Treatment and recreation on Lake Heviz, Hungary: location, procedures, prices for services

Курорт Хевиз

Lake Heviz is the largest thermal reservoir in the world. On its banks is located the resort town of the same name. People come here to treat diseases, order wellness and spa treatments. Therefore, the Heviz resort in Hungary is popular in the country and the world. Thermal springs, balneological effect, mild climate are the advantages of relaxing here.


The resort is located in the west of Hungary, belongs to the Zala county. It is located five kilometers from Lake Balaton. Distance to Budapest is 195 km, to Vienna – 200 km. Train time from these cities is 2.5-3 hours. There are three highways near the baths, there is no railway connection. The nearest international airports are in Budapest and Vienna.

Курорт Хевиз

Facts about the Heviz resort in Hungary:

  • the area of the reservoir is 4.4 hectares; the maximum depth is 36 m;
  • water temperature in summer + 35 °, in winter – up to + 25 ° С;
  • the fluid is updated every three days, it does not lose its healing properties over time;
  • water from the lake can be drunk, it is recommended for medicinal purposes;
  • there are three hotels on the shore of the lake.

The size of the city is small, there are no significant sights. You can walk around the neighborhood, look at the nature of Hungary. An alternative vacation is to go to Lake Balaton. There is also a railway line.

In winter, an interesting phenomenon can be observed when steam rises above the baths. The locals called it “smoking lake”. The Heviz resort in Hungary is surrounded by over 50 hectares of forests. This has a positive effect on the purity of the air.

How to get there

You can go to the lake from Budapest or Vienna. The first way is more convenient, on the way you can see the historical and natural sights of the country. From the capital, buses depart from the Nepliget bus station without transfers. The bus station in Hévíz is 600 meters from the lake. There are about 10 flights a day. Travel time is 2.54 hours. Fare is $12.

Карта Хевиз

A taxi ride from Budapest to the resort will be much more expensive. But she is much more comfortable. You can order a transfer from the airport when buying a tour. Taxis are recommended to be ordered from local official operators.

For lovers of train travel, an alternative route is provided. To do this, you need to buy a ticket from Budapest to the city of Keszthely. The latter is located at a distance of 6 km from the thermal spring. It has regular bus services.

There is no direct bus service from Austrian Vienna. First you need to drive to the border of the countries, in the city of Gyor, transfer to the route to the resort of Heviz. The second option is a transfer in Bratislava. This path is longer, but you can see several local attractions along the way. Fares – from 15 euros, travel time – 3 hours.


The city is adapted for comfortable living of tourists and independent travelers. Recreation options – book a tour or organize an independent trip. In the latter case, you can stay in a hotel, inn, hostel or apartment. Accommodation prices depend on the time of arrival and the length of stay.

Город Хевиз

The city has the following facilities:

  • Beauty and health centers, SPA salons.
  • Shops, supermarkets, souvenir shops. There is often a local market where you can buy fresh produce.
  • Medical centers. Popular – clinic. St. Andrasak.
  • Tourist offices. They offer services for organizing health and sightseeing tours.

For children there are playgrounds and entertainment areas, special centers. Adults can spend time in restaurants, cafes, bowling, play billiards. The advantage of the Heviz resort in Hungary is the variety of leisure activities.

Saunas located on the banks of the thermal spring are popular. There are several types of steam rooms, there are pools with ice water. After the procedures, you can immediately plunge into the waters of the lake. Bath accessories are issued on the spot, you do not need to take them with you.

Healing procedures

The therapeutic effect is the double effect of the temperature of the water and the minerals and therapeutic mud that it contains. A feature of Lake Heviz is the content of bottom sediments. They are 80% formed from inorganic, mineral substances – calcium and sodium. The surface constantly bubbles, creating a massage effect. This has a healing effect on the surface of the skin.

Лечение в Венгрии

Healing procedures:

  • Balneotherapy. This is a complex of services for staying in a thermal spring and drinking mineral water. Different types of shower can be used.
  • Stretching the spine in the bathroom. This is useful for problems with the musculoskeletal system.
  • Hydromassage. The body is affected by jets of mineral water of different power. It is used in combination with aromatherapy. The result is muscle relaxation, improved blood circulation.
  • Mud applications. E is extracted from the bottom of the lake, cleaned before application, various medicinal and natural components are added. Indications – for gynecological diseases, diseases of the joints.
  • contrast baths. Only after diagnosis, the area of impact is the arms and legs.
  • Cryotherapy. Needed for chronic inflammation of the joints.
  • Mineral baths.
  • Electrotherapy.

Before starting the procedures, you need to make a comprehensive diagnosis of the body. This is done at home or in the resort of Heviz. In the latter case, the cost of the diagnosis will be higher, but this way you can choose a suitable list of treatment procedures.

SPA services

In addition to recovery at the Heviz resort in Hungary, you can order cosmetology services. The recreation center has several SPA-salons that offer a full range of skin and body treatments, as well as individual services. Prices depend on the list and season of stay. They must be ordered in advance, at least 1 day before the visit.

СПА процедуры

List of spa treatments in the resort of Heviz:

  • Hydrotherapy. It can be a tropical shower, hydromassage with mineral water, pearl baths.
  • Peeling. Mineral salts, seaweeds are used in combination with aromatic oils.
  • Aromatherapy.
  • Body wrap. Medicinal mud, chocolate, a mixture of herbs, clay are used.
  • Balneotherapy.

When choosing a service, you need to take into account contraindications. The list can be studied in the salon or on the official website.

Indications and contraindications

Staying at the Heviz resort is recommended for patients with musculoskeletal system, rheumatism, gynecological diseases. Pelvic diseases, inflammatory processes, and infertility are successfully treated here. Tourists with chronic parametritis, adhesive processes receive significant relief at the recreation center.

Клиника Хевиз

Contraindications for the use of certain medical procedures:

  • late stages of pregnancy.
  • The presence of malignant tumors.
  • All types of infectious diseases.
  • Diagnosis of increased thyroid function.
  • Open wounds.
  • Bronchial asthma in severe form.

Sick tourists and vacationers before ordering medical procedures must undergo a full examination. Therapy, mineral baths and thermal springs should not harm your health.

Prices in the resort of Heviz

For treatment at the resort of Heviz in Hungary, autumn or spring is chosen. At this time, there are few tourists, prices are lower than in the season. The price for visiting the lake is from 2600 HUF. The cost of medical procedures depends on their type and volume. Full complex – from 25000 HUF. Additionally, the cost of medicines is taken into account.

You can choose accommodation options – in a hotel, hotel or apartment. The price for a day for two starts from 20 Euro. This does not include the cost of food. It will be higher if a dietary menu is assigned. The price of breakfast at the resort is from 10,000 HUF for two.

The opening hours of the lake during the season are from 9:00 to 19:00. In winter, the schedule changes – until 17:00. You need to bring bathing accessories with you, or buy them on the spot.

The city has a new entrance to the lake. On its territory there is a wellness area with a jacuzzi and swimming pools. This additional service costs 6 Euro. In between procedures, you can visit local attractions, organize a trip to Lake Balaton.