Walking along Koszeg in Hungary, what to see for tourists

Кесег, Венгрия

Kőszeg is a small town in Hungary with a population of 12,000 people. But despite the small area, it is often visited by tourists and independent travelers. The reason is historical monuments, the unique atmosphere of the city. What you need to know about Kőszeg, Hungary – attractions, location, interesting objects.

Location how to get there

The tourist city is located on the western border of Hungary. It belongs to Vash County and covers an area of 54 km². He became famous after the siege by Turkish troops in the 16th century. Having successfully repulsed 19 attacks, the garrison held its positions and did not allow the Janissaries to go further. The official lifting of the siege took place at 11:00. Since then, every day at this time, the bell rings in the main square.

Кесег, Венгрия

Interesting Facts:

  • It is recommended to take a walk in the mountains located near Koszeg.
  • There are no underground sources of mineral water.
  • By the number of cultural and historical monuments, the city ranks first in the country.

To see the sights in Köszeg, Hungary, it is recommended to fly to Budapest. At the railway station, you need to buy a ticket to Szombathely, then transfer to the R train. You can get to Kőszeg by bus, but the travel time will be longer.

Tip: in winter you can send to Hungarian ski resorts . Advantages – choice of slopes, good service.

Koszeg Castle

The historical landmark is located on the border with Austria. Behind the Köseg castle, the Alps begin, which made it an important object for the Turkish invaders. In the 16th century, the defenders of the fortress could repulse several attacks, protecting Vienna from occupation. The main hero of the battle was Miklos Jurshich. In honor of his feat, a monument was erected at the entrance to the fortress.

Замок Кесег

In Kőszeg, Hungary, the attraction has been rebuilt and reconstructed several times. The style of the complex remained medieval, the main building is connected to the outer protective structure by a bridge. A chapel was built in the northern zone. Now on the ground floor there is a wine cellar. Tourists can visit the knight’s rooms on the second floor.

Entrance to the tourist complex is free. On its territory there is a museum of local lore, a local theater gives performances. It is possible to stay in a small hotel.

Church of the Sacred Heart

The main religious attraction of Köseg is located in the city center. The church was built in the Neo-Gothic style, the author of the project is Ludwig Scheune. This is a late building, if you compare it with other cultural monuments of the resort. The construction was completed in 1894, the subsequent reconstruction was carried out in 1987.

Церковь Святого Сердца

Architectural features of the monument:

  • Gothic style with neoclassicism.
  • There are three naves.
  • Carved wooden handmade altar.
  • For painting, special paints were used, which retained their original color.
  • Painting is not only on the ceiling and walls, but also on the columns.

The church is active, admission is free for all comers. But you need to follow the dress code. You can use photos and videos only with permission.

Heroes Gate

This is an exact reconstruction of the central city gate from the time of the Turkish conquest. Built in 1932 on Jurisic Square. The composition consists of an arch and commemorative plaques located under it. They made commemorative notes dedicated to the heroes of the liberation wars. In Koszeg, this attraction is considered the main one.

Врата Героев

The reason is that historically the gate was the main entrance to the city. Important organizations were hosted here, local and visiting musicians gave concerts. Next to the gate was the local municipality – the General House. They were also part of the defensive complex.

The new version of Heroes’ Gate was designed and built by Floris Opaterni. The design and shape completely repeat the historical monument; a panoramic platform was added. It offers a beautiful view of the historical center of the resort.

House of Sgraffitos

The peculiarity of the attraction is the decoration of the facade. After applying two layers of plaster, three-dimensional geometric figures were made on the walls. This method was often used by Italian architects. The attractive appearance and monumentality of the building attract independent travelers and tourists.

Дом Сграффитос

Facts about the house of Sgraffitos:

  • An additional wing was built in the 19th century. The facades are made in the same style.
  • Restoration of the statue of the Virgin Mary made at the end of the 19th century.
  • The drawings on the facade are taken from biblical stories.

Now there is a large restaurant on the ground floor where you can taste dishes of national Hungarian cuisine. Prices are higher than in other places in the city. But the restaurant is distinguished by the quality of service, according to the reviews of tourists in the summer it is difficult to find free places. Advantage – located in a convenient location in Köszeg, Hungary – attractions nearby.

Pump room

In the 15th-19th centuries, it was the main place for collecting drinking water. Until 1766, there was a well here, but for the convenience of the townspeople, the authorities made a pump room. The architecture is completely borrowed from French architects. This facilitated access to water for the residents of the city, over time, in Köseg, the attraction turned into a place of rest, it can often be seen in the photos of tourists.

Бювет Кесег

The first reconstruction took place in 1824. The gratings were removed and the openings of the arches were renewed. In 1970, benches were made, a small square for recreation. European-style tiles were laid around the pump-room. Here it is convenient to take a break from the midday heat, read a book. There are restaurants and cafes around.

Statue of the Virgin Mary

The article appeared on the central square of the resort in 1739. The goal was to support the counter-reformation, which became popular at that time. Initially, next to the Virgin Mary were the monuments of St. Joachim, Joseph and Anna. However, over time, they were destroyed and it was decided to dismantle. It took place in 1912.

Статуя Девы Марии Кесег

The restored statue reappeared in Köszeg as a tourist attraction in 2011. It completely repeats the original idea of the author – Lorenz Eisenkebel. By decision of the authorities, the celebration of the Assumption is held annually next to it. The monument is honored by local residents, visited by tourists and religious pilgrims who came to see Koszeg, Hungary, sights and relax.