What is the weather in Dubai in September, air and sea temperature, organization of holidays in the UAE

Погодные условия в Дубае в сентябре

Before traveling to Dubai in September, you need to know the exact weather forecast. At this time of the year, most of the days in the resort are hot, which makes adjustments to the rest schedule. Staying outside for a long time is uncomfortable, so most of the excursions and independent trips are recommended to be postponed until the morning or evening. However, the weather in Dubai in September can be changeable, so you need to keep an eye on the forecast.

General weather information in Dubai in September

The peculiarity of a holiday in the United Arab Emirates in early autumn is a small difference between summer days. The air temperature remains high, rising to +40°C during the day, which makes walking uncomfortable. The humidity level is high, which also affects the well-being of tourists and independent travelers.

Погодные условия в Дубае в сентябре

What you need to know about the weather in Dubai in September, features:

  • The air heats up early, by 10:00 o’clock the temperature can rise to +35°C.
  • High humidity. This is felt in the resort areas of the country, it is necessary to prepare for the constant exposure to moisture.
  • Minimum wind, but occasional sandstorms. They go relatively fast.
  • The sea and the Persian Gulf remain warm even at night.

It is not recommended to stay on the beach during the day. You can stay under beach umbrellas on a sun lounger, but even in this case there is a risk of getting a sunburn. Be sure to use protective creams. It is necessary to monitor children so that they are in protective hats, beach shoes. The latter is due to the strong heating of the sand.

Important: reduce walks during the day, as the temperature and lack of wind can affect health. However, all buildings and even public stops have air conditioning.

Air temperature

This resort city in the UAE, unlike Sharjah or Ras Al Khaimah, does not have natural protection from the desert in the form of mountain ranges. Therefore, in the morning and in the evening, hot air passes from the desert areas. This raises the air temperature to +45°C. For tourists, the weather in Dubai is not conducive to long walks or outdoor excursions. The exception is boat trips.

To plan a vacation, you can study the temperature chart for September. Changes may be minor.

Нагрев воздуха днем и ночью

However, such a climate will be a plus for tourists who prefer a relaxing holiday. In September, due to the weather, there are few vacationers in Dubai, the prices for accommodation and meals are lower than during the peak season in December-January. You can spend the morning on the beach, by 10:00 go shopping, excursions to local historical, natural or modern attractions.

Advice: during the day it is not recommended to drink a lot of water. This provokes profuse sweating.

About Humidity

Due to the proximity of the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean, the humidity in Dubai is constantly high. On hot days, it does not decrease and can reach 90%. Most of all, this is felt on the city’s waterfront, when sea humidity and high air temperatures create an uncomfortable cocktail for tourists and independent travelers.

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The solution is to reduce the time spent outdoors. At this time of the year, the number of sunny days is up to 30, there is practically no rain. The level of precipitation is comparable to the summer period. The main factor affecting the humidity in Dubai in September is the sea and the Persian Gulf.

Important: clothing should cover the shoulders, arms and legs. Otherwise, there is a chance of getting sunburn during street walks.

Water temperature

The degree of heating of water in the sea is high. It doesn’t go down even at night. The water temperature in the Persian Gulf is usually +35°C. Due to the gentle entry into the sea, there is no significant difference in heating due to depth. It is felt only by divers who go to special places for diving. The daily averages do not differ from the old data by several degrees.

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For tourists, the weather in Dubai in September does not differ from the summer months. The flow is not weakened, the water heating is stable even at night. Therefore, when planning a vacation, you need to stay less on the street during the day. It is recommended to go to the beach early in the morning or in the evening. In the afternoon you can go on an excursion, go shopping. Despite the heat, you can have a good rest in the UAE in September. The main thing is to organize your vacation correctly.