The Blue Cave in Montenegro is the most unique sight of the country

Голубая пещера в Черногории

One of the most famous natural attractions of Montenegro, the Blue Cave, is located in the Bay of Kotor. Its peculiarity lies in the way of visiting, you can get inside only by boat or boat. Therefore, a sightseeing trip to the Blue Cave will be an interesting adventure for tourists and independent travelers.

General description of the attraction

In fact, this is a grotto located in the coastal rocks of the Bay of Kotor. It is located 8 km from Herceg Novi. There is no entrance from the land side, people come here as part of sea excursions, or by ordering a boat, a boat. The area of the Blue Cave is 300 m². It is almost square in shape. Most of it is accessible for visiting, as there is a relatively high height from water to ceiling – up to 6 m. The maximum depth reaches 4 meters, which is convenient for swimming.

Голубая пещера в Черногории

General information about the natural attractions of Montenegro, located on the coast of the Bay of Kotor:

  • The original name of the blue cave is Plav Shpila. It is often referred to as Plava Spire in guidebooks.
  • There are two entrances, almost identical in size. Boats, boats, small vessels can sail through them.
  • The water is blue during the day. The reason for this phenomenon is the reflection of the sun’s rays from the sea surface and the walls of the grotto. In the evening it becomes a little turquoise.
  • The water is clean, there is no debris, in clear weather you can always see the bottom.
  • In Italy there is a similar cave with the same name. But it differs in purity.

According to local legend, there are treasures at the bottom of the Blue Cave. But Montenegrins came up with it to attract more tourists and independent travelers. Next to it are several small grottoes, which can only be seen from the outside. The reason is that they have a small area, boats and boats will not be able to swim.

Important: if there are big waves in the Adriatic Sea, excursions to the Blue Cave will be cancelled. It is not safe to be near the coastal cliffs in such weather.

How to get there

An amazing attraction is located on the Lustica peninsula, in the southwestern part. Nearby is the beach Zhanitsa and Presidential. The only way to get to the Blue Cave is by water. To do this, book a group or individual tour, or hire a boat (boat). The distance from Herceg Novi is 8 km, the travel time is 25-30 minutes. It will take longer to sail from Budva. On a pleasure yacht it will take 40-45 minutes.Расположение пещеры в Черногории

How to get to the Blue Cave, options:

  • Visit during the tour. The cost of a group sea trip is from 20 Euro. It is important to study the program, find out the exact time of your stay in the grotto.
  • Rent a boat, boats. From the city of Herceg Novi it will cost 5 Euros, but you need to discuss in advance the time spent in the cave.
  • Diving. The most unusual way to explore a natural landmark.

The trip is recommended to plan for the first half of the day. At this time, everything inside is lit by sunlight, good visibility. According to the reviews of tourists and photos, it can be seen that there is a contrast between the shades of the sea surface and the walls of the grotto. Because of this effect, good photographs are obtained.

Tip: you can take a camera with you for underwater shooting. Despite the shallow depth, the Blue Cave has an interesting bottom topography.

Tips for tourists to visit

Preparation for a trip to the Blue Cave in Montenegro is minimal. If the visit takes place on an excursion program, you need to find out if there will be food, drinks. These supplies are recommended to be taken with you. Before ordering an excursion, check the weather forecast, it should not be very windy. With strong excitement at sea, it is impossible to get into the grotto.

Экскурсии в Голубую пещеру

What is recommended to take with you:

  • Sun protection, which is important for sea trips. Not all boats and boats have canopies.
  • Spare clothes. While driving, clothes may get wet, which is not entirely comfortable.
  • For swimming. Take swimming trunks, swimwear, swimming caps.
  • Cameras, camcorders or phones (smartphones) with a good camera. This is necessary for beautiful photos of the Blue Cave.

The reviews often talk about the large influx of tourists during the high holiday season in Montenegro. The average time spent at the sights will be 10-15 minutes. If possible, it is recommended to plan a trip for the first half of the day. Then you will not have to stand in line to visit the Blue Cave, waiting for the boats to leave it.

Tip: For Montenegrins, Plav Spiel is a special natural site. No need to litter, throw garbage overboard. This will lead to a fine.

Is it possible to swim

The large area and depth of the Blue Cave in Montenegro allow you to swim here. The peculiarity of the sea water in the grotto is the high salt content and it is transparent. Almost no effort is needed to stay on the surface. But you still need to follow the safety rules. Also, the water temperature here is always slightly higher than in the open sea. She manages to warm up, and the absence of currents keeps her warm.

Плавание в Голубой пещере

What you need to know about swimming in the Blue Cave, tips for tourists:

  • There are no ledges, places to stand. If you are tired, you can swim up to the boat and grab the edge or buoy.
  • Good natural light at the entrance, it gets darker further. It is better to swim near the entrance.
  • Observe safety measures, especially if there are children.

In the morning the water can be a little chilly. Therefore, it is recommended to plan swimming in the Blue Cave closer to lunch or in the afternoon. You can’t take souvenirs with you – rock fragments, stones.

Important: in this part of the Bay of Kotor there are no strong tides or low tides. But when the sea is rough, small currents form inside the grotto.