Tips on how to get to Montenegro by train on your own

На поезде в Черногорию

Railway communication in Montenegro has been open for a long time, but it is difficult to get to this country by train for a holiday. You need to know the travel time, the place of arrival and the class of the wagon for the trip. This information will help you plan your trip and show you how to get to Montenegro by train on your own.

Direct Train to Bar

Direct communication with Montenegro and Russia opens from June 5 to September 10. A train departs from the Kievsky railway station in Moscow to Budapest, following through Kyiv. An additional wagon is attached to it, which will take passengers to the resort with a transfer. It is being made in Prague, where it will be milked to the Belgrade direction. Travel time – 61 hours, arrival in Bar – 10:45 pm.

На поезде в Черногорию

How to get to Montenegro by train without transfers, tips for tourists:

  • Departure days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Tickets are bought in advance, 2-3 weeks before the start of the holiday.
  • Price. For the first class one way – 252 Euro, with a return ticket – 468 €. Second class seats are cheaper – 217 and 398 Euros. But because of the travel time, they overpay for rest on the road.
  • Transfer in Budapest. It lasts two hours, during which time you can explore the city center, eat at nearby cafes and restaurants.
  • Registration of a transit Hungarian visa – 35 euros per person. Time – up to two weeks.

Ticket prices are not cheaper than air travel, but during the journey you can see the sights of Eastern Europe. The option to take the train to Montenegro is relevant for independent travelers, or whose vacation will be long. The service in the carriages is in Russian, the food is good, tea is included in the price of the railway ticket.

We go to the resort with transfers

The transfer option is available all year round. The train departs from Moscow and follows to Belgrade. There you need to buy a ticket for a trailer car to Bar, it passes through Podgorica. They will do it in advance, in the summer there are not always places. Travel time is 67 hours. Often they stop in Belgrade for one or more days for sightseeing, visiting museums. Hotel accommodation – from 45 € per person.

Черногорский поезд

Organization of an independent trip with a transfer:

  • Tickets – 200 and 368 €, in the second class – 170 and 303 Euro.
  • The train to Montenegro departs twice a day.
  • In the daytime there are only seats, in the night there is a compartment where you can sleep
    Ticket to Bar – 31 or 21 €. Seats are not indicated in them, passengers occupy themselves.
  • Reserve per seat – 3 Euro.

Travel time is 7-12 hours. At night, go faster, but you can not see the landscapes of the country. The carriages have an air conditioning system, the service is good. Officially, smoking is prohibited, but local passengers do so by tradition. Complaining is useless, you can make a comment.

In a compartment for two or three people, there are washbasins, air conditioners, clothes hangers, a refrigerator and a shower. Montenegrins are unsociable, but friendly, it is convenient to travel with them in the same compartment.

Preparing for the trip

First, a transit Hungarian visa is issued. To confirm a tourist trip, you need to submit an application and a reservation for a hotel, villa or apartment. A bank account is not needed, as well as the amount on it. By doing this, you can collect things. Before getting to Montenegro by train, luggage is divided into two parts – for rest and travel. Theft and fraud along this route were not recorded, but precious things and money are placed separately.

Еда в поезде

Preparing for your train journey:

  • Products. Do not take perishable, sealed packaging is required. Drinks without gas, plain water is better. They are expensive on the train.
  • Clothing. Home everyday, warm clothes are not needed, the air conditioner works, you can adjust the temperature.
  • Money. Need cash, the dining car does not accept bank cards, as well as in shops at stations.
    book or tablet. There is no Wi-Fi, movies are downloaded in advance, books are taken with them. For children – soft toys.

Arrive at the station in advance, 20-30 minutes before departure. Trailer car at the end of the train, there is a sign on it. If children are traveling, a power of attorney, passports or a birth certificate with a translation are prepared.