Несколько интересных фактов о Черногории: история, туризм, блюда

История Черногории

Many articles and blogs have been written about Montenegro. But entertaining information and nuances remain outside the scope of the authors. When planning a vacation in the resorts of Montenegro , a tourist strives to find out really useful information. What is interesting and unique about Montenegro – a description of the country will help to understand its pros and cons for a vacation.

We will analyze the history, select the most interesting facts about Montenegro, and advise what you can try from the national cuisine. Tips for travelers, recommendations for staying will be useful.


The present is the fruit of the past. Therefore, each description of the country begins with a brief historical background. The Balkan Peninsula, where the state is located, has always been a restless place due to the contact of European and Eastern cultures. This was the reason for the original character of the Montenegrins, their traditions and beliefs.

An important role in shaping the character of local residents was played by the location on the map of Europe. The mountainous terrain and harsh living conditions developed a special spirit in Montenegrins, formed peculiar traditions that still live.

Virgini ” tradition is an interesting national fact about Montenegro. If there is no boy in the family, the youngest daughter begins to fulfill his role. She looks like a boy and behaves the same way. Such people are still found today.

История Черногории

Briefly about the historical stages:

  • The first mention of the settlements of Slavic tribes on the territory of the Balkan Peninsula dates back to the middle of the 6th century.
  • Being under the rule of Byzantium, the first state was formed – Duklansky .
  • In the 11th-13th centuries, a large trading port of Kotor developed . The same time is considered the dawn of the Nemanjić state .
  • Starting from the 15th century and up to the middle of the 19th century, the lands of Montenegro were under the rule of Turkey. At this time, the liberation movement did not stop, the Russian Empire provided all possible assistance.
  • In 1918, Montenegro officially joins Yugoslavia. In this composition, it lasted until the fifties of the 20th century.
  • Official independence was declared in 2006 as a result of a referendum.
  • The capital of the country is the city of Podgorica .

This information does not give a complete picture of the originality and love of freedom for which Montenegro and its inhabitants are famous. The description of the country in many textbooks does not affect the peculiarities of the national liberation movement and the unique mixture of Western and Eastern cultures.

The application for joining the European Union was filed back in 2008. However, this process does not move beyond consideration. But the resorts are popular among European tourists.

What tourists need to know

Preparing for a vacation is the most important part of a trip. You need to properly pack your luggage, plan excursion programs in advance and visit sights on your own. However, behind these troubles, important things are often missed – the features of staying in Montenegro.

Отели в Герцег-Нови

Travel Tips:

  • Visa is not needed. An exception is a stay on its territory for more than 60 days.
  • Accommodation. Most of the offer for tours – accommodation in villas or apartments, without service All inclusive . This is one of the nuances that Montenegro has – the description of the country does not often indicate this fact.
  • Nutrition. Away from tourist areas. For example, food prices in shops on the outskirts of the resort will be 30-50% less than in tourist areas.
  • The cost of renting a sunbed is 10-40 euros. If you leave it for a while, the sunbed will be considered free. Therefore, you need to put a towel or other thing on it.
  • Excursions are recommended to be booked in agencies at the place of residence. You can also ask the leader of the tourist group about the options.
  • Buying a package tour is always cheaper than an independent trip to Montenegro.

The latter is verified by simple calculations – the cost of air travel, transfer and accommodation. An exception is a long independent trip around Montenegro.

Interesting: the official state language is Montenegrin, which, according to philologists, is very artistic. But most of the locals, and almost all people employed in the service sector, speak English. Also, part of the population understands Russian.

Beaches in Montenegro

Holidays in resorts are staying on the beach, swimming in the sea, excursions to sights. A trip to the Adriatic coast begins with the purchase of beach shoes. Interesting facts about Montenegro – the beaches in the country are pebbly, there are few sandy ones. The latter are created artificially.

You can find a sand cover in Bar or Herceg Novi. There is a mixture of sand and small pebbles. But this is a rarity for Montenegro. Therefore, sun loungers are rented on the beaches for a comfortable tan.

National dishes

Dishes of national cuisine will give a special flavor to the rest. This is one of the characteristic features. a description of the country would be incomplete without an overview of the best cuisine in the Balkans, which is an interesting fact about Montenegro. Portion volumes and their quality differ significantly for the better from those generally accepted in Europe.

Блюда Черногории

The best dishes of national Montenegrin cuisine:

  • Negushsky prshut . It is considered the hallmark of the country. It is raw smoked pork ham with spices. Cooking recipes differ slightly from each other. The average price for prosciutto is 15 euros. It is recommended to buy as a souvenir in a vacuum package.
  • Chevapi . These are sausages made from minced pork. Grilled with spices and herbs. Good food for recuperation.
  • Lamb from under the sacha. The dish is made in a cast-iron pot, which is placed in hot coals.
  • Fishing chobra . This is fish soup or fish soup with hot spices. For cooking use from three to ten types of fish.

Local cuisine is the main attraction of Montenegro. Its description in the country can take a long time. The best option is to go yourself and try each dish.

Reviews of tourists

We rested in Montenegro in 2018 and noticed one interesting fact – women have much more rights in the country than in Russia. Maybe this is a tradition, but the wife always gives advice to her husband, even orders. This is noticeable in small cafes and restaurants.


During the trip, we noticed one interesting fact about Montenegro – the inscriptions are made in Cyrillic and Latin. At the same time, there is no confusion at customs, the menu is duplicated. I liked the attitude towards vacationers, national cuisine and sights.


Montenegro has very winding and dangerous roads, so we observed an interesting phenomenon – the profession of a driver is honorable and highly paid here. Professionalism is immediately visible – at high speed, the mountain serpentine flies quickly.
