Weather in the United Arab Emirates by seasons

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The climate and weather in the UAE are hot and dry. Hot weather prevails throughout the year with occasional precipitation in winter. The country consists of seven emirates located in the Persian and Oman gulfs. The location of the emirate dictates climatic conditions. Since the United Arab Emirates is a rather small region, it is difficult to notice the change in the weather when moving from one city to another. The annual rainfall averages 98 mm. Summers are hot and humid. There is no rain during this time.

Summer in the UAE

Summer in the UAE starts in June and lasts until September. The weather can get too hot, limiting outdoor activities and mobility. The temperature rarely drops below 30°C, and sometimes it gets hot up to +40°C. The weather in the UAE in summer is inconvenient for hiking.

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In summer, hot and dusty winds, known as Shamal, blow inland from the Red Sea. These dry winds mix with moist air, intensifying the heat. Humidity levels can rise up to 90%. This is enough to raise the temperature to +55°C.

Information about the summer weather in the UAE:

  • When the heat reaches its limit, it is difficult to go outside. Locals and tourists prefer to stay indoors in air-conditioned houses or hotels.
  • Breathing can also become difficult as the air outside becomes damp. This is because of the salty winds blowing from the Red Sea.
  • The sea temperature changes in summer. The hot air around the Persian Gulf heats the coastal water. The sea temperature can rise up to +38°C. This reduces tourism and local activity along the Persian Gulf coast.

Temperatures along the Indian Ocean coastline are not rising significantly. This means that cities located in the Gulf of Oman are more favorable for tourism in summer. The sea temperature often fluctuates between +32°C and +33°C. The hot summer weather in the UAE subsides towards the end of the year, opening the winter season. The pressure remains stable throughout the year.

Winter in the UAE

Winter is a popular season in the UAE. This season in the country lasts from October to April. The weather in the UAE during this time is mild and attracts tourists to cities such as Abu Dhabi and Dubai. According to the forecast, the temperature can drop to +12°C. By mid-morning, it gradually rises and reaches 18 degrees Celsius. Expect temperatures of 25-28°C during the day.

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Winter weather in the UAE is accompanied by rain. What starts off as a moderate downpour can lead to heavy rain by the end of the day. It doesn’t rain every day. During the winter season, the number does not exceed 10. The weather in the resorts is foggy, especially in the mornings. Fog can increase and slightly disrupt traffic. It disappears as soon as the weather starts to warm up during the day.

Sea water is cooling. The temperature on the coast drops to +20°C, especially along the Persian Gulf. Towards the Gulf of Oman, the coastline temperature will be +16-18°C. This is a good time to tour the Arabian coast, swim, sunbathe on the sandy beaches. The sea temperature rarely exceeds +33°C during the winter.

It is recommended that you first check the weather for today before planning a trip or hiking to shops, sights. The data can be found on the site, there is also an accurate forecast for the week, month.

Abu Dhabi and Dubai

Abu Dhabi and Dubai are two major cities located on the coast of the Persian Gulf. Being in the same climate zone, the two cities experience similar weather conditions. The coastline and inland weather in Dubai may vary.

Abu Dhabi is the capital of the United Arab Emirates. In winter, tourists flock to Abu Dhabi to enjoy the city’s futuristic buildings and modern tourist services. The best time to visit Abu Dhabi is February when winter starts. The city experiences cooler temperatures with occasional rain.

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August is the hottest month in Abu Dhabi. The temperature can rise up to +36°C. This makes Abu Dhabi a tourist magnet in both summer and winter. Tourist activity is increasing along the coastline of Abu Dhabi. The sea temperature is measured at +33°C, which is conducive to swimming and other water sports. By December, more tourists are heading to Abu Dhabi as the weather in the UAE begins to change at this time.

Winter starts in January, which is the coldest month in the resort. The precipitation level is 50 mm during the year. Dubai is located between two climatic zones. It is located between the Tropic of Cancer and the Northern Desert Belt of the Arabian Peninsula. The emirate’s coastline can be cool and bland, while the interior is scorched by the rising heat.

January is the coldest month in Dubai. The weather is mild and the average temperature in the city drops to 18°C. This is the perfect time to tour Dubai and enjoy its culture and scenery. The hot dry season starts in June and reaches +35°C by August. Rain falls between December and March, adding another two months to the Dubai holiday calendar.

How to dress in the United Arab Emirates

It is advisable to plan a vacation in the UAE in winter when the climate is favorable. This does not mean that you cannot travel in the summer. You only have to be a little careful to stay outside for too long. Also stick to the correct dress code.

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Light and loose clothing is the norm in summer in the Emirates. It is advisable to wear linen and cotton clothing because it is more breathable. You can pack a few warm clothes for the cold mornings and evenings in the Emirates. Always be prepared with an umbrella or raincoat in case of rain.

The weather in the UAE is warm all year round, making the Emirates an ideal tourist destination. Winter is the best time to travel when temperatures are milder. Remember to bring light, warm clothing with you so that you feel comfortable during the period you will be in the UAE.