About the climate in the emirate Dubai, UAE, a review of weather conditions

Климатические особенности Дубая

The United Arab Emirates is a popular country for beach and outdoor activities. However, due to the location on the world map, special climatic conditions are formed here. Before going on vacation to the UAE, you need to find out what the climate is in Dubai – temperature and humidity by months. This affects the ability to take walks, organize independent trips around the country.

Climatic features of the country

Dubai is located on the coast of the Persian Gulf and is bordered by a large desert. This created the conditions for the formation of a tropical and subtropical climate. But the lack of vegetation, uneven rainfall make weather conditions dependent on the time of year. The country has a pronounced seasonal Arabic climate, in Dubai it is very hot in summer, high humidity.

Климатические особенности Дубая

What you need to know about the weather in the Emirates:

  • High temperatures in summer, early autumn and late spring. Stay outdoors for a short time, otherwise you can get sunstroke.
  • Small amount of precipitation, most of the rain falls in the summer.
  • The minimum temperature in winter is +5°C, the maximum in summer is up to +50°C.
  • On the coast of Dubai, the climate is milder. The reason is the proximity of the sea. It reduces the effect of thermal fronts on temperature and humidity.

The climatic feature of the UAE lies in the proximity of the borders of the Topic of Cancer. This influence is partially offset by the mountain range that runs along the coast. However, dust storms often occur because of it. In summer, an area of low pressure forms over Dubai , as a result, a strong wind blows from the desert, which carries dust.

Important: before planning a trip, it is recommended to check the weather forecast for the UAE. This will help you choose a wardrobe for relaxation, plan excursions or independent trips around the country

Climate by season

For a good rest, you need to know the features of Dubai – the climate by months, temperature, humidity, duration for certain times of the year. Most often, tourists come to the UAE at the beginning of winter. Weather in the UAE in December is the mildest. An additional plus is the season of discounts and sales. This makes it possible to combine a beach holiday and shopping.


In fact, the summer period begins in May. At this time, the air temperature rises to + 43 ° C, there is practically no precipitation. Due to the proximity of the Persian Gulf, the climate in Dubai is humid. This figure rises to 80% during the day. In the evening it becomes easier, you can plan a short walk, swimming in the sea.

Температура воздуха в ОАЭ

Climatic features of Dubai in summer by months:

  • June. The air heats up relatively quickly. But tourists have time to go to the beach until 10-11 am. There is no precipitation, the humidity rises gradually.
  • July. Air heating during the day is much higher. The water temperature in the Persian Gulf reaches +30°C.
  • August. The most unfavorable month for tourism. during the day it is impossible to be outside for more than 20-30 minutes.

The advantage of holidays in the UAE in the summer is low prices for accommodation, food, entertainment. However, some entertainment complexes may be closed. For Dubai’s climate in the summer, the lack of rain is normal.


The weather in the UAE in early autumn is almost no different from summer. Extreme heat persists in September due to the climate and geography of Dubai. It remains until mid-October. Then comes the decrease in air and sea temperatures. The increase in tourist flow begins from the end of November. For a relaxing and comfortable beach holiday, it is recommended to come to the UAE in mid-November.

Температура ночью в Дубае

Dubai weather conditions in autumn by months:

  • September. The degree of heating of the air remains high, humidity is maintained. There is no precipitation, or very little of it. Sandstorms are relatively common.
  • October. There is a slight decrease in temperature, but this does not occur to comfortable values.
  • November. The best time to start your holiday in the UAE. You can already stay on the street, the beach for a long time, plan hiking. The air temperature during the day is + 32-35 ° C, the humidity drops significantly. The water in the sea warms up to +25°С.

In autumn, in Dubai, due to climatic features, it is already possible to fully relax during the day. Terraces of restaurants and cafes open, you can visit parks and outdoor entertainment complexes during the day.


The comfort of a holiday in Dubai in winter is due to the dry climate. At this time of the year, the air temperature drops to comfortable values. In December, you can spend the whole day on the beach, stroll along the city’s embankment, visit shopping centers and markets. The air temperature does not exceed +30°С. At night it drops to +20°С. Therefore, for night walks it is recommended to take warm clothes.

Нагрев воды в Персидском заливе

In December, the weather in Dubai is close to optimal. There are occasional showers, but they pass quickly. Humidity is decreasing, which makes it possible to plan long walks around the city.

In January and February, air heating is minimal. If you plan to travel to the desert to the Bedouin camp, it is recommended to take warm clothes. It can get chilly here at night. At the same time, the season of discounts starts. Many shops and shopping centers organize sales. This is the best time for shopping in the UAE.


The first half of spring in terms of climate in Dubai is similar to winter, the air starts to heat up faster. Everything is also comfortable to relax on the beach, travel. However, at this time, most of the hotels and entertainment complexes are closed for repairs and maintenance. There are few offers for tours in the UAE.

Песчаная буря в Дубае

It is recommended to plan a trip to Dubai in early May. Climatic conditions are still comfortable for active and beach recreation. The disadvantage is that there are few offers for sightseeing tours, group and individual.

Travel Tips

After analyzing the climate of Dubai by months, we can conclude that the best time to relax in the country is the beginning of winter. Under the early booking program, hotels provide good prices, accommodation and food. At this time, you can organize an independent trip around the UAE, book an excursion.

What is recommended for tourists to take on vacation in the Emirates:

  • Warm clothing. It is needed for trips and overnight stays in the desert, for a nightly beach holiday.
  • Protective headgear. Despite the relatively low temperature during the day, winter in Dubai is almost calm.
  • Beach accessories – goggles, safety shoes. The latter is needed during the day, when the surface of the sand is very hot.

The comfort of a holiday in Dubai depends on the current climatic conditions. For a comfortable vacation, it is recommended to choose the beginning of winter or the end of autumn. If this is problematic, you can go to the UAE in March.