What to see in Hungarian Sopron, attractions


Sopron is a historical city of Hungary, which is over a thousand years old. During this time it has become the cultural and entertainment center of the region. On its territory there are many interesting objects – architectural, informational, historical. Before the trip, you need to find out what Sopron is famous for in Hungary – sights, places for recreation and tourism.

Location how to get there

The historical heritage of the city has been preserved due to its location. It is located on the western border of the country, in a relatively inaccessible region near the Leith Mountains. Budapest is 220 km away and the Austrian border is just 6 km away. After the Second World War, its infrastructure was almost completely preserved. Therefore, it is considered equal to Budapest in beauty and architecture.


Sopron is known for winemaking, which is the main attraction of the resort town. The location of Sopron on the map of Hungary has its own characteristics – the clean river Ikva flows nearby . It flows into Lake Fertő . There are several hospitals and sanatoriums here. Sopron in Hungary is also known for its sights, historical figures.

Interesting facts about the city:

  • The population is 65 thousand people, during the tourist season it increases by 40-60%.
  • Refers to the media Gyor -Moson- Sopron .
  • In its region it is the second in size and population after Győr .
  • In 1921, the city could join Austria, but the citizens voted against it.
  • In 1989 the border between Hungary and Austria was opened for three hours. Thanks to this, more than 700 citizens of the GDR left the country.

Now the city is a tourist and historical landmark of Hungary. This status was formed due to the location, monuments and convenient transportation. You can get to Sopron by bus, railway or by renting a car. The nearest airport is in Budapest, trains to the resort depart from the East Station of the capital.

Fire tower

One of the oldest buildings in the city. Initially, it was a fortification built during the Roman Empire. After the destruction, it was restored in the 13th century, but it performed the functions of protection. Today it is called Tűztorony and is included in the list of must-see places in Sopron , Hungary.

Пожарная башня

The height of the building is 58 m, the style of architecture is classical European. At the top there is a clock, below it is a small observation deck. Jewelry – double-headed eagle. A spiral staircase leads to the observation deck. Lifts are not provided. Therefore, tourists have to climb 200 stairs.

In honor of the referendum in 1921, the “Gate of Fidelity” was made in the lower part of the fire tower. It symbolizes the unity of the city and the rest of Hungary. Cultural involvement in the country is reflected in the architecture, the mentality of the locals.

Plague column

The history of the city is connected with its noble citizens. Everyone tried to keep the memory of himself in the form of monuments, architectural forms. An example is the Plague Column that stands in the central square. This famous landmark of Sopron has become a meeting place for lovers, a major tourist route.

Чумная колонна

Sopron ‘s Plague Column :

  • The name is Szentháromság-szobor .
  • Installed in 1680
  • The initiator is a local noble citizen Janos Jacob Levenburg .
  • Placed in honor of the deceased wife – Eva. She fell victim to the plague.

Now around the Plague Column there are local restaurants and cafes. In the photo of Sopron tourists, she often appears. The reason is a beautiful background for photographs of tourists and independent travelers.

Goat Church

Immediately behind the Plague Column, there is another attraction of Sopron – the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin. The locals call her Nagyboldogasszony templom , she belongs to the Dominican order. The temple was built in 1280. During its existence, it was changed several times, partial disarmament took place. But it was restored by the municipality.

Козья церковь

Her appearance is unremarkable. But the impressions from the visit will be pleasant, the interior of the Goat Church meets the standards of classical baroque. On the walls are frescoes, paintings and ornaments on biblical themes. The windows are vaulted, they are decorated with glass mosaics of different colors. Inside there is a classic Christian pulpit, comfortable benches for parishioners. This is the current attraction of Sopron in Hungary, services are periodically held here.

An interesting fact is that three rulers of Hungary were crowned in the temple at different times. The cathedral was chosen because of its status, popularity in the country and Europe. Now tourists and independent travelers can explore this place, the entrance fee is not taken.

House Shtorno

Shtorno house can be considered the first museum in the city . Since 1417, its owner began to collect the cultural values of Sopron , Hungary – sights, their location, collections of paintings and other works of art. The mansion was built in the Baroque style, the color of the facade is yellow. It has a picturesque bay window designed by the leading architect of the time.

Дом Шторно

The name of the mansion in Hungarian is Storno-ház . Interesting facts about him:

  • The collections included art, porcelain and glassware.
  • Well-preserved Renaissance furniture.
  • The house has unique stained glass windows.
  • Most of the collection is in the Ferenc Museum Shtorno .

Now the building houses the central museum of the city. It contains the collections of Storno and other patrons of Hungary. It is popular with tourists and solo travelers.

House of Gambrinus

Another attraction of the city is the house of Gambrinus. This is a small mansion located in the center of the resort. The peculiarity of the building is the combination of several architectural styles. Here you can see elements of baroque, renaissance, rococo and gothic. But this is not the main thing in the mansion, it was one of the first municipal institutions of Sopron.Дом Гамбринуса

Gambrinus-ház in Hungarian , the date of construction is 1422. After the construction, the district administration, the city hall, was located here. That is why the house is famous. Excursions to its territory are conducted, but tourists and vacationers can enjoy its facade. There are cafes and restaurants nearby, the appearance of the house gives the street an attractive European style.

Another feature of the house is the picturesque main door. It is made in an arch, the contour of which is decorated with a three-dimensional ornament. The balcony is wide, it is decorated only with railings made of forged metal.

General’s house

The Museum of Modern Sculpture is located in an old mansion. The building was built in the 16th century by order of a local doctor – K. Latskner . It is a large, rectangular structure with many rooms and large offices. Experiments were carried out here, for some time there was a hospital. About in Sopron , Hungary, the mansion became a landmark after a gift to the general.

Дом Генерала

Useful facts about the House of the General:

  • The name changed depending on the owner. When the doctor called him Lackner-ház , when the general became the owner – Generalis-ház .
  • The arrangement of the Museum of Modern Sculpture here was due to the large size of the rooms and the height of the ceilings.
  • There is a cozy cafe on the first and basement floors.

The cost of visiting the Sculpture Museum is affordable for every tourist or independent traveler. Even during the season there are few visitors, which will give you the opportunity to enjoy examples of the work of famous sculptors.