Airports in Russia: infrastructure, rules of conduct, services

Air travel is a convenient way to travel between cities and countries. To board a plane, you must select airports in Russia. The largest airlines operate in each, you can order air tickets, find out the flight schedule. The country has a network of 86 international airports and many regional ones.

Название аэропортаГородКод IATA
Анадырь “Угольный”, им. Юрия РытхэуАнадырьDYR
Анапа ВитязевоАнапаAAQ
Апатиты, ХибиныАпатитыKVK
Талаги, им Ф. А. Абрамова АрхангельскARH
Астрахань, НариманАстраханьASF
Благовещенск, ИгнатьевоБлаговещенскBQA
Великий УстюгВеликий УстюгVUS

General information

Any airport in Russia is a complex structure with modern infrastructure. For a passenger, you need to know the basic elements – terminals, baggage claim points, passing through passport and customs control, access to the gangway for boarding the plane. In addition, there is a security service, baggage distribution, air traffic controllers, and auxiliary structures.

Аэропорты на карте России

What passengers need to know about the airport:

  • Location. Most are located outside the city, but no further than 50 km from the ring road.
  • Number (code) IATA. Assigned to a specific airport in Russia, has a three-digit designation. Convenient identifier for searching by name.
  • Number of terminals – 1-5 pcs. Designed to distribute the passenger flow. For each, a flight schedule is compiled, which can be found on the official website.
  • Auxiliary infrastructure for passengers – hotel waiting rooms, restaurants, bars, baggage packing and weighing.

Each such object has a complex infrastructure. The passenger needs to know his location, the rules of stay, check-in, behavior inside the terminals. This will help to simplify boarding the flight, to issue all permits on time.

Important: if you have any questions, please contact the Help Desk. Consultants will provide any information related to the operation of the airport.

Behavior rules

First, being drunk on the territory of the terminals is prohibited. This will be the reason for the withdrawal of the passenger from the airport building. The basis for the passage of services (passport and border control) is an air ticket. You can buy it in advance or at one of the ticket offices of a convenient airline. Whether you need to print your ticket depends on the airline’s boarding requirements.

Правила поведения в аэропортах

Basic rules of conduct at Russian airports:

  • Arrive at the flight 3-4 hours before departure. So you can safely check in your luggage, go through passport and customs control.
  • Make registration.
  • The size and weight of hand luggage is 10-15 kg depending on the class.
  • The weight of checked baggage is up to 23 kg per person.
  • It is forbidden to take on board piercing and cutting objects, liquids with a volume of more than 100 ml, flammable and explosive substances.
  • To check-in for a flight, you can fill out an online form or place it at a special counter. It is done 3-4 hours before departure.

Passage of customs control at Russian airports is carried out according to the current rules. We study the list of items prohibited for transportation, find out the maximum amount of cash for export from the country.

Advice: for the safety of luggage before checking it in, it is recommended to pack it in a stretch film. A similar service is provided at all airports in the Russian Federation, the cost is 50-100 rubles. for 1 suitcase.

Paid and free services

Each airport has a mother and child room, which is free to visit. Here you can swaddle the baby, feed him. Additionally, there is a playroom, which has toys and entertainment for young tourists. The medical center will provide first aid free of charge. On the territory of airports in Russia there are points for charging mobile devices and gadgets. Free Internet is provided.

Платные и бесплатные услуги

Paid services:

  • Luggage packing.
  • Fasttrack. For a fee, a terminal employee will guide a tourist or an independent traveler through the baggage inspection area, check-in, and customs control. Convenient service for late passengers.
  • Luggage storage. The cost depends on the amount of luggage.
  • Showers.
  • Business class lounges with improved comfort.
  • Hotels, restaurants, cafes and bars.

You can get acquainted with the full list of paid and free services on the official website. Phone consultation is possible. To do this, a list has been formed, which contains the address, method of travel, location map.