Where to relax in Budapest, an overview of prices, national cuisine


Hungary is a convenient country for independent travel. It has interesting historical monuments and natural attractions. For the first visit, you need to plan a vacation in Budapest, prices for it depend on the season and time of stay.

Travel preparation

You need to get a visa before traveling. A tourist visa is issued for three months, the size of the consular fee and requirements can be found on the website of the visa center. Visas to Budapest are easy to obtain, you need to have a certain amount in your bank account, valid passports. Processing time – up to two weeks.


Ways to travel to Hungary:

  • By plane. To the international airport Franz Liszt flights arrive from St. Petersburg, Moscow and other major Russian cities. Flight time to rest in Budapest, prices depend on the point of departure. For Moscow, these figures will be 2.5 hours, 7600 rubles. for one passenger.
  • By train. There is no direct rail connection with Hungary. But you can get from Moscow by train No. 017B to the city of Bogumin (Czech Republic). Trains run from this city to the capital.
  • By car. This is a convenient way if you need to see the sights of the country. You can stop at roadside cafes and restaurants where tourists can taste national Hungarian cuisine.
  • By bus. These are excursion programs designed for long-term travel.

The national currency of the country is the forint. They can be changed at any bank. The advantages of winter holidays in Budapest are lower prices than in summer. You can plan a trip to several cities in Hungary.

Accommodation prices

For independent travel, book a hotel room or apartment. This is done on special sites. Prices for accommodation in Budapest depend on the area. The highest cost in historical areas starts from 40 Euro per person. If you are planning a long stay, you can rent a room or an apartment in the suburbs at a price of 15 Euros.

Районы Будапешта

The city has 23 districts, it is conditionally divided into two parts by Buda and Pest by the river. The latter has a flatter terrain, which is convenient for hiking. There are more hills and elevation changes in Buda. Pest has many restaurants, cafes, nightclubs and other places of entertainment. The subway is better developed in this area, there are more branches.

Attractions are approximately equally divided into two main areas. You can schedule excursions for one day in one, the next day in another.

A one-time trip on public transport costs 350 forints. The same, but with the possibility of transplantation – 530 forints. A block of ten tickets will cost 3,000 forints. The cost of a ticket for all types of public transport for three days is 4150 forints.

Dining in Budapest

National Hungarian cuisine is original and is a mixture of Balkan and traditional European. To save money, you can book a vacation in Budapest, the price includes meals – breakfast or full board. But it is better to choose self-catering in local restaurants and cafes.

Блюда венгерской кухни

Dishes of national cuisine and prices:

  • Goulash. The main dish of the country, reminiscent of soup and meat stew. Ground paprika, peppers and tomatoes are added to it. The cost of one serving is 620 HUF.
  • Chicken paprikash . This is chicken seasoned with paprika and sour cream sauce. You can add some greens. This dish will cost 800 HUF.
  • Turosh wonder . Made from noodles with cracklings. They add cottage cheese and sour cream. Depending on the proportions, it can be main, dessert or second. The price is 450 HUF.

In summer they offer a lot of vegetable and meat salads. But there are more meat recipes in the national cuisine. They offer local aperitifs – Külőnleges minősegu bor , Minosegű bor and Taibor .

Prices for excursions

A complete vacation in Budapest and prices cannot be planned without excursions. They can be ordered along with the tour, but it will cost more. The second option is to buy on the spot, from tour agencies. It is important that the guide speaks Russian and has experience in holding such events. The average price of a tour of Budapest is 20-25 Euro.

You can plan your own walks around the city. But for this you need to study the location of attractions. In some places, the entrance is paid, you need to know about this in advance, as well as about the opening hours.