Montenegrin cream recipe: ingredients, preparation, usefulness of the product

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The use of sour milk and cheese products in the national dishes of Montenegro gives the country’s cuisine originality. No special products or conditions are required for cooking. An example is Montenegrin cream, which is served in all resorts in the country. You can make it yourself at home.

Ingredients for the dish

The basis for making cream is milk. Usually a cow is taken, but it can be replaced by a goat’s or a sheep’s. Milk should not be pasteurized, kitchen utensils are used for the traditional recipe. It is desirable to make Montenegrin cream on a sunny day, so you can achieve the formation of natural cream.

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Ingredients for cream cheese from Montenegro:

  • fresh milk – 3 liters;
  • salt to taste;
  • spices;
  • finely grated fruit.

For cooking take a metal pan. According to the original recipe, the milk should be in the sun before the formation of cream on the surface. At home, this can be achieved by boiling and cooling the finished composition in the refrigerator.

Montenegrin cream is decomposed in a closed container. If this is not done, it may become crusty and mold may appear. Term of storage of a national dish – 2 days. Because of this, it is not taken as a souvenir from Montenegro.

Two ways of cooking

The traditional method of cooking a dairy dish is long. It can be used in rural areas, where the composition can be in the sun for a long time. At home, you can limit yourself to a quick recipe. This requires a stove, gas or electric and a household refrigerator.

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Recipe for Montenegrin cream.

  1. Fresh milk is poured into flat wooden bowls and left under the influence of sunlight.
  2. The top layer becomes thick and turns into cream.
  3. The milk is cooled, the cream is transferred to storage containers.
  4. Cream cheese should be infused for 2-3 days.

Milk can be reused, but it should not be bitter. Otherwise the fermented milk fermentation will spoil the product. Salt is added to taste, the finished composition is stored in a dark and cool place.

The second recipe for Montenegrin cream is more complicated. The milk is poured into large wooden containers and heated to a temperature of 50-60 ° C. It is constantly stirred until a clot forms. The semi-finished product is pulled out of the container, water is squeezed out. The resulting product is placed in a colander to remove excess liquid.

The following ingredients can be added to the Montenegrin cream before the final cooking:

  • chopped olives;
  • herbs;
  • spices.

Prices for cream cheese from Montenegro – for 250 gr. the bank needs to pay 1.5 Euros. In the center of the country, not on the Adriatic coast, the cost of the delicacy is lower.

Where used

This fermented milk product has a fat content of up to 80%. Therefore, it should not be consumed in large quantities. It is used as an additive to soups, meat dishes of the national cuisine of Montenegro. The advantage is the presence of vitamins A, B, H, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, potassium.

Montenegrin cream is good for people whose bodies do not absorb ordinary fats. It is suitable for pregnant women and people with digestive problems.