Description of mountains and mountain ranges on the island of Crete, Greece

Ида или Псилорит

The island of Crete in Greece is 70% mountainous. They are divided into three groups – Lefka Ori, located in the resort of Chania, Dikti (Lassithi) and Ida in Psiloritis. Each has a unique landscape, weather conditions. Tourists and independent travelers can take small walks in the mountains of Crete or plan a multi-day trip.

For the latter, good preparation is needed, it is necessary to choose climbing equipment and equipment. But before that, it is recommended to study the map of the island – the location of the main hiking trails, the maximum height above sea level, routes. In some cases, an experienced guide is needed.

Ida or Psilorite

This is the main mountain range of Crete, passing through the central part of the resort. The height above sea level, according to official sources, is 2456 m, Psiloritis Mountain, one of the sights of Crete, the church of Timios Stavros, is also located here. Here climbers will be able to find interesting routes, on the way they will meet vast forests, small mountain villages. There are many natural caves in this part of Greece, which will take a lot of time to explore.

Ида или Псилорит

Interesting facts about the mountains of Ida (Psilorite):

  • In the cave of Ida, according to legends and myths, the god Zeus spent his childhood.
  • Mount Psiloritis was completely covered with forests, their remains are still visible. Now these are bare slopes with little vegetation.
  • Not far from the village of Zaros there is a large oak forest – Rouvas. Here you can relax and take good photos.
  • On the Nida plateau you can see the traditional houses for this area – mitata. These are domed structures found only in this part of Crete and the rest of the island.

The main attractions of the region are Skinakas Observatory, Zominthos Palace, Ida Cave. Traveling through the mountains of Crete is recommended to start from the Psiloritis massif, near the village of Zoniana. Here begins the main hiking trails through the mountain ranges. It is recommended to bring food and water with you.

Interestingly, this region of the island has large reserves of fresh water. Most of it is located in Lake Zaros, which can be visited during the tour.

Dictean Uplands

The Dikteean mountains in Crete are located in the eastern part of the island, on the Lassithi plateau. This is a favorite place for tourists and independent travelers, well suited for hiking. The highest point of the mountain range is Spafi (Endichti), located at an altitude of 2148 meters. The second highest peaks are Aftentis Christos and Lazarus. The peculiarity of this region is its location in the central part of the Lassithi plateau. Most of it is located at an altitude of 840 meters above sea level.

Диктейские возвышенности

Useful information about the Dikteian Mountains:

  • On the plateau Lassithi leads 8 different routes, differing in complexity. You can choose an alternative option – a trip by car or bus.
  • In this region there are two famous caves – Dikteyskaya (Psychro). It consists of two caves – upper and lower. Beautiful stalactites and stalagmites have formed here.
  • For hiking, the Havgas Gorge is often chosen, which is located between the mountains of Crete, Kefala and Katarios. A relatively large river flows along its bottom.
  • Due to the peculiarities of the relief, rare breeds of birds and animals can be found in this region. A lot of vegetation grows here, there are large forests.

According to tourists, these mountains in Crete are the greenest. There are many forests, fields, rich wildlife. Rough pines, junipers, maples, hollies can be seen from the trees. Developed farming. Along the way, there are often farm fields, herds of sheep.

Advice: to travel to the Diktea Mountains, you need to move west from the resort of Agios Nikolaos for about 35 km. This can be done in a rented car or buy a bus ticket.

Lefka Ori

The White Mountains or Lefka Ori are located in the southwest of Crete. The total length of the mountain range is 40 km. There are about 50 mountain peaks here. Parts of the mountains are covered with snow all year round. The height of the array is 2000-2253 meters. 40 gorges were formed here, along which tourist routes were laid. But unlike other regions of the island, they are complex. Tourists must have the skill of traveling on the slopes, using equipment.


What you need to know about the mountains of Lefka Ori:

  • Location. The mountain range is located in the west of the island, near the resort of Chania.
  • The second name of the array is Madara. But locals often use the “White Mountains” – Lefka-Ori.
  • Most of the peaks are covered with snow. It partially melts only in summer, but by mid-autumn it forms again.
  • Some of the peaks have a pink tint, which is a feature of these mountains in Crete. The reason is pink sand, which is carried by air currents from North Africa.
  • A convenient observation deck is located at the foot of Lefka Ori.
  • The highest mountain is Pahnes Peak. Its height is 2454 meters.

In addition to the mountains in Crete, it is recommended to visit local attractions. You can go on an excursion to the area of Sfakia. The inhabitants of this region differ from the other population of Crete in temperament. They have an independent worldview, sometimes they are aggressive. But the main feature is hospitality.

Additionally, you can go to the largest fresh lake of the island – Kourna. It flows into the Libyan Sea, but it is difficult to get to this place through the mountains of Crete. Only small trails lead to it, which attracts extreme tourists. Also, according to tourists, one of the most beautiful gorges of the island, Samaria, is located in this region. Its length is 16 km.

Important: many rare plants and trees grow in this region. Most of it is protected by the state.


The most inhospitable mountains of Crete, Asterousia, are located in the southern part of the island. They go from the Messara valley to Cape Litino. The total length of the mountain range is 42 km. Its feature is the complexity of hiking trails. The reason is that there are many deep ravines along the way, the rocks are quite steep. In spring, local rivers overflow, which complicates the passage of the tourist route.


In summer, the Asterousia mountains of Crete are almost completely bare of vegetation. There are small shrubs, trees or forests are almost absent. During the day it is very hot, the air temperature rises to +35°С. To combat the summer heat, it is recommended to take special protective clothing, cream, a large supply of fresh water.

The infrastructure in the south of Crete is poorly developed. On the way you can meet several small villages and towns. There are few hotels here, most of the hotels are located on the coast. Therefore, when planning a route, it is recommended to plan a hike near local roads. This is necessary for quick assistance in case of unforeseen situations. Before going to the mountains of Crete, you need to make a supply of food, water, check the operation of communications equipment – telephones, walkie-talkies.

Important: before starting the trip, you must warn the hotel staff, acquaintances about this. It is recommended to familiarize them with the preliminary route.