Hungarian Pécs – European Capital of Culture

Печ, Венгрия

Pecs is an industrial and transport hub of Hungary. Many enterprises and mining organizations are concentrated here. However, the city is famous for its memorable places, historical and cultural sites. Independent travelers and vacationers should explore Pecs , Hungary – attractions, routes, museums and temples.

Location, how to get there

The resort town is located in the southwest of the country, belongs to the Baranja copper. Nearby is the foot of the Mechek massif . Two thousand years ago there was a Celtic settlement on this place, the first mention in European history – 871. The name is derived from the Slavic Pet – five. It appeared because of the five churches located at that time.

Печ, Венгрия

Features of the resort:

  • Developed public transport. The tram service lasted until 1960.
  • There is an airport, a direct highway between Pecs and Budapest.
  • Souvenirs Pecs – ceramics of the former Zholnai factory .
  • Due to the development of the economy, the residential and industrial sectors are constantly being built.

The latter must be taken into account when choosing a place to live. You can get to Pecs from Budapest from the Budapesht-Deli train station by boarding the 1C train. Travel time will be 3 hours. At the bus station in Budapest you need to buy a ticket for route 1134. If you go by your own or rented car, you can get to the resort in 1.5-2 hours.

Tip: The famous Hungarian resort of Tapolca is nearby . There are many interesting natural and historical attractions.

Barbican Bastion

The Barbican Bastion was built in the 15th century and was part of the fortifications of the Episcopal Castle. He protected the locals and the clergy from the Ottoman army, successfully withstood several sieges. The reason is the beginning of a military conflict. The strengthening of the walls took place gradually, until this landmark Pecs became a bastion.

Бастион Барбакан

Interesting facts:

  • The scheme of the bastion allowed the defenders to attack the invaders from the rear, bypassing them around the perimeter of the complex.
  • The fortress was taken by Turkish troops in the early 16th century.
  • Feature of the defense – a small number of troops could hold the fortress for a long time.

After a long period of calm until the 19th century, the bastion was not repaired. Therefore, the complex came to a deplorable state. The fortress was restored in Pecs, Hungary, only at the end of the 20th century. Now it is used by tourists and independent travelers as a vantage point for photos.

Cathedral of Peter and Paul

Pecs is traditionally considered a religious city in Hungary. Therefore, the most majestic building for vacationers is the Cathedral of Peter and Paul. It was built on the site of a chapel that appeared here in the 4th century. Gradually, the religious complex grew, new facilities were built. The first project was created in 1064.

Собор Петра и Павла

The architecture of the cathedral is a mixture of several styles. The façade clearly features Baroque components, Romanesque elements and classicism. The building inside is majestic, many frescoes on the walls and ceiling. The facade acquired its final appearance only in the 19th century and has been restored several times since then.

From innovations it is possible to allocate figures and frescoes, the basilica became various on existence of religious subjects. In the 20th century, the master Antal Kara created a composition of twelve figures of the apostles. Entrance to the Cathedral of Peter and Paul Pecs , Hungary, free. But this is a functioning temple, so you need to observe the form of clothing.

Architectural Museum

The main architectural attraction of the Furnace in Hungary is the central square. Here are buildings from different eras and styles. They have formed a unique image of the city, there are many cafes and restaurants. Therefore, vacationers can combine sightseeing trips with tasting of national dishes of Hungarian cuisine.

Hungarian Pécs - European Capital of Culture

Interesting buildings and facilities in the center of the resort:

  • Mansion built in the 18th century. It is made in the Baroque style, for a long time there was an educational institution.
  • German school building.
  • Archaeological Museum. Located in an old mansion, collected interesting archaeological finds. Temporarily closed for reconstruction.
  • Roman sarcophagi, tombstones.

Before the walk, it is recommended to study the map of attractions Pech, learn about interesting places, the location of museums and monuments. This will help to organize the rest properly.

Episcopal Palace

Recognizable in Pecs, Hungary, the Episcopal Palace is a landmark. Its current appearance was created in the 18th century, but before that it changed many times. In its place in the 9th century stood an ancient church. However, in 11 it was rebuilt, forming the first appearance of the palace. Global changes occurred in the 15th-16th centuries. The building was rebuilt for the needs of the city’s episcopate. The curator of the construction is Bishop György Climate.

Епископский дворец

Architecture – classical European style and neo-renaissance . Most of the elements are made in the Baroque style. Tourists like the facade of the palace – columns and ledges stand out harmoniously against the background of strict flowers. The ensemble is completed by a dark red tiled roof.

Tourists and independent travelers can visit the palace only in summer. It is open on Thursdays, admission is free. Excursion – escort around the courtyard, stories about the decoration. Be sure to visit the Habsburg Library and Rooms.

Yellow Quarter

It used to be an industrial area of old Pecs. However, over time, the buildings ceased to meet safety requirements, and there were problems with expansion. The decision of the city administration – the transfer of factory capacity in the suburbs. In 2010, organizations, government and commercial, in one way or another related to the culture of the resort, settled in the old houses.

Here you can see the architectural features of the city, learn styles. There are many cafes and restaurants in this area.