Making Montenegrin Negush steak at home: recipe, ingredients, serving

Негушский стейк по черногорски

National dishes in Montenegro are a delicious mixture of meat, local vegetables, and cheese. Spices are used only for cooking smoked meats, so the cuisine is popular with European and Russian tourists. The classic dish of the country is the Montenegrin Negush steak, which is served in all restaurants and cafes of the resorts.

Ingredients for the dish

The recipe for this dish was invented in the town of Njegus. Prosciutto is traditionally made in this small settlement – long-smoked dried meat. The idea to make a filling of hard cheese, pickles and prosciutto appeared recently. A filling of ingredients is stuffed into a thin schnitzel, the roll is fried in oil. It turns out a delicious, satisfying meat snack.

Негушский стейк по черногорски

Montenegrin Negush steak is made from the following components:

  • pork tenderloin without fat – 220 gr.;
  • edam cheese or a similar hard variety – 40 gr.;
  • pickled cucumbers – 30 gr.;
  • prosciutto or smoked ham – 30 gr.;
  • white flour – 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • sunflower oil – 25 gr.;
  • soy sauce – 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • mustard to taste.

These ingredients are for one serving. You can add spices, herbs. Cheese of medium hardness, without additives. From the tools you will need a frying pan, a board, cling film and a kitchen hammer. Pork ham is not used in this dish, only tenderloin.

Negush steak recipe

The meat for the steak is Montenegrin soft, they take fresh pork. It is washed and all fatty films are cut out. If this is not done, they will shrink during frying and reduce the volume of the dish. Films are not used to fix the roll, in Montenegro this technique is not used. A piece of pork is cut lengthwise to form a medium-sized plate.

Делаем негушский стейк

The procedure for preparing the Negush steak according to the Montenegrin recipe:

  • Filling. Prosciutto is cut into small cubes, cucumbers are sliced, and the cheese is rubbed on a coarse grater. Mustard is added to the resulting mixture and mixed.
  • The prepared piece of pork is wrapped in cling film so that it does not stick to the table. It is beaten to the state of a thin schnitzel.
  • The schnitzel is freed from the film, the filling is placed in the center.
  • Roll up the edges to keep the insides in place.
  • A roll is formed and compacted.
  • Fry in sunflower oil, after 4-5 minutes add butter and a spoonful of flour.
  • For a dark color, the Negush steak is poured with soy sauce.

This completes the cooking process. Steak should be eaten hot or warm. You can add ground pepper on top. One portion is enough to feed an adult hungry man.

Sauce for steak

In Montenegro, instead of sauce, they use a mixture from a frying pan in which meat was fried. Spices and flour are added to it for hardness. It is poured over the surface of the dish, leaving small portions around the edges.

You can use traditional white sauce. To prepare it, you need an egg, milk, flour and spices. They are mixed and boiled over low heat in a saucepan, gradually adding flour. The resulting composition is served with Montenegrin Negush steak in gravy boats.

How to serve

To cook a Negush steak in Montenegrin style, you need to pick up a side dish. French fries or similar products are traditionally used. It can be eaten with salads, an aperitif – red fortified wine. The roll is located in the center of the plate, it is cut only before use.

Serving on the table:

  • the roll is cut into 4-5 pieces, you need to make sure that the filling remains inside;
  • pieces are poured with sauce, washed down with wine;
  • if the meat is quickly over, it takes 20-30 minutes to prepare a new portion.

No need to go to Njegusi for a Montenegrin steak tasting. It can be made at home. But to get the taste you need real prosciutto. Replacing it with smoked meats will give a different result.