All about currency in Montenegro: cash, payment by credit card, money exchange

Валюта в Черногории

Preparing a trip to the resort – pick up comfortable clothes and shoes, take medicines and protective equipment. For calculations, you need to change rubles to the currency of the host country. This is done before the trip. Therefore, you need to know what currency is in Montenegro, the features of paying in cash and with a bank card.

Currency of Montenegro

Until 2010, the Yugoslav dinar first circulated in the country, then the German mark. Gaining independence raised the question – what currency should be declared official in Montenegro? Printing your own money is expensive and impractical. The small territory and population was the reason for the refusal of national money. It was decided to declare the Euro the only monetary unit.

Валюта в Черногории

For tourists, this solution has the following advantages:

  • currency can be changed before the trip;
  • the change in prices for food, accommodation and excursions is minimal, they grow by 1-2% per year;
  • Numismatists can find rare euro cents, tourists from all over Europe come to Montenegro for vacation.

The country has not yet become a member of the European Union. But this does not prohibit the circulation of EU money on its territory.


Knowing which currency is official in Montenegro, you can plan your expenses. An amount of up to 10,000 € is allowed for import without filling out a declaration. Money is changed in Russia, for this operation at the resort you need to pay an additional 10% commission. It is not difficult to find exchange points in Budva or Becici, but the exchange rate will be unprofitable.

Покупки в Черногории

Travel Tips:

  • Take more small bills. Exchange is a big problem, prices in Montenegro are lower than European and Russian ones.
  • Banks are open every day except Sunday. Time – 8:00-19:00, on Saturday – until 13:00.
  • Exchange rates in banks and points may differ. To search, you need to go through several branches.
  • Russian and Belarusian rubles, Ukrainian hryvnias are accepted for conversion into euros.

You need to have banknotes from one to ten euros with you. Daily expenses for two, excluding accommodation – 50-60 €. The cost of a tour in Montenegro is 50-300 Euro. There is no official exchange rate in the country, banks set the market one.

The size of the tip is 0.5-1 Euro. It is the cost of a cup of coffee but not near the beach. There prices are 10-20% higher. If a tourist does not leave a tip, the staff does not express dissatisfaction. The locals are fine with this. It is difficult to predict what currency will be in Montenegro in a few years. So far, no changes are planned in the country’s financial market.

Bank cards

Montenegro accepts Visa and MasterCard bank cards. The difference is the conversion of rubles into Euros. Using Visa, first change rubles to dollars, and then to €. For Visa and MasterCard, the operation is direct – RUB. to EURO. It’s good, there are no expenses for the bank commission. But knowing what currency is in Montenegro, they open a bank card with an account in Euro. Tourists prefer to take cash with them than money on a card.

Tips for cashless payments:

  • When paying through the terminal, the money is debited as a cash withdrawal, with an additional% for services.
  • Not all terminals in the country work.
  • ATMs are available at bank branches and post offices.
  • You can exchange rubles for euros with Russian tourists.

The lack of a national currency in Montenegro is convenient for tourists and independent travelers. You can take 70% in cash, leaving some money on the card. It will be as a backup. This money can always be withdrawn from an ATM or paid for purchases in shops and supermarkets.

You can not trust the local illegal exchangers. The course there is overpriced and unprofitable for vacationers. It is better to go to the bank or post office.