Holidays in Crete and Cyprus, compare conditions for tourists: hotels, beaches, excursions

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There are two popular resorts in Greece – Cyprus and Crete. To an inexperienced tourist, the difference between them will seem insignificant. They are located in the Mediterranean Sea, have a similar culture, approximately the same level of service. However, upon closer examination, holidays in Crete and Cyprus are distinguished by conditions, comfort, and the opportunity to visit historical and natural attractions.

Beach comparison

The first thing that tourists pay attention to is the quality of the beach areas. Both islands have a choice of developed coastal areas, deserted places for a relaxing holiday. But due to the geological features in Crete, compared to Cyprus, there is a greater choice of coverage. There are pebbly, sandy and combined zones. The disadvantage is that full-fledged service is only on hotel beaches located next to hotels. An alternative is to rest on the city embankments.

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What is the difference between the beaches of Crete and Cyprus, comparison:

  • Cypriots have a gentle descent into the sea, which is convenient for spending holidays with children;
  • here the coastal zone is larger, fewer rocks and other natural formations of a similar type;
  • sandy coating, color – from golden to white;
  • Cretan wild beaches are known to independent travelers.

Calm weather and relatively warm waters in the waters of the Ionian and Libyan Seas, which wash the Cretan coast in the south and west. The Aegean Sea is suitable for lovers of surfing, underwater fishing and diving. Big waves are often observed here, the water temperature is lower than in other areas of the resort.

Interesting: on the wild beaches of Cyprus, you can see “reviews” of Russian-speaking tourists on the rocks and stones. This is one of the indicators of the popularity of the region among travelers.

Islands hotels

The comfort of living, the level of service are the determining indicators for comparing holidays in Cyprus and Crete for many tourists. A feature of Cypriot hotels is that they are an integral part of the infrastructure of a city or village. Tourists rest here, local residents hold celebrations – weddings, birthdays. Many complexes belong to family dynasties, so the attitude towards guests is good, they are located next to each other.

Holidays in Crete and Cyprus, compare conditions for tourists: hotels, beaches, excursions

Cretan hotels are focused on European tourists. The British like to relax here, so the level of service is a little higher. However, Russian guests need to be prepared that the All Inclusive program is different from the traditional Egyptian or Turkish one. There is a choice of dishes, but not in such volumes.

Features of hotels in Crete and Cyprus:

  • good condition of the rooms, cleaning is carried out according to the schedule;
  • the staff does not ask for tips, there is no annoying service;
  • the territory is equipped, areas for sunbathing by the pools are created, there are sports grounds;
  • there are few city hotels, most of them are located on the coast, on the first line.

Excursion agencies work in the hotel complexes of the resort. You can book an excursion to local historical or natural attractions. It is important to check that the group is accompanied by an English-speaking guide. An alternative is the independent organization of a car trip around Crete or Cyprus, which is convenient for experienced tourists. The state encourages such trips.

Important: the cost of living and services in Crete is lower than in Cypriot hotels. It all depends on the infrastructure, service, location. It is recommended to make a comparative analysis of several proposals.

Climate features

When comparing climatic conditions, you can see that the weather in Cyprus, compared to Crete, is hotter. The tourist season here begins at the end of May. By this time, the temperature of the sea water reaches +20°С, air – up to +28°С. In summer, in July, August, it can be very hot during the day. The way out is visiting the beaches, organizing excursions in the morning or in the evening.

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Crete has a continental climate. In the middle of summer the temperature rarely exceeds +35°С. A feature of the climate of the island is relatively strong winds. This season it is recommended to choose beaches with warehouses. They will become a natural protection against strong winds.

The velvet season in Crete and Cyprus is equally good. The air temperature drops to a comfortable level, the water in the sea remains warm. An additional plus is that there are fewer tourists. Slightly reduced prices for accommodation, meals. For this period, you can order air travel at auction prices.

Pros and cons of resorts

In addition to beaches and hotels, for a full analysis of resorts, it is necessary to find out the requirements for crossing the border (passing customs control), transport infrastructure, and the availability of entertainment for children and adults. Each island has a detailed description.


To cross the Cypriot border, you need to apply for a pro-visa. It is done free of charge, usually included in the package of travel documents – a voucher for accommodation, medical insurance, air ticket. This reduces the processing time. The currency depends on the location. In the northern part, the Turkish lira circulates, on the territory of the Republic of Cyprus, the Euro. There are direct flights from Moscow, St. Petersburg to Paphos or Larnaca International Airport. Flight time – 4 hours.

Отдых на Кипре

Other holiday features:

  • Public transport of the country. It is poorly developed, there are few bus routes. Most often order a taxi or rent a car.
  • Left-hand traffic, you need to get used to it. The roads are in good condition, there are many highways.
  • Nutrition. More restaurants and cafes with classic European cuisine. You can choose a vegetarian menu or for children.
  • Entertainment. For adults there are nightclubs and discos. A network of children’s entertainment complexes has been developed. You can relax cheaply when compared with other regions of Greece.

The security level is relatively high. Theft by hotel staff is rare. No dangerous animals or insects. This makes it possible to make safe walks in the surrounding area.


To pass customs control in Crete, a Schengen visa is issued. The cost is 65 Euro, the processing time is up to 2 weeks. According to tourists, the embassy has a low rejection rate. The official currency of the island is the Euro, just like the rest of Greece. The international airport is located near the city of Heraklion, the flight time from Moscow is 4 hours. But for him, the number of flights from different cities of Russia is greater.

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Additional information about the resort:

  • Transport. It is well developed, you can travel around the island by bus, there are regular flights between resorts, cities, towns.
  • Nutrition. There are more proposals for Mediterranean and Greek cuisine. It is recommended to start the morning with real Greek coffee.
  • Entertainment. There are fewer of them, there are nightclubs only in big cities. Children are entertained by animators in hotels, there are several small parks.

Advantage – many historical sights. You can go to them as part of an excursion, or by rented car. Traveling on local roads and trails is safe. Drivers follow traffic rules.


The choice of a resort in Greece, Crete or Cyprus, depends on personal preferences. The resorts have developed tourist infrastructure, there are comfortable beaches, entertainment for adults and children. The slight difference in culture and service is almost imperceptible. It all depends on the chosen hotel, village or city of residence.

The best option is to compare holidays on the islands based on personal experience and reviews. This will create a complete picture, compare resorts.