TOP popular caves in Crete: description, location


The advantage of a holiday on the island of Crete in Greece is the opportunity to visit local natural and historical attractions. This can be combined with a holiday on the sea and beaches. The peculiarity of the island lies in the diverse relief. There are plains, rocks, mountains and gorges. However, most tourists are attracted by the caves of Crete, which are associated with Hellenic mythology.

Cave of Hagia Sophia

It is located on the west coast, next to the resort of Chania, 47 km from it. Nearby is the small village of Mylopotamos. For reference on the map, this cave in Crete can be found next to the Topolia Gorge. A road leads to it from the town of Elafonisi. To get there, you need to go through the tunnel. You can find it by a special sign – a star made of metal. It is stuck on the side of the mountain, on its right side. A path leads to the cave of Hagia Sophia, which ends with a series of steps.

Святая София

Interesting facts about the large cave in Crete named after Hagia Sophia:

  • According to legend, the icon of the Wisdom of God was found here. She was brought to the island after being rescued from a temple in Constantinople built by the Emperor Justinian. After losing to Muhammad II, the remnants of the garrison went to the cave, which was later named after Hagia Sophia.
  • There is a church nearby. Its founders, Michael Psaromilingos and his brother, at the cost of their lives, achieved an amnesty from the Venetian Republic. Their bodies were later discovered during excavations in this cave of Crete, which confirms the fact of the event.
  • Excavations and studies provide information that people lived here in the 4th-5th millennium BC. Artifacts belonging to the Minoan, Roman and Hellenic periods have also been found.
  • Hagia Sophia is located at an altitude of 290 meters above sea level. It is round, almost regular shape. Its area is 2000 m², and its height is 20 meters.

In addition to ancient historical sights, there are natural ones here. On the vaults and floor there are formations of stalactites and stalagmites. The temperature during the year almost does not change and is 16-17 degrees Celsius. At the same time, the humidity does not fall below 75%.

According to legend, in this cave of Crete there is a footprint from the horseshoe of the horse of St. Demetrius. However, in fact, this is a stalagmite of an unusual shape. The passage for tourists and independent travelers is free. But you need to be careful, there are no safe walking routes.

Interesting: due to special climatic conditions, wild figs grow in some parts of the Hagia Sophia cave and many pigeons live.

Ideon Andron

It is included in the list of holy caves of Crete. It is located on the territory of the Nida plateau. Nearby is the village of Anogia, the Lassithi plateau. The nearest large resort is Rethymnon. It is 78 km away. The distance from Heraklion International Airport is 48 km. There is a highway nearby, you can get there by car, bus or order a taxi. An alternative is a visit with a group tour.

Идеон Андрон

According to legend, it was here that the mother of Zeus, Rhea, hid her son from his father, Kronos. For protection, the priests beat the drums, making noise so that the god-father would not hear the cry of the baby. Other myths and legends of the island are also associated with this cave of Crete. Therefore, tourists are advised to visit the Diktean sights.

As a result of archaeological excavations, many household items and works of art from the Hellenic era were found. Neolithic artifacts were also found – vessels, dishes, figurines. Work is still ongoing, so part of the territory is closed to the public.

What you need to know about Ideon Andron:

  • The height in some places reaches 22 meters.
  • The territory consists of three parts. First, tourists enter a natural temple, where the priests performed their rituals. Then untreated grottoes follow.
  • Nearby there is a parking lot and a small cafe.

To visit, you can sign up for a tour or come here on your own. In the first case, it is recommended to choose a program with a Russian-speaking guide. When traveling independently, the path from the highway lies along the Nida plateau. Time – 15-20 minutes.

Advice: It is recommended to take warm clothes with you. With a long stay in this cave of Crete, you can freeze. The air temperature here does not rise above + 17 ° C, high humidity.


This is a must visit place for tourists and independent travelers. Melidoni Cave in Crete is a famous natural sight of ideas. It is located next to the village of the same name, at a distance of 1.8 km from it. You need to move to the northwest. The route from Rethymnon to Heraklion passes nearby. The visit is paid, you need to pay 3 Euros for the entrance. Opening hours – from 9:00 to 18:00.


According to excavations, Hermes was worshiped here. According to legend, Talos lived in this place, who defended the island from enemies. The tragic pages of Crete are connected with it. In 1824, several hundred defenders of the island died in the Melidoni cave, refusing to surrender to the Turkish conqueror Hussein Pasha. In memory of this event, a small memorial was created in one of the grottoes. After excavations, objects dating back to the late Roman era were found.

Interesting information about Melidoni:

  • In addition to the sarcophagus with the remains of the defenders, you can see the natural complex, consisting of stalactites and stalagmites.
  • According to tourists, good photos are obtained in the Pasley room.
  • Near the entrance there is a cafe, there is a small chapel.

Before visiting, it is recommended to stock up on water and light snacks. The average duration of the tour is 40-50 minutes. Even in summer it can be cold inside. You need to take warm clothes with you. Nearby, spontaneous markets are often organized where you can buy souvenirs.

Important: it is forbidden to take out stones or other objects located there from the caves of Crete. This is punishable by a fine.

Gerani Cave

Located near Rethymno. You can drive to it along the E75 highway. The peculiarity of the Crete cave is 6 large halls with unique stalagmites and stalactites. It was found by accident during road works. Because of this, the construction of the route had to be postponed, otherwise there was a possibility of the destruction of the Gerani cave by groundwater.


Excavations confirm that this place was known only in the late Neolithic period. After research, a small number of objects and utensils of this period were found. Research work is still ongoing. Therefore, access inside for tourists is closed. You can look at the Gerani cave from a special platform.

In addition to these caves in Crete, you can visit Sfedoni, St. Anthony. But they do not differ in interesting natural attractions. A trip to them is usually planned by speleologists who are interested in the internal structure of such formations.