Crete cheeses: an overview of the types, cooking methods, what dishes they go with

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One of the important ingredients in traditional Greek cuisine is cheese. The history of their appearance and development goes back thousands of years. Due to their taste and energy characteristics, the cheeses of Crete have become an integral part of almost every dish. Tourists and independent travelers going to the island for holidays should try the cheese product. Often they are taken as souvenirs for relatives and friends.

Some history and facts

The peculiarity of the cheeses of Crete lies in two factors – products and manufacturing methods. As the first take the milk of sheep and goats. There are few cows on the island, because of the large number of rocks and mountains there is little pasture for them. The appearance of a special taste is due to the vegetation and climate in this part of Greece. However, in addition to traditional technologies, modern cheese-making methods are now being used. All types are certified and comply with European quality standards.

Сыры на острове Крит

Facts about cheese making on the island:

  • More than 70 types of cheese are officially produced.
  • The main ingredients are goat’s and sheep’s milk, cow’s milk is rarely added. Additionally, herbs and spices that grow on the island are used.
  • There are large food industry enterprises and small homemade cheese dairies. The latter supply their products to local restaurants, cafes, taverns. They are rarely found in shops, supermarkets.
  • For tasting special varieties, you can sign up for a tour. According to tourists, in addition to food, you can learn interesting stories and buy souvenirs there.

Cheeses in Crete are used to prepare cold and hot dishes. Often they are used separately. You can often find desserts for which they make a special cheese mass. This gives the dishes of the national Cretan cuisine a special taste.

Advice: before buying cheese, it is recommended to find out the storage rules. Some varieties must be stored in a dark place at a certain temperature.


It is made from a mixture of sheep and goat milk. After reaching a certain state, the semi-finished product is placed in special barrels with brine. Here the product must be marinated for at least one month. For long-term storage, feta must be kept in brine. The result is a moist, crumbly cheese product with a fat content of up to 60%. Most often it is used for salads and cold appetizers.


According to European regulations, the official name “Feta” can only be assigned to certain products, for the preparation of which traditional technology was used. Such cheeses of Crete have a red PDO mark on the packaging. The taste of the product is close to cottage cheese, it has a pronounced milky taste.

Interesting Feta Facts:

  • Short shelf life. After unpacking, it retains its properties for no more than three days.
  • Good for digestion. It contains a lot of vitamins, active elements.
  • Sold in brine barrels. They can be found in the markets of the island, in supermarkets and shops.
  • There are different hardness and moisture content.
  • Producers are Odysea, Dodoni and Epiros.

At the end of September, once every two years, the city of Elason hosts the Feta festival. All representatives of the island’s cheese factories come here to present their products. Here you can try different types – classic, with spices and herbs. Some contain pieces of olives.

Important: feta contains a lot of salt. Therefore, it should be consumed in moderation, otherwise swelling may appear on the face due to the large amount of water drunk.


This cheese product of Crete used to be a by-product of the production of feta. However, due to its taste and nutritional qualities, it began to be produced separately. For the manufacture take only sheep’s milk. Adding other types of milk according to traditional technology is unacceptable. Although sometimes cow’s milk is used to soften the taste. The color is bright white, the density is small. Feature – a large percentage of fat. Therefore, it is necessary to use this cheese of Crete separately in limited quantities.


Manuri properties, interesting facts:

  • Sold in oblong tubes, up to 7 cm in diameter.
  • The taste is classic milky. Some varieties have a slight citrus aroma.
  • Pairs well with classic Greek white wines.
  • Rarely used for dressing salads. Often added when cooking fish, meat. It increases the moisture of the dish, making it more juicy.
  • Can be found in Cretan desserts – pies, cakes.

Traditionally, manuri is served in the bars and restaurants of the island along with sweet pieces of pastry made from puff pastry. Sometimes combined with other types of goat cheese. The average cost per 100 grams is 1.5 Euro. You can buy it in grocery stores, supermarkets, farmers’ markets.

Interesting: the most popular type of manuri is Hotos. The manufacturer has developed several types of this cheese product.


Greek graviera cheese is the most popular type of product on the island. The basis for its preparation is sheep’s milk. But for a variety of taste and qualities, goat and cow’s milk is added to it. Depending on this, the color may be white or with a yellowish tint. Preparation time – up to 5 months. The taste can be sweet or slightly salty. The peculiarity of the preparation of this cheese in Crete is the combination of caramel and hazelnut flavors.


About graviera cheese product, its properties:

  • Serve separately, along with meat and sweet dishes. They are often used in salads.
  • They are made in the form of large “heads”, weighing up to 25 kg.
  • Each region of Crete has its own recipe. So, in Naxos it is made entirely from cow’s milk.
  • Tourists are encouraged to try the local dessert when a little honey is added to the graviera.

Storage requires a dark and cool place. If the gravier is a souvenir, it is not recommended to unpack it. This cheese of Crete cannot be stored in the freezer. It must be left in the refrigerator chamber without damaging the packaging.

Important: over time, the cheese product releases moisture. It must be removed, otherwise mold will form on the surface.


This variety of Cretan cheese is rarely produced on the island. Most often it is imported from the mainland of Greece. for cooking, in addition to milk, herbs and spices are often used, in frequency mint is added. Due to the absence of rennet components, this cheese product can be used by allergy sufferers. In its original state, the cheese of Crete is salty and hard. It is recommended to warm it up before use. Then it will become soft, sweetness will appear.


The locals often cook halloumi on the grill. Sometimes it is added to sweets. Before buying a certain variety, it is recommended to try it. Often the cheese can be very salty, which is only suitable for salads and meat dishes. For tasting it is recommended to go to Tris village. Every year there is a themed festival.

In addition to these cheeses in Crete, you can try kaseri (hard cheese), kefalotiri. The latter belongs to the unpasteurized form, it must be consumed within a day after purchase. For tasting most types of cheese products, you can order a cheese dish, which includes several varieties.