Traditional dishes of Crete, Greece


Crete is the second largest island in Europe. Common traditions and culture have been formed here, which may differ for each region. Food occupies a special place in the life of local residents. Traditional Cretan dishes consist of greens, meat, cheese and, of course, olive oil. Some snacks can refresh a tourist or an independent traveler, but most of the island’s food is a celebration of taste and volume.

Cretan cheeses

Cheese remains one of the main ingredients of Cretan dishes. Most varieties are obtained from goat’s milk. Independent cheese making is developed in the mountainous regions of the island. In tourist areas, you can buy only factory-made products, which taste very different from traditional ones. If you have a desire to try the real cheese food of Crete, it is recommended to go on an excursion to the highlands.

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Types of Cretan cheese:

  • Gravier. This is one type of hard cheese. Differs in appearance and taste. Bright yellow color, slightly sweet taste. The manufacturing methods are traditional, often local herbs are added to the composition. For cooking, goat’s milk can be mixed with sheep’s. Formation time – up to 6 months.
  • Myzithru. This type of cheese was made in Crete in the Hellenistic era. The basis of the dish is whey. There are types of instant cooking when the cheese mass remains moist and unsalted. But for long-term storage, it is recommended to take dried varieties.
  • Antorinus. Refers to soft types. The basis of the dish in Crete is whey, a mixture of sheep and goat milk. Feature – a lot of grass is added to the final product. This food pairs well with meat dishes in Crete.

Cheese is often used as an ingredient in the preparation of traditional dishes. It can be applied to baking, complex meat dishes. Another interesting tradition is the cheese plate paired with local wine. According to tourists, this is a good option to spend an evening without being oversaturated with local products. This can be done during an excursion to Hersonissos.

Important: for each type of cheese there is a period and method of storage. This should be taken into account if a traditional Cretan dish is carried as a souvenir.

Wild green

In the Greek culinary tradition, it is customary to use a large amount of wild greens. This gives the food in Crete a special taste, increases appetite. It is used for meat plates, in traditional pies, salads. In the latter, olive oil is necessarily used. This is a good type of Cretan snack when you don’t feel like overeating.

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Types of herbs used in the national cuisine of Crete:

  • Stamnagati. It is a wild plant with a slightly bitter taste. Included in most salads. This herb is rich in nutrients and minerals.
  • Glistrid, anthracla. Often found in the wild, but many farms have begun to grow this type of herb. Useful properties – many trace elements, prevents the formation of cholesterol.
  • Traditional herbs – parsley, dill.

Up to 200 types of wild and domestic herbs can be found in Cretan dishes. To prepare some of them, it is necessary to follow the process – cleaning, soaking. This gives food in Crete a special, unique taste. Therefore, for the first acquaintance with the cuisine of the island, it is recommended to choose a small tavern or a restaurant with its own cuisine.

Important: self-collection of some herbs is prohibited on the island. To buy greens, it is recommended to visit one of the local farmers’ markets.

Overview of national dishes

The national cuisine of Crete is different in each region of the island. The coast is dominated by fish dishes using seafood. On the plains and in the mountains they prefer meat food with lots of greens and cheese. This makes Cretan cuisine diverse in terms of gastronomic preferences. For orientation, you can explore the most popular dishes in Crete, find out their features.

The cost of food depends on the region of residence. Coastal resorts have the highest prices. This applies to cafes and restaurants. However, in the mountainous part of the island, you can try the national cuisine of Crete at relatively affordable prices.


This is a type of soup that is made with small fish. Initially, it was prepared by fishermen, and they used only small fish that were not suitable for sale. The peculiarity of this food of Crete is its density. There is very little water in kakavya, fish and greenery predominate. This is a popular lunch dish, well interrupts hunger.


Features of cooking and serving kakavya:

  • Used small fish. After cleaning, it is recommended to pour it with lemon juice.
  • Olive oil, large tomatoes, celery, onions are added to the soup.
  • The average cooking time is 1.5 hours.
  • Additionally, you can put shrimp.

Before serving, it is usually seasoned with lemon juice. This will enhance the flavor of the traditional Cretan dish, making it even richer. In kakavya you can put black bread, a little cheese. Served hot.


No breakfast in Crete is complete without this Greek pie. Its peculiarity is that spinach and cheese are located between thin layers of text. The last one should be feta or cheese. Do not add feta cheese to food. This will spoil the dish, make it too bland. In spanakopita, the spinach is pre-processed. The food of Crete without this procedure will be too tough.


The procedure for preparing spanakopita according to traditional Cretan recipes.

  1. Spinach is boiled in boiling water 23 times until soft.
  2. Finely chop the greens.
  3. Divide filo dough into 2 equal parts. It is recommended to cover with towels as it dries quickly.
  4. One part of the dough is placed on a baking sheet, greens and spinach are placed on top, the rest is covered with the rest of the dough.

Spanakopita preparation time is 35-40 minutes. Usually this Cretan dish is served hot, but you can leave the pie cold. This is a convenient food for hiking or beach holidays. The cake retains its taste and softness for a long time.


This is a simple appetizer related to the traditional cuisine of Crete. For a long time, white bread was a rarity on the island, replaced by a mixture of pieces of biscuits made from barley. Additionally, greens, cheese, olive oil are added to improve the taste. This food can be tasted in almost all taverns of the coastal regions. This is a good appetizer that is added to meat dishes or made from seafood.


Features of cooking dakos:

  • Prepare crackers. They should be fried 2 times.
  • You can add tomatoes, soft cheese to the mixture.
  • Cut the crackers into small pieces, mix the ingredients.
  • Top with olive oil.

The advantage of this Cretan dish is its long shelf life. You can refill it before use. Until then, dakos can be stored in a dark and dry place for up to 7 days. Before serving, it is recommended to soften the crackers with water.


This is a traditional meat dish of Crete, the basis for which is lamb. Previously, kleftiko was made in raw clay, which was fired in a cauldron or kiln. Now clay pots are used for this. If they are not available, the meat can be wrapped in foil. The peculiarity of this Cretan food is its high calorie content. For cooking, many dried herbs are used – rosemary, thyme, basil. Lamb must be prepared, soaked in white wine.


How to cook kleftiko at home, steps.

  1. Lamb must be cut into small pieces. Put half a garlic in each.
  2. Add spices, white wine. The mixture should marinate for 1 hour.
  3. Peel the potatoes, cut them into thin slices, but do not cut all the way through.
  4. Cut carrots, onions. Sprinkle all this with spices, pour olive oil.
  5. Bake meat and vegetables at +180°C for 1 hour.

Once cooked, this Cretan dish is served in clay pots. If they are not available, you can arrange the products on ordinary plates. It is important that the food is hot. It is traditionally served with white wine.


It is also a traditional meat meal in Crete. It is a casserole, which includes meat (lamb, pork, beef) and vegetables (eggplant, tomatoes, zucchini). The meat is pre-crushed, minced meat is formed. Herbs and spices are added to it. It is not necessary to marinate the composition; this dish in Crete is prepared relatively quickly.


Features of the preparation of moussak:

  • The main ingredient is eggplant. For 1 kg of this product there are 500 grams of minced meat.
  • Potatoes – 800 grams.
  • All products are cut, minced meat is formed.
  • It is fried over low heat.
  • On the dish, the products are stacked in layers.
  • It is cooked in the oven at a temperature of +150 degrees for 50-60 minutes.

Moussaka is often served on the lunch menu. This is a hearty dish in Crete, allowing you to recuperate after an active holiday. In some regions, several varieties of cheese are added to enhance the taste.