Where to swim in the UAE, in the Persian Gulf

Море в ОАЭ

A trip to the United Arab Emirates is an excursion to modern sights, shopping and a beach holiday. But tourists and independent travelers know little about the latter. Before the trip, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with what kind of sea is in the UAE, especially the weather.

About the Persian Gulf

It belongs to the Indian Ocean, but has its own climatic features, although the bay is not called a sea in the UAE. The total length of the coastline is more than 900 km. It houses the main resorts of the Emirate – Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah . Due to sea currents, the water warms up unevenly. In one place the temperature in summer can reach +30°С, in another – +24°С.

Море в ОАЭ

This location of the state on the Arabian Peninsula is convenient for winter holidays. The special climate affects the water in the Persian Gulf. It is always warm, there are no cold currents. A beautiful view of the resort from the beaches is an opportunity to take good photos. The disadvantage is that every year there are dust storms from the desert.

Features of a sea holiday in the UAE:

  • Most of the beaches of the Emirate are owned by sheikhs. Villas and private houses are located here.
  • There are few fish and vegetation in the UAE sea. This is due to sudden temperature changes. For diving, choose places with clear water and a unique bottom topography.
  • The beach area of hotels in the Emirates is small. Therefore, in hotel complexes there are many different pools, including for children.

The advantage of relaxing on the beaches of the Persian Gulf is a gentle entry into the sea. There are no sharp drops in depths, as in other seas. The UAE is convenient for families with children – the country has a developed security system, there are many entertainments for teenagers and adult tourists.

How to relax in the Emirates

The best time to travel to the sea in the UAE is winter. At this time of the year, the air temperature rarely reaches +30°C, and the sea in the UAE cools down to +20-22°C. The only downside is the windy weather. However, the waves on the coast are small, as the bottom is flat.

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Recommendations for a beach holiday in the Emirates:

  • Sunbeds and umbrellas are provided free of charge to hotel guests.
  • There are few public beaches in the country, they must comply with the dress code.
  • Visiting time – morning or evening. During the day it can be too hot to relax.

Water and other soft drinks can be taken from the hotel room. You can not pour water from the tap, in the Emirates it is technical, obtained by processing sea water. The longest beaches on the sea in the UAE are in Sharjah and Ajman . There are public places for recreation, which can be visited for free.

Ecological problems

The Persian Gulf is facing significant changes due to rising sea temperatures, and studies show that the world’s oceans are warming faster than previously thought. Dr. Yves Plancherel said that the seas in the UAE will be particularly affected by climate change.

Studies by Chinese and American scientists show that the oceans are warming about 40 percent faster than previous estimates by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change suggested. The results, published in the journal Science , are based on an ocean observing system called Argo , which includes measurements from thousands of drifting robots across the world’s seas. The robots dive every few days to record the temperature.

Dr Plancherel, an oceanographer and lecturer on climate change at Imperial College London’s Grantham Institute , warned that the UAE’s seas would also be subject to these changes. This will lead to an increase in moisture evaporation, worsen the climate of the Emirates.

The waters in the Persian Gulf are already very warm, with sea temperatures in Dubai and Abu Dhabi averaging around +33°C in summer, and even in winter, the average sea temperature is around +21°C.