Full review of restrictions in Montenegro in 2021, the situation with coronavirus

The coronavirus pandemic has made adjustments to the planning of summer holidays in 2021. Preparation for visiting resort countries should be planned in advance. It is important to find out what restrictions in Montenegro will apply to tourists and independent travelers. And is it possible to plan a vacation on the Balkan Peninsula this year.

Rules for entering the country

On April 20, 2021, the government of Montenegro decided to lift all restrictions for Russian tourists. The same applies to vacationers and independent travelers from the Republic of Belarus, Ukraine and North Macedonia. The new rules for entering the country will come into effect this summer.

Upon arrival, you will not need to present a certificate of the absence of Covid-19, confirmation of vaccination. The purpose of this action is to attract tourists for the beginning of the summer season. The situation with Covid-19 in Montenegro has improved. There is a decline in the incidence.

What tourists and independent travelers should expect from a holiday in the country:

  • opening of restaurants and bars;
  • the possibility of ordering sightseeing tours;
  • a complete beach holiday;
  • opening markets.

However, the situation in Montenegro in the summer of 2021 may change. Therefore, you need to follow the latest messages from the authorities of the country, analyze the current situation.

Due to the rapid spread of Covid-19, the country’s authorities continued to introduce restrictions. Most of it refers to local residents, the work of organizations. But they are reflected in the tourism business. Tourists can come to Montenegro now, but the rules will apply for them. A new package of restrictions in Montenegro was introduced on March 13, 2021. Before buying tickets and booking a hotel, you need to study them.

Черногория въезд

New rules for entering the territory for tourists arriving at the airports of Tivat and Podgorica:

  • Presentation of a certificate with a negative PCR test for coronavirus. It must be done no more than 48 hours before arrival in the country.
  • Make a certificate of the presence of lgG antibodies in the body. This document is valid for 30 days from the date of receipt.
  • Vaccination certificate. It should take place in 2 stages, the second is carried out at least 7 days before the start of the trip.

Checking documents and the condition of tourists are checked at the terminals of international airports. However, restrictions in Montenegro on entry through the territory of Serbia are much simpler. However, it is not clear from Milo Djukanovic’s decree whether this applies to residents of these countries or anyone crossing the land border.

Important: residents of Montenegro and citizens with a residence permit who arrived without certificates must spend 14 days in self-isolation.

About accommodation in hotels, apartments

It is possible to book rooms in hotels, hotels, rent villas and apartments. It is important to comply with the rules for entering Montenegro, to comply with all restrictions. Hotels accept guests and tourists, the rules of accommodation are on the official websites. Difficulties with food are possible, as not all restaurants and bars of hotels work. Therefore, tourists and independent travelers often rent rooms with kitchens.

Отели в Черногории 2021

The list of restrictions in hotels and inns in Montenegro in 2021:

  • temperature measurement at the entrance, valid for all visitors;
  • compliance with the mask regime;
  • the maximum number of people in a certain area;
  • buffet cancellation.

If Covid-19 is suspected, guests are immediately sent to the hospital. Therefore, before traveling to Montenegro, it is recommended to take out a special travel medical insurance. Otherwise, all expenses for treatment and maintenance are borne by vacationers.

Each hotel and inn has restrictions on holding mass events. The pool areas are at least 2 meters apart. Swimming together is allowed.

Advice: due to the current restrictions in Montenegro, some hotels have suspended the reception of guests. Therefore, you need to book rooms in advance.

Montenegrin beaches

The situation on the country’s beaches is still unclear. They remain open to the general public, but there is a limit of tourists and locals for a beach holiday. The maximum number of visitors depends on the area of the beach, its infrastructure. Since this is a public place, wearing a mask and social distancing is mandatory. This is followed by police patrols.

Пляжи на Балканском полуострове

Rules of conduct on the beaches of Montenegro:

  • temperature control for vacationers at the entrance;
  • the distance between sunbeds is at least 3 meters;
  • beach games are prohibited – football, volleyball;
  • medical services work.

Perhaps in the summer there will be a change in the situation. The problem with beach restrictions in Montenegro is the difficulty of control. The size of the coastal territory in the country is large. Perhaps the local authorities and the government will close part of the wild beaches in order to stop the spread of coronavirus among tourists and local residents.

The way out is planning a relaxing holiday by the pools of hotels, hotels. However, this opportunity is not available for those living in villas, apartments. They will be able to visit the beaches adjacent to the hotels on the first line. According to the laws of Montenegro, restrictions on the part of hotel staff are unacceptable.

Important: it is recommended to take special beach shoes with you. In summer, the surface of sand or pebbles gets very hot.

Organization of excursions

The work of tour agencies in Montenegro continues, the restrictions are general. You can order a group or individual excursion to local historical, natural attractions. However, prices may increase during the summer. The reason is the smaller number of passengers on the buses. Transport is only 50% full, so the cost of excursions in Montenegro may increase.

Об экскурсиях по Черногории

What you need to know about excursion programs in 2021:

  • restrictions on admission to museums, national parks;
  • temperature check before the trip;
  • vacationers during the trip and visits to attractions must wear masks;
  • change of standard excursion programs.

There may be problems with catering due to restrictions in Montenegro in relation to restaurants and bars. While their activities are limited by the number of visitors. But if the situation with coronavirus worsens in the country, a complete ban on work or food delivery only for takeaway is possible.

Important: before ordering an excursion, check the actual program – the route, the presence of a Russian-speaking guide, requirements for clothing and protective equipment.

Transport rules

All types of public transport operate in Montenegro. You can order a transfer (group or individual) from the international airport of Tivat, Podgorica. Bus routes run within resorts and between cities. Taxi services still provide services for the transportation of tourists, independent travelers.

Работа транспорта

About the work of transport in Montenegro during the quarantine period:

  • it is possible to change the schedule of buses, trains;
  • before boarding, the condition of passengers is checked;
  • mandatory wearing of medical masks;
  • salon occupancy – up to 50%.

Such restrictions for Montenegro may affect the tourist flow. Vacationers before the trip need to find out the actual situation in the country. To do this, it is recommended to visit the official website of the government, where the latest decrees and changes in the transport regulations are posted.

Advice: you can buy a ticket in advance for travel. This is true for railway messages.

Independent travel

The most difficult will be independent travelers. To organize such a holiday, most often they come to Montenegro by car. An alternative is to rent a car, the cost is from 20 euros per day. It is important to learn about border restrictions for foreigners. A green card is required.

Tips for independent tourists on organizing a vacation:

  • inquire about entry requirements;
  • book a hotel room in advance;
  • is it possible to impose a curfew;
  • prepare certificates and documents for crossing the border;
  • check weather conditions.

The situation with the coronavirus pandemic is making constant adjustments to the work of the tourism sector in Montenegro – restrictions, new rules and requirements. But judging by the latest trends, they should not have a strong impact on the 2021 season.