Cretan king Minos: stories, legends, description of the palace

Критский царь Минос

Crete among tourists and independent travelers is primarily associated with the labyrinth of the Minotaur. But few people know about its creator. The name of this king gave the name to an entire civilization, and is associated with local mythology. And the name of this king of Crete was Minos, the man who built not only the famous labyrinth, but also the largest palace for his time.

History of King Minos

In mythology, the future king of Crete, Minos, was born because of the love of the god Zeus for the Phoenician princess Europe. He took her to the island, where as a result, besides the future ruler, Radamant and Sarpedon were born. In fact, these are the children of the Cretan peasant Zeus Asterius (Starry) and Europe. Those. Initially, Minos was destined for the fate of government.

In many legends and myths, the king is represented as a tyrant, an oppressor of the nearest lands and states. But in fact, Minos for Crete is the first ruler who made his country one of the strongest in the region. First, he managed to form the largest fleet in the Mediterranean, which put an end to piracy. Thanks to this, trade in the region has grown, which has begun to pay dividends.

Критский царь Минос

Second – Minos was an admirer of arts and crafts. Until now, excavations of his Minoan palace have not been completed. The famous inventor Daedalus, father of Icarus, was invited to Crete after his exile from Athens. In fact, the king was the patron of the arts, as evidenced by the results of excavations.

Interesting facts about the king of Crete Minos from myths and legends:

  • His wife, Pasiphae, allegedly gave birth to the Minotaur – a man with a bull’s head. In fact, this image appeared because of the great helmet that belonged to the son of Minos.
  • The king founded several large cities – Cydonia, Knossos, Festus.
  • Under him, for the first time in Hellas, laws for the population were formed. According to myths, King Minos on Crete retired to a cave in which Zeus dictated the rules of behavior to him.
  • Daedalus made the main part of the Minoan palace. Due to the complexity of the architecture, it is believed that it is the famous labyrinth.

Such a violent activity has led to the emergence of many myths and legends. But the main thing is the tribute, in the form of 7 young men and women, who, at the request of Minos, were left every year on Crete from Athens. The reason is the murder of the son of Tsar Androgei after winning the Olympic Games in Athens.

Interestingly, several hotels on the island are named after King Minos of Crete. Popular – The Hotel Minos of Beach, located in the resort of Rethymnon.

Minoan civilization

According to some archaeologists, the Minoan civilization was the first in this region. She gave rise to Hellenic culture. The reason is the strategically important traction routes passing through the Aegean and the Mediterranean Sea. Crete has become a transit point in this trade chain. Thanks to the actions of Minos, a culture quickly formed on the island, and crafts flourished.

Остатки минойской цивилизации

It is important that initially the inhabitants of Crete were not Greeks. This is a separate ethnographic group, the origin of which is still being debated. She gave impetus to the development of the rest of the culture of Greece. even after the nominal defeat of Crete, the city of Knossos remained the capital of the state. Only later it was transferred to Mycenae.

How did the activity of King Minos of Crete affect the culture of all Greece:

  • The first set of rules and laws was formed, which became the basis for the rest of the city-states in the region.
  • Equal rights for women and men. This can be judged by the actions of the daughter of the king – Ariadne. Also on the frescoes, archaeologists often observe that women took an equal part in the cultural life of the island.

According to the reviews of tourists and photos of the excavations of the palace, one can judge the greatness of this civilization. And although the myths represent Minos in Crete as a kind of despot, he acted only in the interests of his state. Strengthening influence in the region, rising living standards of the island’s population, new crafts and inventions are the reasons for the success of Crete in the ancient Hellenic political arena.

Interesting: according to some historians, Minos is not a person, but was a royal title that was inherited.


Tourists and independent travelers can visit the excavations of the Minoan Palace. It is located near the village of Malia. You can drive here on your own in a rented car, taxi or bus. An alternative is to book a group or individual tour. This attraction is open from 08:00 to 15:00. Entrance – 4 Euro. A visit with a Russian-speaking guide is recommended, who can tell interesting facts, including about King Minos of Crete, the founder of this palace.

Минойский дворец

The first archaeological excavations in this place began in 1915. The total area of the palace is 7.5 thousand m². Most of the territory is closed to the public, as archaeological work is still being carried out there. Several hiking trails have been created for tourists and guests of the complexes. Information boards in Greek and English.

Interesting Minoan Palace Facts:

  • Children under 12 years old are admitted free of charge.
  • The break starts at 15:00 and lasts until 17:00.
  • During the day, the excavation area can be very hot, tourists can hide from the sun under awnings.
  • Nutrition. There is a restaurant in the Minoan palace. But next to this place there are several cafes, the prices of which are lower.
  • Here you can buy souvenirs. But do not count on genuine finds. Often these are Chinese-made crafts.

On the territory of the palace you can see ancient frescoes, including those depicting King Minos of Crete. You can stay in hotels nearby. In the reviews of tourists, the Minos Hotel 3 * is described most often. It occupies a good place in the rating of local hotels. There is a private beach. The photo shows that the hotel has a swimming pool, places for a relaxing holiday. Spacious rooms, you can book a suite or standard apartments.