About the weather forecast in Herceg Novi, Montenegro: water and air temperature

Погода в Герцег-Нови летом

The climate map of Montenegro is distinguished by contrast – on the Adriatic coast, the climate is warm, tropical. Behind the mountain range, continental prevails, with a sharp drop in temperature and humidity. For tourists, you need to know the situation in Herceg Novi, the weather forecast for the seasons.

Winter weather

The climate in winter on the resort coast of Montenegro is mild, the air temperature rarely drops below +5°C. This is a good time for treatment at the Igalo Institute, there are few vacationers, prices are lower than in summer. They take a minimum of warm clothes with them, at night the thermometer can drop to + 3 ° С. The lack of central heating in Herceg Novi and the weather forecast are connected, it can be cool in villas and apartments.

Погода в Герцег-Нови зимой

Climatic features of the resort in winter:

  • average air temperature during the day is +10°C, at night – +4°C;
  • the water in the sea is cool, +14°С;
  • rainfall – 160 mm;
  • the number of sunny days in a month is 14-18.

The rains start in early January. There is an increase in humidity, the level of the sea and mountain rivers rises.

Spring in Montenegro

Spring on the Adriatic begins early, from the end of February the number of sunny days increases. By the end of March, the volume of precipitation decreases, the weather stabilizes. An increase in air and sea heating occurs from mid-April. But the holiday season in Herceg Novi, according to the weather forecast, begins at the end of May.

Погода в Герцег-Нови весной

Features of the spring climate:

  • during the day the air heats up to 15°С, at night – 8°С;
  • the water is warm, but you can’t swim yet – 16 ° C;
  • precipitation – 80 mm;
  • the number of sunny days increases to 16.

From mid-May, the first tourists appear. This is the right time for independent travel. You can already swim and sunbathe, prices have not yet risen to seasonal ones.

Summer in Herceg Novi

Summer in Montenegro is hot and dry. The tropical climate has an effect – during the day the air is very hot, the amount of precipitation is minimal. The maximum temperature was recorded in August. You need to take hats to the beach, tourists rent umbrellas to protect from sunlight. In the evening, coolness does not come, you can take only summer clothes.

Погода в Герцег-Нови летом

Summer in Montenegro:

  • the air in the shade heats up to + 32 ° C, at night this figure drops to 23 ° C;
  • water in the Adriatic Sea – up to + 22 ° С;
  • precipitation level – 53 mm;
  • the number of sunny days is up to 28 per month.

In summer the weather is stable, the changes are only in the highlands. It is cool here at night, you need to take warm clothes on excursions.

Vacation in autumn

In autumn, weather conditions can be divided into two seasons – until mid-October they swim in the sea, sunbathe. In November, deterioration occurs, it often rains, in the evening it becomes cool in Herceg Novi. The number of sunny days decreases to 15 per month.

Погода в Герцег-Нови осенью

For a resort town, the weather forecast changes every year. Forecasters observe an increase in the average annual temperature, a decrease in precipitation. This trend is increasing.