You can watch, you can’t take pictures: TOP of the most mysterious sights of the world

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Tourists and independent travelers want to leave a memory of their vacation in a resort or in a particular country. The best way is to take photos or a short video. But it doesn’t always work out. The reason is that some sights cannot be photographed or videotaped. These restrictions should be known in advance.

Why not, reasons

The purpose and main function of any world attractions and memorable places is to familiarize tourists with their features, interesting facts. Additionally, they give income to the city, region or country. Travelers are charged an entrance fee, souvenirs are sold. However, some of the interesting places open for free visiting have restrictions – you can’t take pictures of the attraction.

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Reasons for these bans may include the following:

  • Practical. The right to a photo, video or any other type of image belongs to a specific person, organization.
  • Religious. There is limited access to such places (monasteries, churches, temples). By opinion clergy photo and video shooting harm reputation places .
  • Distracting moments. Constant photography distracts from the beauty of the sights, creates discomfort for other tourists.

Such restrictions are described in guidebooks; guides warn about this before buying a sightseeing tour. Do not try to circumvent the ban, in many cases, in addition to the warning, penalties may apply. You will have to pay, and in case of refusal to deal with the police.

Important: in some places of interest photography and video shooting is prohibited only during certain hours or during events. They are allowed to take memorable photos.

Where you cannot take pictures, a list of places

Paradoxically, the ban is the main “magnet” for tourists. There are very few photos of such places on the Web where you can’t take pictures. Therefore, many vacationers tend to visit them in order to understand what the peculiarity of the sights is. In some cases, expectations of something special do not correspond to reality. Therefore, we can consider alternative sources of information – reviews of tourists who have been here before.

Westminster Abbey

Located next to the Houses of Parliament and the famous Big Ben. The official ceremonies of the royal family take place here. The abbey has a long history. During this time, it has grown into a large complex, which takes several hours to inspect. The way out is to sign up for a tour and learn about the most interesting facts.

Вестминстерское аббатство

According to the website of London’s Westminster Abbey, constant photography and video filming destroys the atmosphere of the complex. additionally, tourists are reminded that the ban on taking photos in this attraction is due to the fact that the church is active.

The Eiffel Tower

This symbol of Paris caused conflicting feelings among the locals after the construction. They claimed that it spoils the historic center of the city. However, opinions have changed over time. And now it is impossible to imagine tourists who have visited Paris without photographs of the Eiffel Tower.

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But for night walks around the city, local authorities have introduced restrictions. According to the law of the municipality, you cannot take a photo of the Eiffel Tower at night. The reason is that at this time there is a light show, the image of which is protected by copyright. But the problem is control. Tourists successfully and safely take pictures of the sights. However, their official placement on the Web or in publications without prior approval is prohibited.

Cathedral of the Sacré Coeur

This majestic building is located in Paris and is visible from almost all places in the city center. It is unique in architecture, it combines the style of Byzantine temples, has a classic Catholic tower and bas-relief decorations. Its visit is a must for tourists. But you need to know the time of the service, since this is a functioning temple.

Собор Сакре-Кер

It is for this reason that it is forbidden to take photos inside the Sacré-Coeur Cathedral. The clergy say flashes and characteristic sounds make it difficult for parishioners to focus on prayer. However, there are daredevils who secretly take pictures of the Sacré-Coeur on the phone.


Most museums and exhibition complexes prohibit video and photography of exhibits. This is explained by the likelihood of ruining old paintings or works of art with constant intense streams of light from flashes. But in fact, this is how they protect the rights to display these images.

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In practice, many museums provide an additional service – for a small fee, you can walk around and take pictures of local attractions. This is helps replenish budget organizations , raises tourists ‘ interest .