What is the weather like in Dubai in October: current forecast, air and sea temperature

Октябрьский прогноз

For holidays in the United Arab Emirates, tourists and independent travelers choose October. This month of autumn actually marks the start of the cooler season. The average air temperature during the day decreases, which makes it possible to spend more time outside. Before planning a vacation, it is recommended to find out the features of the weather in Dubai in October – the degree of air heating, humidity, the number of sunny days.

General information about the weather in Dubai in October

During this season, the real autumn begins. In the open air, there is a noticeable coolness in the morning, at night and in the evening, it becomes possible to plan hiking and excursions. The temperature drops to +32°C, but on some days it reaches a critical value of up to +40°C. The weather in October in Dubai is favorable for swimming. Stay on the beach during the day. During this season, the first precipitation appears, although it is less frequent than in winter.

Октябрьский прогноз

What you need to know about the weather forecast for tourists and travelers:

  • The graph of daily temperature fluctuations becomes smaller, the weather conditions are approaching the winter period.
  • The air humidity decreases, which reduces the load during walks, excursions.
  • The wind picks up slightly. The difference in air heating in the desert and in the Persian Gulf, the Indian Ocean affects.
  • The first rains appear.

October in Dubai is the unofficial opening of the tourist season. Most of the hotels and entertainment complexes invite tourists, but prices remain at the summer level. This situation lasts until the end of November, which makes this month optimal for a quiet family holiday.

Advice: before the walk, study the archive of temperature fluctuations. This will help organize an active holiday in the UAE resort.

Air temperature indicators

There is a seasonal decrease in the average air temperature. On the beaches and open resorts, it reaches +35°С. However, the weather in Dubai in October in the city is different, the heating wall is higher due to the large urban development. Therefore, during walks it can be hotter than on beach areas. Additionally, this is affected by the wind, which is less in urban conditions.

Нагрев воздуха

At night it becomes more comfortable, by 19:00 the air temperature drops to +28°C. A cooling sea breeze appears from the direction of the Persian Gulf. During evening beach walks it can be cool, you need to take warm outerwear with you.

During the day on a beach holiday, you still need to use protective creams, install a sun umbrella by noon. During a holiday with children on the beach, the sand gets very hot, so special beach shoes are bought for young tourists.

Important: daily temperature fluctuations in Dubai in October are 8-10°С. The most abrupt transition occurs in the evening, near the beach areas of the resort.

Sea water temperature

Water in the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean is cooling more slowly. The temperature never falls below +28°C. The upper water layers heat up quickly during the day, so for coolness and comfortable swimming conditions, you need to look for deep places. However, due to currents in some places, this process is slow. Most of the beach areas have a gentle entry into the sea; for real cool water, you can order a boat trip or go diving.

Температура воды в море

To organize a beach holiday, it is recommended to visit the coastal strip from morning until 11:00. An alternative is to organize a hike in the evening. At this time, a cool wind blows from the sea, the sun is not so hot. At night, the water temperature drops to a minimum, but you can still swim. However, public city beaches are closed at this time.

Advice: It is recommended to study the seasonal weather forecast in Dubai in October for different places in the resort. It may differ in the city and on artificial or natural islands.

About the humidity in the resort

The average daily humidity can reach 95%. Therefore, in early October, it is necessary to refrain from long walks or outdoor excursions. The situation begins to change in the second half of the month. Humidity drops to 80%, which makes it possible to plan outdoor activities. It rises closer to the beach and coastal areas. This can be found in the reviews of tourists.

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At night, the humidity drops, but this does not happen abruptly. It depends on the location of the hotel, the current place of stay of tourists, independent travelers. It is not recommended to drink a lot of water, liquids. This will lead to severe sweating, which will affect the comfort of the rest. During the day, due to the humidity in Dubai in October, many vacationers are shopping in malls.

The number of rainy days is increasing. However, precipitation is insignificant and does not affect the overall weather picture. The number of sunny days is more – up to 25 per month. These are data for a year, but from time to time there are abnormally high days in terms of humidity and precipitation.