What seas is Crete washed by: weather, beaches, infrastructure, reviews

Средиземное море в Греции

On the map of Greece, Crete is the largest island. Several resorts, many historical and natural attractions have been built here. But most tourists come here for a seaside holiday. This is a convenient option to spend a vacation, recuperate, get new experiences. But before that, you need to find out which sea is in Crete. There are several of them on the map, so choosing a resort will be important.

Location of the island on the map of Greece

On the map, the island of Crete is located in the south. And although geographically it belongs to Europe, it can be reached from Africa or Asia. Thanks to the developed infrastructure, it has become a developed resort in Europe. Tourists and independent travelers from different countries come here to rest. The reason is the clear sea in Crete, the choice of hotels, attractions, the ability to book an excursion. the island is located at the crossroads of ancient civilizations.

Крит на карте Греции

What you need to know about the island before the trip:

  • From the continental part can be reached by plane or ferry. Most tourists choose the first way.
  • There are several seas in Crete – Cretan, Libyan and Ionian. Some of them are part of the Mediterranean basin.
  • The climate is typical Mediterranean. Summer is dry with very little rain. The air temperature rises to +35°C. The sea warms up to 23°C.
  • The main resorts are Heraklion, Rethymnon, Chania and Lassithi.
  • The international airport is located near the capital Heraklion. The distance to it is 16 km.

The advantage of a holiday in Crete is the sea with different weather and natural conditions. You can choose the coast with a calm sea pool. They offer relaxation on sandy and pebble beaches. Diving and underwater fishing are developed here. According to the reviews of tourists, you can take beautiful photos of marine life, corals. The same can be done in historical places, a great ancient Greek trade route passed here.

Advice: not all beaches have umbrellas, sun loungers, rescue and medical services. You need to know about this in advance, before buying a tour to Crete.

Mediterranean Sea

If you analyze the official map, you can see that there is only one sea in Crete – the Mediterranean. One is divided into several pools. The island is in the east. Therefore, on the map of the resort there are different coasts – the Strait of Sicily, the Ionian, Aegean and Adriatic Seas. The conditions for recreation on them are different, so it is recommended to study the map of the resorts, learn about the beaches, infrastructure.

Средиземное море в Греции

The seas in Crete that are part of the eastern Mediterranean basin:

  • Cretan. Informal name referring to the northern coast of the island. The locals call it the Aegean. The best resorts are located here, the region is characterized by a temperate climate.
  • Libyan. It is located between Crete and Africa. Located in the southern part. There are many bays and small bays on the coast, it is convenient for a quiet, secluded holiday.
  • Cyprus. Located in the eastern part of the map, it separates two islands – Crete and Cyprus.
  • Ionic. There is no exact information about the official name of this pool. But every local will say that the Ionian Sea is located on the west coast.

Knowing what seas are on Crete, you can start planning a vacation on this island. However, not only the sea coast will be the main characteristics. You need to find out about beaches, hotels, the possibility of ordering excursions to local historical and natural attractions. Some of the resorts are located a few kilometers from the trading cities.

Tip: independent travelers can visit several resorts and swim in different seas in a rented car. This will make it possible to compare the conditions of rest.

Aegean or Cretan Sea

If you plan to relax on the northern coast of Crete, the Aegean Sea will be the main sea basin. It extends to Cape Salomon. The second name is the Cretan Sea. It is often mentioned by locals, but is not listed anywhere in official documents. On the map of Greece, it refers to the southern part of the Aegean water basin. Ferries from Athens, Santorini follow through it. On its shore is the capital – Heraklion. There is also an international airport where all charter and regular flights arrive.

Эгейский морской бассейн

What you need to know about this region:

  • Most of the hotels and hotel complexes are concentrated here.
  • The entry is gentle, there is no depth difference. This is a convenient region for families with children.
  • Beaches are sandy, pebbly are less common. Most received the Blue Flag.
  • In summer, the wind often blows from Europe – Meltemi. It brings coolness, freshens the air.
  • There are often strong waves. Therefore, sea sports are developed here – windsurfing, scuba diving.

In this region of Crete, the sea refreshes the air, which, together with the smell of vegetation, makes it pleasant. Tourists in the reviews often mention beautiful sunsets and sunrises, pleasant walks in the fresh air. For active holidaymakers, it is recommended to plan hiking.

Important: sometimes the waves on the beaches become high. At this time, it is not recommended to stay in beach areas with children.

Libyan Basin

It is located between the southern coasts of Crete and Libya. This gave rise to the name – the Libyan Sea. It is located in the southern part of the island. The peculiarity is that the water is several degrees lower than in the north of the region. The reason is that in this part of Crete the sea is cooled by underground sources. Therefore, you need to be careful when swimming at the beginning and end of the tourist season.

Ливийское море на Крите

Useful information about the Libyan Sea Basin:

  • Here are the longest beaches. In addition to them, there are many small bays and bays on the coast, which allows you to plan a secluded vacation.
  • Lots of sandy beaches. But few have a developed infrastructure with sun loungers and umbrellas. Rescue and medical services do not work everywhere.
  • The Libyan Sea in Crete is calmer. There are few high waves here. The reason is that the mountain range protects the coast from air currents.

For relaxation, you can choose one of the sandy beaches. There is a unique pink sand in the Elafonisi beach area. You can stay in hotels that overlook the beaches of Kedrodassos or Triopetra. These places are popular with tourists and independent travelers. According to reviews, the Libyan Sea in Cyprus is a convenient place for a relaxing beach holiday.

