Taxi work in Thailand, or how to organize a trip


The organization of a tourist trip to Thailand includes the planning of movements around the country. To do this, you can rent a car or use public transport. But most often they order a taxi in Thailand – the fastest and relatively cheap way to get to the desired place.

Features of the services

Official and unofficial passenger carriers operate in the country. The former comply with the rules of the current rules; taxi fares in Thailand are formed for travel. They travel by car, for transfers from international airports or to travel around resorts, you can order a minibus or a van.

Особенности работы служб

Unofficial carriers are private traders who are trying to make money on tourists and independent travelers. Often these are small motorcycle taxis, tuk-tuks or cars without taxi markings. You need to be careful with these drivers, as the advertised fare may change after arriving at the location.

Peculiarities work transport:

  • cars are distinguished by bright coloring; it can be seen from afar;
  • before boarding, you need to discuss the fare in advance;
  • use the map to create a route of movement, often drivers choose the longest distance to the required point to increase the price;
  • to assess the safety of the car, vehicles in poor technical condition are often found on the roads.

If the rules were violated during the trip, there is evidence of fraud on the part of the driver, you can file a complaint with the Ministry of Transport of Thailand on their official website . However, it will be considered for a long time, and the decision is not always made in favor of tourists.

Important: the traffic on the roads and highways of the country is difficult, almost no one follows the rules of the road. Rent a car should be driven carefully.

Types of transport

The choice of car depends on the distance, resort, budget. You can order an official taxi in Thailand or try to get to the right place in private transport. For the latter, they study its types, features of work and unspoken rules among the local population.


These are small motorcycles or mopeds that are used to carry 1 passenger, which is popular in Asia. The first option is possible with a stroller, then the number of tourists increases to 2-3 people. Motorcycle taxis in Thailand are ordered in resort towns where traffic on the roads is active. Motorcycles avoid traffic jams, allowing you to quickly get to the beach, a restaurant or a local attraction.


What you need to know about riding motorcycles, mopeds:

  • the driver rarely has a second helmet, which reduces safety;
  • motorcyclists often violate the rules of the road;
  • it is recommended to move only in the city, in rural areas the condition of the roads is poor;
  • you need to get used to driving on the left.

Fare by agreement. There is no meter in such transport, so the price for a motorcycle taxi ride in Thailand should be negotiated in advance. It is recommended to move at a distance of no more than 3-10 km.

Important: motorcycles and mopeds in a country with a small carrying capacity. Therefore, tourists and independent travelers with a lot of weight do not choose this mode of transportation.

Knock Knock

This is an analogue of a fixed-route taxi, which can be used as tricycles, vans, pickups. The passenger compartment is open, there is a small protective awning. There are no full-fledged seats inside, benches upholstered in artificial leather are installed. This type of taxi in Thailand is hired for group trips. But it also belongs to the category of illegal, but is a popular form of public transport.


About traveling by tuk-tuks, tips for tourists and independent travelers:

  • amount passengers up to 6 people;
  • you can move around the city and the countryside, but in the latter case, the speed will be low;
  • No belts security;
  • It is not recommended to order during the rain.

To attract tourists, cars are decorated brightly, there is a backlight, national ornaments and colors. According to the reviews of tourists in such cars, good photos will be obtained. Cheerful music often plays while driving.

Tip: for a sightseeing trip, it is recommended to choose a car with a large view. This way you can take interesting photos, videos about the country.

Classic cars

For long trips, it is recommended to order classic varnished cars. Taxi of this type in Thailand can be official or private. In the latter case, there are no established tariffs; payment is agreed with the driver. Important check technical condition cars, if planned long movement.

Классические машины

How to choose a car, drawing up a plan.

  1. Form a route, taking into account traffic on toll roads.
  2. Choose a car, calculating the number of passengers and luggage.
  3. Find out the cost from private and official carriers.
  4. To study the online map of traffic jams, the current state of the highways.

To order a taxi in Thailand, you can use a mobile application, call a transport company or take a car on the street. It depends on the number of passengers, the distance traveled, the actual amount of luggage.

Important: the cost may vary depending on the season. Winter prices are the highest. But you can bargain with private traders.

Official services

The only official taxi service in Thailand in Bangkok and Phuket – Taxi Meter. It offers comfortable cars, you can pick up a car, van or SUV. The current rates are published on the official website of the company. Here you can also rent a car. The advantage is the ability to control the quality of service. The bodies are painted in 2 colors – green and yellow. There is numbers, by which can define caused car.

Официальные службы

Alternative types of taxi in Thailand that you can choose from:

  • Uber. The company appeared on the market of transport services relatively recently. Quality service Bye average.
  • Grab. Order only through a mobile application, the choice of transport is small. Active only on the half-drunk resorts – Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya .
  • Private traders. They are located near the hotels; you can call through the administrator. Before start trips need discuss all details.

To plan your route, study the exact map of Thailand , the main cities and resorts. So they make up the best route, which will reduce time. They take into account traffic congestion, which can be traced through online services.

Tip: for transfers from international airports, only official taxis are booked; in Thailand, private traders often deceive visitors by inflating fares.

Fares at different resorts

The price of services directly depends on the distance, location – a resort, a big city or a remote village. Payment can be made in local currency – baht. In Pattaya, the fare for a taxi for short distances will be 150-200 baht. If you plan to go to the suburbs or to a remote beach, you need to pay from 400 baht.

In Bangkok, the fare is lower, as public transport is available here. The price for travel around the city is 40-100 baht. This is relevant only for official services. private traders may overstate prices.