About fishing on the island of Crete, Greece: features of organization, equipment, places of fishing

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Many tourists and independent travelers, going to Crete, plan to spend a relaxing, family vacation. However, this resort in Greece can offer a lot of other entertainment. One of them is Fishing in Crete.

Features of fishing in Greece

Immediately it is necessary to say about the restrictions on fishing in Greece. Recreational fishing is allowed in Crete; no license or special permit is required. The only restriction is fishing with a spinning rod, a fishing rod or similar means. It is important that they do not allow mass catching of marine life.

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Spearfishing is allowed. It is often combined with diving. However, it is forbidden to fish in this way at night. Spearfishing is possible only during daylight hours. It is not recommended to dive near beaches or places with a large number of tourists. The reason is that local authorities can prohibit this, and there are few fish in such a sea. For a good catch, you need to look for special, remote places.

Recommendations for organizing fishing in Crete on your own:

  • Equipment can be brought with you, bought on site or rented. The latter is convenient to do in small fishing villages. You can also rent a boat there for 40-50 Euros.
  • Ways of catching fish – from the shore, from a boat or on a motor boat (yacht). The latter is the most expensive, but guarantees a catch.
  • According to local fishermen, you can use worms, octopuses or live bait as bait. It depends on the place of fishing and the marine life found there.
  • Fishing is prohibited during spawning – in early spring. In summer, this can be done everywhere, with the exception of natural marine reserves.

Professional fishing in Crete will be of interest to experienced anglers. But if you plan to spend 1-2 days with a fishing rod, the organization costs will be relatively large. Therefore, before planning, it is recommended to calculate the budget, find out about good fishing spots.

Important: it is forbidden to catch fish or other marine life listed in the Red Book or protected by the state by other regulatory documents.

Sea fishing

The best way to take a truly valuable marine trophy is to go fishing in Crete in the sea. To do this, you can contact special tour agencies that organize the whole process. Usually 2-3 tourists gather and fishing is scheduled for a certain day. A route and a set of gear are coordinated in advance. The latter can be rented from them. The cost of such an excursion is from 300 Euros. The boat can go to one of the permanent habitats of fish, to a secluded island, where worldly inhabitants are also found in small bays and bays.

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An alternative is an independent organization of fishing in Crete. To do this, it is recommended to go to one of the coastal villages or towns and negotiate with the locals. For 40-50 Euro they can provide a boat. Often the owner of the boat himself accompanies the tourist. He can tell you where it is better to go fishing in this part of the island.

Organizing Tips:

  • It is recommended to plan a trip to the sea in the morning.
  • Check the weather forecast before you travel.
  • Tackle is prepared in advance, you can often rent it from local residents, others you can buy in specialized stores.
  • Take food and water with you. Be sure to warn the hotel administrator, friends and acquaintances about your trip.
  • Before going out to sea, check the means of communication – a mobile phone walkie-talkie.

Independent fishing in Crete should be organized away from beach areas and ports. Nearby there should be rocks, the depth is up to 150 meters. At very high water temperatures, the fish can go to the depths.

Advice: it is forbidden to use fishing stun guns or other illegal means of fishing. There are heavy fines for this

How to fish from the shore

The most affordable fishing in Crete is from the shore. To do this, you need a telescopic or folding spinning rod. The advantage of this type of fishing is a quick organization, the ability to quickly change places. The latter is recommended to choose in advance, preferably several. You can rent a fishing rod or buy a budget option in local stores. Bait is sold at any fish market. Most often they take place in port areas, near small fishing villages.

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About fishing from the shore in Crete:

  • You need to choose a secluded place. Preferably with large differences in depth near the shore. Usually this is found near the rocks. The alternative is breakwaters.
  • The weather must be calm. Otherwise, large waves will interfere with the fishing process.
  • Before you start fishing, you can feed the fish a little. To do this, you can use pre-cooked porridge or plain bread.

It is recommended to start shore fishing in Crete early in the morning. At this time, the sea is usually calm, the coast is deserted. You need to take warm clothes with you, in the morning a refreshing breeze often blows from the sea.

Advice: as bait, you can use a wobbler or bait of natural origin – worms, porridge, dough. It depends on the type of fish that live in this part of the coast.


Another type of fishing in Crete is spearfishing. This is a complex process that requires special equipment. It is recommended to find out about companies providing this type of service. There are also many private individuals on the island who will help organize spearfishing in Crete. It is important to choose a place and pick up equipment. You can hunt with scuba gear or a breathing tube. It is recommended to rent a gun on the spot, otherwise there may be problems while crossing the border.

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Where you can go spearfishing in Crete:

  • Rethymno. It is recommended to go to the Adelianos Kampos region. You can catch tuna here, Mayatiko. But for this you need to sail at least 1 km from the coast.
  • Safaki. Features – flat bottom, some sand. For spearfishing, it is recommended to sail to a distance of 500 m. You can catch Sergus, Lapin, Grouper. Sometimes there are schools of mullet.
  • Panormo, Bali. Due to the sharp difference in depth near the coast and the rocky coast, you can hunt all year round. Most often come across grouper, dentex, sargus. However, in summer it is difficult to find a quiet place, there are two diving centers in this resort.

For a full-fledged fishing in Crete, you need to learn the rules of fishing. Any catch is prohibited in April-May, when there is active spawning. Fishing at night with a flashlight is also prohibited.

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