Holidays in Montenegro in winter, ski resorts

Аренда лыж в Черногории

Winter holidays can be spent in hot countries – Egypt, India, Indonesia. But they are not suitable for skiing, excursions to the mountains. An alternative is to go skiing in Montenegro at one of the resorts. There are two of them in the country – Zabljak and Kolasin . They differ in location, ski slopes, list of services.

Ski resort Zabljak

The ski resort of Zabljak is located at the foot of the Durmitor mountain range. It is located at the highest point in Montenegro. This is a large village in which services for winter recreation are developed. Skiing in Montenegro is popular among the local population. Therefore, in the resort you can meet many Montenegrins involved in this sport.

Курорт Жабляк Черногория

Features of the ski resort Zabljak :

  • next to it is again canyons, in some there are hiking trails;
  • a national reserve in Montenegro, where you can find 1500 plant species, some of them are listed in the Red Book;
  • convenient road, which can be traveled from any city in the country.

There are several ski slopes in Zabljak , but three popular ones are Savin Kuk, Javorovacha , Stutz . The first is designed for experienced athletes. The length of the track is 3.5 km. You can get to the top on eight lifts. 4 rope tows, two with comfortable chairs, the third is for children.

the Stutz slope is 2.63 km. It is gentle, skiing in Montenegro glide comfortably on it. Can be used by professionals or amateurs. Part of the route must be covered with an instructor.

Beginning skiers use the Javorovac track . The duration of the descent is only 800 m, there are lights along the entire route. There are three ski lifts – two rope tows and one for children. Of the 12 routes in Zabljak , these are the most popular. They can be changed as skill increases.

Winter holidays in Kolasin

This is a small village located near the rivers Tara and Pivo. Winter in this part of Montenegro is mild, the snow is not loose. The population of the village is 5000 people. There are hotels for tourists, you can rent houses or villas from the local population. Here, skiing in Montenegro is less developed than in Zabljak.

Курорт Колашин в Черногории

Holidays in Kolasin in winter:

  • the village is located in a valley, there are no strong winds here;
  • there is a lot of soil on the slopes, grass, little stones, which increases safety;
  • ways of travel – by rented or private car, bus, train.

There are two ski resorts near Kolasin – Belasitsa and Trebvalevo . Regular buses run to them. The total length of slopes of varying difficulty is 15,000 m. The length of the main route is 5 km. The height of the resort is 1420 m above sea level.

in Kolasin – two chairlifts and one for children. For long skiing in Montenegro, you need to climb Mount Chupovi . Dense and slippery snow has been forming here since December. The season ends at the beginning of March.

In the ski resorts of Montenegro, you can hire an instructor. Rent skis or other sports equipment for descents – snowboard, sled, suits, protective elements. He buys special products, which indicates that the tourist will go in for skiing.

Ski and equipment rental

It is problematic to bring a complete set of equipment to Montenegro with you. Luggage takes up a lot of space, the cost of the transfer increases. Therefore, experienced tourists plan to rent ski equipment. The cost of this service depends on the chosen model, time of use. Prices are known in advance, before the start of an independent trip, you can book skis or snowboards.

Аренда лыж в Черногории

The cost of renting skis in Zabljak or Kolasin is from 10 Euro per day. Sticks, ski lubricant are attached to them. The snowboard has the same price, it may be higher due to the model. Documents – passport, deposit. The size of the latter is 50-70 Euro.

For children, you can take a sled. The cost of this service is 5 euros per day. They are equipped with protective arcs, but for safety you need to rent a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads. For the breakdown of equipment, you will need to pay the full cost, prices are given at the time of registration of the lease.

Beginners use the services of an instructor. He will show where skiing in Montenegro is the safest, teach you how to move out correctly, go around obstacles. Instructor services – from 25 Euro per day. They depend on the resort, seniority and experience of the employee.

Cost of living and meals

For skiing in Montenegro, you can plan an independent trip or buy a tour. The first is done by experienced tourists – they book a hotel or villa in advance. For recreation, you need to buy a plane ticket. In winter, flights fly only to Podgorica , Tivat airport does not work. Medical insurance is issued, a car is rented or a transfer is ordered from the airport to the ski resort.

The cost of the finished tour is from 700 Euro per person. Duration of rest – from 10 days. Preferential living conditions are provided for children. Meals are not included in the ticket.

For catering, you can choose a local restaurant or cafe. The cost of a dinner for two is from 20 Euros. Usually they take large national dishes, one is enough for 2-3 people. Medical care in the country is poor, so you need to take some of the medicines with you.