Weather in Dubai in December, tips for tourists

Декабрьский прогноз

For a full-fledged relaxing and active holiday in Dubai, December is chosen. This winter month is distinguished by weather conditions – the temperature is optimal for swimming and beach recreation, you can stay outdoors for a long time without fear of heat. However, the weather in Dubai in December has a number of features. You need to know about them before traveling to the United Arab Emirates.

Weather conditions in December in Dubai

This month is the final change of the autumn season to winter. The average air temperature drops by 5-6 degrees compared to November. During the day it does not exceed 30-31°C. At night, the thermometer can drop to 22 degrees. Therefore, it is recommended to take warm clothes with you for evening walks, independent trips around the UAE or excursions. Features of the December climatic conditions – a decrease in the humidity index.

Декабрьский прогноз

What you need to know about the weather in Dubai in December, tips for tourists:

  • Relatively sharp changes in air temperature, sea water are possible. The latter is associated with currents in the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean.
  • It is recommended to study the archive of forecasts for past periods. So you can plan an active holiday.
  • Humidity is lower than usual. However, the rainy season begins in the region. Precipitation can fall 2 times a day.
  • The best time for a beach holiday.

In December, the UAE has the maximum influx of tourists and independent travelers. The cost of accommodation and food increases, which is associated with the New Year holidays and Christmas. But at the same time, seasonal sales begin, which is convenient for shopping.

Tip: you can check the weather forecast in Dubai in December for last year. The climate in the country is relatively constant, seasonal fluctuations in air temperature, sea water and humidity do not go beyond the margin of error.

About air temperature

A feature of the first winter month in the UAE is a gradual decrease in air temperature. This is due to seasonal fluctuations, which is convenient for tourists. You can plan a whole day on one of the hotel or public beaches, a walk around the city, local attractions. The air temperature during the day rises no higher than + 30 ° C, which rarely happens. Due to the wind, hot air flows from the desert are possible. But they are offset by cooling waters of the Persian Gulf.

Температура воздуха

In the evening and at night the temperature drops to +20°C. It is recommended to take warm clothes and closed shoes with you. This decline is strongly felt in open resorts, outside the urban area. The weather in Dubai in December is characterized by sharp temperature fluctuations. You need to prepare for this in advance.

Important: despite the relatively low air heating on the beach, it is still recommended to use umbrellas and sunscreen. For children, they buy special beach shoes.

Water in the Persian Gulf

December is the best month for a beach holiday in the United Arab Emirates. The water temperature in the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean does not have time to drop to critical levels. Daytime heating keeps it up to +25°C. The exception is places on the beach with a sharp entry into the sea. Here the water does not have time to warm up due to the depth.

Вода в Персидском заливе

At night, there is a relatively rapid cooling of the water masses. The temperature drops to +20°С. You can’t swim at this time, as you can catch a cold. A breeze comes from the sea. It is recommended to go to the beach by 10:00, when the sand and upper layers of water are warm enough.

Divers need to be careful, cold currents are activated at a depth in the Persian Gulf. This is one of the features of the weather in Dubai in December, which must be taken into account when planning an active holiday.

Tip: instead of a classic beach holiday, you can swim in the pools at the hotel. Comfortable conditions are maintained here.

Humidity, cloudy and warm days

In December, the relative humidity of the air decreases. However, the number of rainy days is increasing. Precipitation in the UAE is more frequent than in November or October. This is due to seasonal climate change. The humidity level during the day is 40%, at night this figure can rise to 50%.

Пасмурные дни

For an active or relaxing holiday, the weather in December in Dubai is optimal for tourists. However, there is a large influx of tourists, rising prices for accommodation, increasing the cost of food. Therefore, many choose the second half of January or February for budget trips to the United Arab Emirates.