We taste Negush cheese: its production, composition, recipe

Сыр негушский в блюдах

Cheeses in Montenegro are often used to prepare national dishes. It is nutritious, has a special taste, and is stored for a long time. Negushsky cheese is popular , the recipe for which is different in each cheese factory. For uniqueness, various additives are used.

Making Negush cheese

For the preparation of Negush cheese, only whole milk is used – cow’s or goat’s. We need thick sour cream with a fat content of 20%, home-made cottage cheese. To improve the taste, seasonings are added – herbs, nuts. Readiness time of young varieties – from 3 days. It is mild and often used in salads.

Негушский сыр

How Negush cheese is made in Montenegro:

  • Milk is poured into a container and heated to a temperature of +50°C.
  • Curd mass is added to the mixture.
  • The resulting composition is salted and put on a slow fire.
  • After boiling throw sour cream. You need to stir constantly.
  • A white soft clot forms.
  • The water is decanted, the serum is left to drain for 24 hours.
  • Then a circle is formed, which is stored in a dark and cool place.

In the process of making Negush cheese , spices are added to taste, its hardness is regulated by a press. If mold forms on the surface, it is removed. The circles are turned over every week so that the density is uniform.

Choice of cheese

In Montenegro, you can buy several types of Negush cheese – young soft, medium hard and old. The first should be used immediately after purchase, as it still contains a lot of water. Hard varieties can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator or in another cool place. Negush cheese must “breathe”, you can not use airtight packaging.

Сыр негушский в блюдах

How to choose a real product from Njeguša :

  • In the context of an even pattern. Cracks and irregularities are unacceptable.
  • The protective skin is thin. It should be uniform, without damage.
  • The smell is not bitter. There is no mold, if such is not provided for in a particular variety from Njeguša .
  • Color – uniformly white or light yellow. A sharp change in shade in the structure is a violation of the manufacturing rules.
  • Elastic consistency, no loose spots.

You can buy in Montenegro in factory packaging only in stores and supermarkets. In Negushi , this product is sold without packaging, by weight. You need to unpack the part to check the smell.

Negush cheese in dishes

In the national cuisine of Montenegro there are many dishes where this product is used. Salads and meat plates, soups are popular. Cheese is pre-prepared for serving or use in recipes. It can be eaten separately by making sandwiches with local sausages or fried meat.

Сыр негушский

Dishes with Negush cheesethat you can try in restaurants and cafes in Montenegro:

  • Stuffed sweet peppers. Peppers are cleaned of seeds, cheese is mixed with eggs and fats. The resulting dish is fried in a pan.
  • Salad with olives. Rice is boiled until crumbly, the apple is peeled and the grated cheese mass is added. The olives are cut crosswise. All ingredients are mixed, poured with olive oil.
  • Cutlets “Montenegro”. Onions and garlic are chopped until smooth. Mix the mixture with minced meat. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes.
  • Gibanitsa . Cheese is rubbed on a coarse grater, a mixture of eggs, sour cream and beer is made. It is rolled out, small pieces are made. Before frying, dip with cheese composition.

Negush cheese , in addition to the standard ones, you can come up with your own. The hardness of the variety, the content of salt and other additives are taken into account.

Prices for Negush cheese

The cost of Negush cheese is cast in the regions of Montenegro. Cheap views in the center of the country can be bought for 5-6 Euros per 1 kg. On the Adriatic coast, it is more expensive – from 10 euros. In Njegus, its cost can be from 20 euros per 1 kg.

Prices for a cheese product depend on:

  • age – several months or years;
  • place of purchase, you can bargain on the market;
  • type and amount of additives.

You need to try every kind of cheese product. Its taste may differ within the same species.