What is the weather in Dubai in November: air temperature, water in the Persian Gulf

Ноябрьские погодные условия

A trip to the United Arab Emirates in November is the best time for a beach and outdoor activity. the air temperature drops to a comfortable value of + 32 ° C, humidity drops. You can spend more time on the street, plan excursions, independent trips. In fact, the weather in Dubai in November is as close as possible to the winter period, but the prices for accommodation and meals remain lower.

General weather in November

Compared to October, the average air heating index decreases by 3-4°C. however, on some days the temperature may be abnormal, different from the standard values ​​​​of this period. The reason is the streams of hot air coming from the desert. Therefore, you need to follow the current weather forecast. This is true when planning trips, outdoor excursions.

Ноябрьские погодные условия

What you need to know about weather conditions in the UAE in November:

  • The air temperature is 28-34°C, the maximum value during the day.
  • Humidity is low, does not exceed 45%, increases towards the coastal zone.
  • The degree of water heating in the sea, the Persian Gulf drops to comfortable values ​​of + 25 ° С.
  • The wind speed is low, with the exception of evening and morning air masses.

In addition to favorable weather conditions, most of the entertainment venues come off in November in Dubai – theme parks, attractions, desert safaris. The cost of accommodation and food remains the same as in the low season, however, the number of tourists and independent travelers is still small.

Tip: When the daytime temperatures are high, you can schedule shopping at local malls. It is recommended to compare the temperature readings with last year’s archive of values.

About air temperature

A feature of the weather in November in Dubai is relatively sharp fluctuations in air temperature. In the morning, until 8:00, this value does not exceed +25°C, you can go to the beach for a morning swim, sunbathe in the open sun without a beach umbrella. The maximum indicator of air heating during the day by 14:00 is up to 36°С. At this time, it is recommended to postpone excursions or long walks.

Температура воздуха

Toward evening, the heat begins to subside. This is due to the flow of cool air from the Persian Gulf. It can get chilly at night, especially along the coastline. It is recommended to take warm clothes with you when hiking.

Seasonal fluctuations due to abnormal heat are possible. This rarely happens, most of the time the temperature is stable, which allows you to plan an active or beach holiday. You can find out the weather forecast in Dubai for 3-4 days for the proper organization of your vacation.

Important: despite the low degree of air heating, clothing should cover the shoulders, legs, and head. Otherwise, sunstroke is possible during a long stay outdoors.

Water heating in the sea, Persian Gulf

The water in the Persian Gulf is getting not so warm. Its temperature does not exceed +25°С. The indicator is even lower in the Indian Ocean due to strong currents that bring cool streams of water from the depths. Due to the relatively gentle entry into the sea in the coastal zone, the water remains warm even at night. This allows you to plan a family vacation with children.

Нагрев воды в море

For swimming, you can choose morning or evening. During the day, the sand on the beach gets very hot, you need special protective beach shoes. On the beach areas of the hotel or in public places, umbrellas and sun loungers are rented. They save you from the heat of the day. At the same time, the maximum water temperature in the sea during the day does not exceed +28 degrees per year in shallow water.

Tip: The weather forecast for Dubai in November may vary depending on where you are. In the urban area, the temperature will be higher, on the islands it will drop to a comfortable level.

Humidity, sunny and rainy days

One of the advantages of a November holiday in the UAE is a decrease in humidity. This allows you to be outside for a long time. The reason for this phenomenon is the change of season, the weather in November in Dubai is as close as possible to the winter period. The average humidity during the day is 45%. However, in the evening and in the morning, this figure can rise to 60%.

Общие погодные показатели

This month the number of rainy days increases. It can grow up to 3-5. This does not affect the humidity, since precipitation occurs at the end of the night period. You can take a light raincoat with you. This is true for long walks, travel, excursions, if it rains. Weather conditions in November in the UAE are optimal for a comfortable stay, and given the small number of tourists, this is the best time to travel to the country.