart rhythm.
And this is only a small part of scientific facts and inventions. Every day new discoveries are made that directly or indirectly affect our lives, our understanding of the world around us.
TOP questions and answers about science
Question | Answer |
Why the sky is blue? | This is the natural filtering of sunlight by the Earth’s atmosphere. |
How does a rainbow appear? | In bright natural light, raindrops act as prisms, breaking up the sun’s radiation into its component waves. |
What is the oldest animal on earth? | Jellyfish that appeared 550 million years ago. |
The most dangerous insect? | Mosquitoes, up to 750 thousand people die from their bite every year. |
What happens if the moon disappears? | Global catastrophe: change in the speed of the Earth’s rotation, chaotic change of seasons, decrease in the effectiveness of the earth’s magnetic field. |
Who Invented the Wheel? | Nomadic tribes living in Europe about 12 thousand years ago. |