Things to do in Montenegro: shopping for groceries, souvenirs, excursions

Острова Черногории

Montenegro is better suited for beach and sightseeing holidays than other European countries. Its traditional hospitality, good service and cultural values ​​are unique. But in the reviews it is difficult to note what travelers should do in Montenegro. To do this, you need to study the features of this country.

Beach holidays in Montenegro

The coast is washed by the warm Adriatic Sea. The climate is similar to Greek, but not so hot in summer. The average air temperature during the day is 30°C, water – up to 24°C. The shallower the coast, the faster the sea warms up. What to do in Montenegro The time for rest is the beginning of June, when the number of tourists is small, and the prices for accommodation and meals remain at the spring level.

Пляж в Черногории

Tips for organizing an independent beach holiday in Montenegro:

  • The beaches in the city are crowded in summer. Good places are occupied in the morning, they are covered with pebbles, the sandy surface is rare.
  • Umbrellas and deck chairs. Their rent is not the best in Montenegro. For relaxation, take large towels, air mattresses, pillows. The price for renting beach equipment is from 20 Euro per day.
  • Products. Tourists take food with them, the cost of food in the beach area is high. The same goes for drinks and water.
  • For independent travel around Montenegro, beach areas outside the city limits are chosen. An example is the beach near the island of St. Stephen.

The bottom relief on the Adriatic coast is even, you can swim with children. There are no dangerous fish, few algae and jellyfish. The only danger for vacationers is overheating in the sun.

National cuisine and nutrition

According to tourists, Montenegrin cuisine is tasty and varied. To restore strength after an independent trip, you can try meat dishes, evaluate the wine list of the country. Desserts are delicious, filled with jams and syrups based on honey. The most interesting thing in the country is the portions. They are large, one is enough to satisfy the hunger of two tourists. if the question is what to do in Montenegro after a beach holiday – try the local cuisine.


What to try:

  • Prosciutto – cold cuts, for the preparation of which dried meat is used. It is taken as a souvenir of a vacation in Montenegro. Served on a large platter with vegetables and herbs.
  • Negush cheese of different varieties. It is made in Neshuge, the types are from soft creamy to classic hard cheese. Pairs with white wine.
  • Fruits and vegetables are bought at the market, an example is the market in Budva. Products are environmentally friendly, there is little export. Dates from Cetinje and Herceg Nova are popular.
  • Alcoholic drinks – brandy, wine. There is little beer in the country, the quality is below European.

Food prices are low. Lunch or dinner for two – 15-20 €. The exception is the premises of expensive restaurants. In Budva, they are located near the Old Town.

Excursion program in Montenegro

The sights of the country are natural and historical. It takes 2-3 weeks to get acquainted with everything. Excursions can be alternated with a beach holiday, trips are planned in the morning. They will first learn recommendations from the guide about what to take with them – food, warm clothes. An independent excursion program on a rented car is difficult – the roads in Montenegro are winding.

Каньоны Черногория

List of excursions in Montenegro by car or bus:

  • Canyons. The journey will take a whole day, the tour will pass along the peaks of the Montenegrin canyons.
  • Rafting on the Tara river. Extreme entertainment suitable for children and adults. After crossing the river, a delicious lunch is served. The water in Tara is cold, they bathe in it for a short time.
  • Skadar lake. The program includes a boat trip, breakfast in a restaurant serving fried carp. The tour is a little boring and is not included in the mandatory list of what to do in Montenegro during the holidays.
  • Ostrog Monastery. It is visited by believers and ordinary tourists. The monastery complex is located on a mountain, the road to it is winding.

Ordering individual excursion programs is impractical. More experiences can be obtained from group tours. An example is rafting on the Tara River, where tourists unite into a close-knit team.

Souvenirs and shopping

Shopping and boutique shopping is not the most pleasant time for tourists. But for the memory of visiting the resort, you can buy souvenirs. It can be national food, clothing, branded items from Italy. Olive oil and wines are often taken, they must be original with an excise stamp. Oil is a national souvenir, you can take it in the Cetinje Monastery.

Традиционные сувениры Черногории

How to shop:

  • you can bargain in tourist areas, in other parts of the country this is not practiced;
  • return or exchange of goods – only at the request of the seller;
  • clothes and shoes from Italy are taken in Bar or Kotor;
  • jewelry made of silver and gold is popular, they come to the country from Albania.

Food is taken in the suburbs, away from the tourist areas. There it is cheaper and better quality. In search of branded items, you can go on an excursion to Albania.

Children’s entertainment

Young tourists will not be bored in the country. Game and entertainment complexes were built for them, interesting excursions were organized. On the beaches, they offer trips on a banana, a water scooter, and you can order an excursion by sea. Parents should keep their child safe.

Аквапарк в Будве

Children’s entertainment in Montenegro:

  • Water parks in Budva. The city was built recently, in 2016. This is a large entertainment complex with slides and attractions.
  • Lovcen – rope park. It is located in the National Park, there are several types of trails of varying difficulty. They are marked with color, the passage time is 10-40 minutes.
  • Museum of Marine Layering. It presents exhibits from marine life – a submarine, equipment, diving suits, tackle. Interesting for middle aged kids.

It is not difficult to find what to do in Montenegro yourself. You need to know where the attractions are, explore the beaches and resorts.