Advice: during the day the air temperature warms up to +35°С, the sand becomes hot. It is recommended to use special beach shoes.

Cyprus Sea

Officially, the eastern part of the island is washed by the Aegean Sea. But the locals call it Cyprus. The reason is that the island of Cyprus is located in this direction. This sea basin extends from Cape Salamon to the beaches of Hione. There are few tourist areas and large hotel complexes. You can rent a villa or apartment from residents or small tour companies. The peculiarity of the region is the beaches.

Кипрское море Греции

Information about the Cyprus Sea in Crete, what tourists need to know:

  • Popular beaches are Hiona, Vai, Zakros. There is a sandy surface, the width of the beach area is up to 50 meters.
  • The coast is almost undeveloped – there are few sun loungers, umbrellas, changing cabins and showers. There are almost no rescue services, medical care.
  • Local attractions – the Minoan palace of Zakros, groves of centuries-old trees. It is convenient to plan hiking here.

For a secluded holiday, it is recommended to head to one of the local bays. They are small, the coating is pebbly. Here is a very clean sea in Crete, you can go diving or spearfishing.

Tip: in the southeastern part of the island is the most famous beach in the region – Xerokambos. It has a comfortable sandy surface, there are small bars, shops, souvenir shops nearby.

About the Ionian Sea

According to official cartography, there is no Ionian Sea in Crete. It passes 30 km from the island in the southeastern part. But in the south and east of the island, the opinion was entrenched that this is the Ionian sea in Crete. Although it is not. In the case of booking hotels in the southeast of Crete, the sea will be the Mediterranean. However, due to climatic features and infrastructure, it differs from sea basins in other regions of the island.

Ионическое побережье

What is special about the Ionian Sea in Crete:

  • Beaches and sea coast. There are small differences in height, and beaches are quite large in area. You can relax with your family. For children, entry into the water will be gentle.
  • Bay of Balos. This is a famous place among tourists. This bay has especially clean and white sand, the waters are almost always calm, there is no wind. The official border of the Aegean Sea passes through this bay.
  • Falassar beach. This is a historical place in Crete, where you can sunbathe, swim in the warm sea waters and visit the local historical landmark. In the reviews of tourists, you can often find photos with sunsets in this place. Here they are especially beautiful.
  • Elafonisi beach. Feature – developed infrastructure. In addition to sunbeds and umbrellas, there are changing cabins and showers.

These places are often visited by independent travelers traveling by car. They visit the secluded beaches of the island, popular historical sites. There are few hotels and hotel complexes. In addition to them, you can rent an apartment, villa or apartment in one of the villages.

When does the season open

Traditionally, the tourist season in Crete begins in summer. But experienced tourists and independent travelers often go on vacation in mid-May. At this time, the sea of Crete warms up enough for swimming, the air temperature becomes comfortable for a beach holiday – up to + 30 ° C. The advantage of this time is the relatively low prices for accommodation, food and entertainment. The tourist season on the island ends at the end of October. But it depends on the weather.

Сезон отдыха на Крите

What you need to know about the tourist season in Greece and Crete:

  • Directions. It is recommended to book air tickets 3-4 weeks before departure. For independent travel, this period increases to 3 months. The reason is that airfare will be lower.
  • Weather. The Mediterranean climate is unstable. Rains can continue until mid-May, which will affect the rest of the sea. Therefore, you need to know the forecast in advance.
  • Accommodation and food. Prices rise from the beginning of June, begin to decline in September. The most expensive month for a holiday in Crete is August. At this time, the largest influx of tourists.

The disadvantage of the low season is that there are few offers for active recreation and excursions. The only entertainment available is a holiday on the sea of Crete. An alternative is to rent a car and explore local attractions on your own. To do this, you need to make a route, choose a route map. To rent a car, you need a passport, a driver’s license. The average rental price is 30 Euro per day. The amount of the deposit is determined on the spot.

Advice: before buying a tour in the low season, it is recommended to study the reviews of tourists who rested at this time last year. so you can form an independent opinion about the possibilities and expectations.

About the beaches of the island

Holidays on the sea of Crete is an opportunity to visit local beaches, which differ in infrastructure, coverage, weather and bottom topography. Some of them have the Blue Flag, which confirms their safety and cleanliness. All beach areas on the island are available for tourists. prices for renting sun loungers, sunbeds and umbrellas do not differ much. The approximate cost of the kit is 10 Euro. According to the reviews of tourists, a rating of the best beaches of the island was compiled, where you can have a good rest on the sea of Crete.

Пляжи Крита

TOP Cretan beaches:

  • Balos. Located on the southeast coast. It is distinguished by white sand, clear sea water and a gentle bottom topography. It is convenient to relax with family, children. Feature – difficult accessibility. You can get there by car or by bus.
  • Wurlya. This is a small strip of land with sand and pebbles. Located southeast of Agios Nikolaos. There are no villages nearby, you can only come by car. The advantage is that even during the peak season there are few tourists here.
  • Agia Fotya. Located 12 km from Ierapetra. This is a small well-equipped bay, convenient for families. The sea in Crete in this part of the island is calm. Tourists are provided with umbrellas, sun loungers. The beach received the Blue Flag.
  • Preveli. The peculiarity of this beach is a large number of palm trees on the coast. It is located 35 km from Rethymno. In the palm forest you can take a walk, make your vacation varied.

In addition to these beaches in Crete, there are other places for sea holidays. They are near the hotels. But some need to go on their own. For a beach holiday, you need to prepare – take protective clothing, cosmetics, special slippers. The cost of drinks and food in shops near beach areas is high. It is better to buy it in a village or city.