About the current time in the Emirate of Sharjah, calculation of the exact time

Время в эмирате Шарджа

When planning a trip to the United Arab Emirates, you need to know the exact time. This is necessary for calculating the start of the transfer, checking into a hotel, visiting local attractions. You can find out the exact time in Sharjah in advance, for this you do not need to change the clock.

About the clock location of the country

The country has one-time zone, there is no division into zones. The reason is the relatively small size of the territory. Therefore, the exact time in Sharjah will be the same as in Dubai or Abu Dhabi. This is convenient for tourists or independent travelers planning long trips around the UAE.

Время в эмирате Шарджа

About the time in the emirate, general information:

  • The time zone according to the international classification is UTC+4 GST, GMT.
  • The time zone is the same for the whole country – Asia / Dubai.
  • There is no transition to winter and summer time.
  • The location coordinates on the world map are 25.3622°, 55.3911°.

It is easy to calculate the exact time in Sharjah, regardless of the current position. For residents of Moscow, you need to add 1 hour. Such an action, but taking into account time zones, needs to be done by future guests of the UAE in other regions.

Time difference

According to tourists, the time difference in Sharjah is almost not felt. It is partially compensated already on the plane; the body begins to adapt. An exception – a person is sensitive to the time difference. To reduce this effect mono, if you go to bed early and plan to wake up at 6:30, 7:00 local time. In Sharjah, in many hotel complexes and hotels you can order a wake-up call.

Time difference in time in Sharjah for different cities, how many hours you need to subtract or add:

  • Moscow +1.
  • Kyiv +2.
  • Beijing +4.
  • London -4.
  • New York -9.

For vacationers from the CIS countries, the change in time zone will be minimal. It is more difficult for the inhabitants of Siberia, the Far East. For them, the adaptation period for a normal holiday in the UAE will be longer. You can find out the exact date now on specialized sites. So you can determine the time of sunrise and sunset, the weather. This is done online, for every city in the country it will be the same. It is important for local residents to know this information, as prayer and other procedures depend on it.