Information about alcohol in the emirate of Abu Dhabi, the capital of the UAE

Алкоголь в эмирате Абу-Даби

One of the popular tourist myths is the ban on drinking alcohol in Abu Dhabi and other emirates of the UAE. This is partly true, but it all depends on the holiday resort. In the capital of the United Arab Emirates, it is not forbidden to buy and drink alcohol. The main thing is to follow the rules and not violate local laws. You need to find out more about the last vacationers before buying a tour.

UAE Alcohol Laws

Going on vacation to the United Arab Emirates, tourists buy alcohol for future use. They do it in the duty-free of international airports, at home. But this is not necessary, it is possible to purchase alcohol legally in Abu Dhabi. This can be done in special stores, supermarkets, shopping centers. A separate category is orders in bars and restaurants.

Алкоголь в эмирате Абу-Даби

However, the attitude towards alcohol in the UAE is different in each emirate. Each region of the UAE has its own laws and regulations. They regulate the use, norms of import and export. In some resorts, these restrictions are strict. But only Sharjah remains the only alcohol-free emirate. In other regions, there are no such bans, including Dubai, Fujairah and Ras al-Khaimah.

What you need to know about alcohol on vacation in the UAE:

  • You can buy only in licensed stores. Trading is allowed only after obtaining a license.
  • You can not appear drunk in public places. This is especially true for immigrants. A tourist can be forgiven for the first time; with cultural behavior, even ordering a taxi is allowed.
  • The amount of imported and exported alcohol is regulated by the rules of the emirate. But in fact, this is only checked upon arrival or departure at an international airport. When trains between regions, there is no control at the borders.

Particularly strict rules apply during Muslim holidays. Part of the alcohol stores in Abu Dhabi may be closed. There may be restrictions on ordering in restaurants and bars. Therefore, you need to know about it in advance.

Tip: the cost of alcohol in the shops of the emirate may differ by 5-10%. It is not always possible to buy elite alcohol in alcohol stores.

Where can you buy alcohol in Abu Dhabi

First, in the United Arab Emirates, you cannot order alcohol online. The only way to buy is a trip to the store. You can find out where you can buy alcohol in Abu Dhabi from local taxi drivers or on the interactive map of Yandex or Google search engines. It also contains current reviews of supermarkets. In most shopping centers, you can only pay for your purchase in cash in the local currency – dirhams. They rarely accept credit cards.

Алкогольные магазины Абу-Даби

List of shops where you can buy alcohol in Abu Dhabi, opening hours, addresses:

  • This is a network of food supermarkets, there are 7 representative offices in the city. But alcohol is sold only in one, at Hamdan Street, al mulla building. It is open from 9:00 to 23:00. Prices are average, lots of alcoholic drinks.
  • High Spirits. On the territory of the resort there are 6 representative offices of this network. Most of it is located in the tourist area and the business center. 2 stores operate on the outskirts of the UAE capital. The most popular is located in the building of the Etihad Plaza hotel.
  • Cheers Intercontinental Shop. Reviews of tourists about this sales office are positive, there are many brands of alcohol, relatively low prices. Here you can buy beer, vodka, brandy, strong alcoholic drinks. The store is located next to the InterContinental Hotel Tennis Courts.
  • Gray McKenzie. A relatively large chain of alcohol stores in Abu Dhabi, there are 4 supermarkets. Reviews often indicate good prices, convenient location. you can buy beer or expensive spirits.

The sale of alcohol in Abu Dhabi is only allowed to persons over the age of 21. The seller has the right to refuse to purchase a buyer without an identity card – a driver’s license, a passport. It is not recommended to visit alcohol markets while intoxicated. This can cause a conflict, calling the police.

Important: you can find out where to buy alcohol in Abu Dhabi from the hotel or hotel administrators. Often there is a shop on the territory of these complexes, you can buy alcohol in a bar, restaurant.

Norms of import and export of alcohol

Before traveling to the UAE, it is necessary to study the customs regulations of the country. The rules for the import of alcohol in Abu Dhabi do not differ much from other emirates. Alcohol can be bought at the duty free of the local international airport upon arrival. Prices in stores are slightly lower than in Russia. But this does not apply to all products. So, beer in duty-free is more expensive. This drink can be purchased at local stores.

Нормы ввоза алкоголя в ОАЭ

Norms for the import of alcohol into the capital for 1 person:

  • 4 liters of spirits.
  • It is allowed to import in glass or plastic containers.
  • Bottles must be closed, with excise stamps or other means of protection.
  • Bottles in luggage and personal belongings that passengers took with them on the plane are taken into account.
  • The fortress is not regulated.

The export of alcohol is also regulated. The maximum volume remains the same – 4 liters. But this is not controlled while crossing the borders of the emirate. In Sharjah, you can spend no more than two liters of alcohol, in Dubai and Ajman – up to 4.

Important: you will not be allowed on the plane with hand luggage with glass bottles. They need to be checked in.

Travel Tips

The first rule is to try to drink alcohol in Abu Dhabi only in hotels, restaurants and bars. It is not allowed to appear in a state of intoxication in public places. You can be fined for this. This is especially true for relaxing on the beach, where drinking is condemned and punishable by law. There are no signs prohibiting drinking in public places in the country. This is the norm for the locals.

Туристы в ОАЭ и алкоголь

Independent travelers, before traveling by car, should not drink alcohol. Even the minimum content of alcohol in the blood is not allowed. You can do this in nightclubs, but you must follow the rules of conduct.

Carrying alcohol in Abu Dhabi is recommended only in closed bags. Labels should not be visible. Do not ride public transport or taxis while intoxicated. There are many places for entertainment in the UAE, a good beach holiday. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of alcohol to a minimum in order to spend your holiday as comfortably and well as possible.