What to see in Esztergom, Hungary, the history of the city, attractions

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The first capital of Hungary, Esztergom is the concentration of historical and natural attractions of the country. It is located on the south bank of the river. Danube. Over the 1500 years of its existence, many interesting facts and monuments have accumulated. Therefore, tourists should know what to visit in Esztergom , Hungary – sights, cathedrals, churches, museums.

About the history of the city

The first mentions date back to the 9th century. Then the Celts lived in this area. After that there were several peoples – Romans, Magyars and Slavs. The latter gave the current name to the city – Esztergom . Thanks to its convenient location, it has become the commercial and religious center of Hungary.

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Interesting facts about the city:

  • There is a version that here Marcus Aurelius wrote the work of his life – Meditations.
  • The coronation of the first ruler of Hungary, Saint Stephen, took place in this city.
  • In the period 1543-1683 the city belonged to the Ottoman Empire.
  • Here is the largest basilica in Hungary – St. Adalbert .
  • After the explosion of the bridge over the Danube, the crossing was restored only by 2001.

To travel to the sights of Esztergom , you can use the rail or bus service. Budapest is 50 km away, travel time by car is 35-40 minutes. On the bridge of Maria Valeria you can get to the sister city – Shturovo. This is a Slovak settlement.

Basilica of Saint Albert

This is the largest building of its kind in Hungary with its own unique history. The first temple on this site was built at the beginning of the 11th century on the initiative of St. Stephen. However, during the war years, it was repeatedly destroyed – first by the Czechs in the 14th century, and then by the Turks in 1543. on this site in 1856 the Basilica of St. Albert was built – the largest and most popular attraction in Hungary and Esztergom.

Базилика Святого Альберта

The construction took three years. As a result, the height of the building was 70 meters, and the dimensions – 40 * 118 meters. The image above the altar is a separate cultural attraction of Esztergom . It is made from a single piece of canvas, and its dimensions are the largest in the world.

On the territory of the complex, on the left, you can see the Bakotsa Chapel . This building is older than the basilica for 350 years. The chapel is the only surviving building after the Turkish raid. At the expense of the local aristocracy, it was restored, and then was moved closer to the temple.

There is a burial place of almost all Hungarian bishops. It is located under the temple, next to the treasury. The latter contains jewelry and artifacts from the entire period of the existence of the religious complex. The most valuable exhibits are a gothic cup, the coronation cross of Saint Stephen, a crucifix that belonged to Matthias Korvin.

To view the view of the year, it is proposed to climb the dome. In rainy weather it may be closed. Here you can see a panorama of the river. Danube and Slovak bank of the river. Entrance to the territory is free, but this is a functioning temple. Therefore, you need to behave appropriately, dress according to the rules. Entrance to the dome and the treasury is paid.

Royal Arpad Palace

The historical landmark of Esztergom in Hungary was built in the 10th century. The Arpad Royal Palace served several functions – the residence of the ruling dynasty and the fortress. The architectural style of the complex is classical Romanesque. However, in the 15th century it was completely burned down during the war. The final reconstruction was made in 1830. Since then, the palace has become a museum.

Королевский дворец Арпадов

What can be seen in the Árpád Royal Palace Museum :

  • The history of the city for various periods is presented.
  • Examples of the life of citizens of various classes. Tools and tools of peasants, decorations of the nobility.
  • Archaeological finds, when the Hungarians did not yet live on this site.
  • Features of the forced liberation movement.

The buildings of the palace do not have a special beauty, all the elements are concise. However, such severity is well suited for the museum, nothing distracts the attention of visitors.

Archbishop’s Palace

Buildings are an example where the original purpose was changed to please society. The residence of the archbishop appeared in Esztergom in 1882. Until the second half of the 20th century, the archbishops of the country lived here. This landmark of Esztergom is built in neoclassical style. The central entrance is crowned with two towers; there is a plaster molding on the facade.

Дворец архиепископа

Now there is a museum of Christianity and the city library. The latter contains manuscripts of the Middle Ages, modern folios. Tourists and independent travelers can visit the library.

The Museum of Christianity displays various religious relics. The theme of the exposition will be interesting for excursions on a religious theme. In addition, here you can see many artifacts of the Middle Ages.

Church of St. Anne

It is located near the railway station of the city. This is a Catholic church built in honor of St. Anne ( Szent Anna Plebaniatemplom ). It became a landmark of Esztergom in Hungary in the 19th century. Outwardly, it resembles the famous Roman pantheon. There is a small but beautiful park around the building.

Церковь Святой Анны

Next to it is the Vizivaros church . This building is over 200 years old, as evidenced by its architecture. The central entrance is decorated with columns and two towers. The color of the facade is white, there is a small bell tower at the top. Entrance to these attractions is free, religious services are not held here.

Aquasziget water park Esztergom

The city has the largest water park – Aquasziget Esztergom . There are water slides, several types of pools. Separate entertainment for children – playrooms, playgrounds. A feature of the entertainment complex is the combination of traditional types of water entertainment with spa treatments and mineral and thermal springs.

The water park is open all year round, tickets for children and pensioners are served at a reduced price. The entrance fee is 3200 forints. There is a medical service on the territory, there are instructors.

Городской аквапарк

For lovers of hot rest, several saunas and baths have been built. After the steam room, you can plunge into a mineral or thermal spring. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to order a therapeutic massage, you can use mud.

For accommodation, you can choose a room in a hotel or a hotel. There are hostels in the city, private apartments for rent. Catering is simple, you can choose any cafe or restaurant serving traditional Hungarian cuisine.